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Eco-Schools Edward Cowley House keeping Flexible cause

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-Schools Edward Cowley House keeping Flexible cause"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco-Schools Edward Cowley House keeping Flexible cause
Image Content Header Eco-Schools Consectetur met adipiscing elit. Aenean ac elit a felis pharetra Met adipiscing. Nam tincidunt enim sit Amet Gravida nunc vel Fringilla elit. Consequat met adipiscing elit. Edward Cowley House keeping Flexible cause Lot to get through Ask questions Introduction our team

2 The largest educational programme in the world!
19 million 51, ,230 Eco-School students around the globe Registered Eco-Schools globally Countries running Eco-Schools Registered Eco-Schools in England This data is accurate as of Sept 2017 Part of a huge growing programme


4 What is Eco-Schools? A framework for schools to deliver sustainable change An award programme which rewards schools’ hard work Led by children A whole school programme

5 Eco-Schools Aims To help schools become more sustainable in their operations To help teachers deliver education for sustainability To help children develop the knowledge, skills and values that will take us from where we are now to where we need to be

6 Hyperlink to FEE website (clip more suitable for Primary)

7 Activity one Working in pairs review each other‘s Green Flag Evidence and have a discussion as to how you each have done things, then come up with some suggestions/ideas to share with the rest of the group. Feedback This data is accurate as of Sept 2017

8 Changes Changes to the Eco-Schools Awards and Green Flag
Bronze Award: Eco-Committee, Environmental Review and Action Plan only Silver Award: Eco-Committee, Environmental Review, Action Plan, Links to Curriculum, Monitoring and Evaluation Green Flag Award: All of the above with an Eco-Code which embraces the schools topic work   New, shorter and easier online Green Flag Application 3 topics for 1st Green Flag and then only ever 5 topics for all subsequent Green Flags, changing two topics for each renewal We will never ask a school to work on more than 5 topics at one time and Energy is no longer compulsory. DECs are no longer required as part of the Green Flag application process Green Procurement Policies are no longer required as part of the application process This data is accurate as of Sept 2017

9 STEP 1: Eco-Committee STEP 2: Environmental Review STEP 3: Action Plan Self assessed on line
Once you have made some progress on your Eco-Schools journey and told the rest of your school about your good work, you will be ready to apply for the Eco-Schools Bronze Award. On average schools take between 3 – 6 months to move from registration to Bronze as this first stage is about setting the foundations to becoming a fully fledged Eco-School. This is self-assessed online and focuses on the activities you are undertaking. If you feel you have met the criteria listed below, celebrate and login to your account to complete the free self-assessment! STEP 1: Your Eco-Committee Pupils volunteer and are then nominated by their peers to be on the Eco-Committee. This includes all KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 year groups in the school. Nurseries, colleges and specialist schools can adapt their Eco-Committee to suit their setting. NB. It is not necessary to re-elect the pupils on the Eco-Committee every academic year, allow pupils to remain on the Eco-Committee if they wish, so they are able to see the impacts of their actions. Pupils are given the opportunity to invite along non-teaching staff to join their meetings to help them with a particular topic they have chosen to work on. There is a representation from the parents or governing body on your Eco-Committee. The committee meets at least once every half term. Pupils share responsibility with adults for running meetings and keeping a record of the meetings. Minutes are displayed on your Eco-Board. Reports of your Eco-Committee meetings are made available to the Board of Governors and PTA. Pupil representatives ensure that there is communication to and from the Eco-Committee to the rest of the school. STEP 2: Your Environmental Review An informal Environmental Review covering all nine topics is carried out by pupils (with adult supervision). A copy of your Environmental Review must be displayed on your Eco-Board and communicated with the whole school along with detailed plans for activities for improvement. It is compulsory for the Green Flag award that your Environmental Review be updated every two years to coincide with your renewal application, however can be carried out every year as best practice. STEP 3: Your Action Plan For one Eco-Schools Topic only Your Eco-Committee produces an Action Plan influenced by their Environmental Review. Pupils on the Eco-Committee take responsibility for leading the actions. The Action Plan contains timescales, who is responsible and how targets will be monitored and evaluated. The Eco-Committee has shared the Action Plan with the whole of the school. A copy of the Action Plan is displayed on your Eco-Board. Applying for your award The Bronze Award is self-assessed Complete your assessment by logging into our assessment site

10 Work on 1 Eco-Schools topic STEP 4: Monitor & Evaluate STEP 5: Inform & Involve STEP 6: Link to Curriculum Self assessed on line After achieving their Bronze Award, your Eco-Committee will be eager to progress towards the Silver Award, on average this will take around 6 months. The Silver Award is self-assessed online and focuses on the activities you are undertaking on the one Eco-Schools topic you have chosen. If you feel you have met the criteria listed below, please login to your account to complete the free self-assessment. STEP 4: Monitoring action and evaluating progress Your Eco-Committee monitors the effectiveness of their Eco-Schools work: via data collection or before and after photographs etc. This evidence is communicated to the whole school and on display on your Eco-Board. Some monitoring data has been effectively used in curriculum work for example creating graphs and charts on energy and water usage to be used in maths lessons (this also supports Step 6). Evidence and data collected has been analysed and evaluated to help pupils develop further actions. STEP 5: Involving your whole school and wider community Your school has a prominent and designated Eco-Board detailing all Eco-Schools activities, including a copy of your Environmental Review, Action Plan, minutes, before and after photographs and photographs of Eco-Committee members (or list of student names if photos not possible) Your Eco-Board should be kept up to date. Your Eco-Committee could use a variety of mediums to help communicate their actions; newsletters, school website, the school’s Twitter account – be inventive! The wider community is involved in activities going on in and around the school, for example parents, carers, local businesses, environmental organisations, local churches and residential groups and homes. STEP 6: Linking to the curriculum Environmental issues have been covered in at least three areas of the curriculum by most year groups; this is clearly evident in schemes of work and lesson plans. Remember to maintain the excellent progress you made during Steps 1, 2 & 3 also! The Silver Award is self-assessed. Complete your assessment by logging into our assessment site.

11 Work on 3 or 5 Eco-Schools topics STEP 7: Eco-Code On line application & Green Flag Assessor visit to school To progress from your Silver Award to Green Flag Status there are two key areas which your Eco-Committee will need to focus on; work on 3 Eco-Schools topics and develop an Eco-Code for your school. For those applying for their 2nd Green Flag and beyond, your school should be focusing on 5 Eco-Schools topics. We have listened to your feedback and will never ask our Eco-Schools, regardless of their Eco-Schools experience, to work on more than 5 topics for a Green Flag renewal. We only ask that you swap 2 of your topics with each renewal so that eventually you will have covered all 9 of our topics: just not in one go! Your Eco-Committee will need to continue all of their hard work on STEPS 1-6 STEP 7: The Eco-Code There is an agreement on an environmental statement for the school drawn up by the Eco-Committee Your Eco-Code must reflect the Topic project work which you are working on for your Green Flag The Eco-Code is displayed on the Eco-Board The Eco-Code is also displayed around the school – in classrooms, school halls, even the toilets! The Eco-Code is known and understood by the majority of pupils and staff Applying for your Eco-Schools Green Flag Award Please do not worry, your Green Flag Application is not a test – it’s a chance to celebrate all of your amazing work The application for Green Flag provides an opportunity for your Eco-School to showcase their fantastic work on the Seven Steps. Once submitted, it is reviewed by Karyn our Eco-Schools Delivery Officer, who will then arrange for a Green Flag Assessment visit from one of our Assessors. Our Assessors are very friendly (especially if you offer them tea and biscuits!) and are there to support you. Your visit is not an ‘inspection’ – it is a celebration of the amazing work you and your school have done. The Green Flag is assessed by Keep Britain Tidy through a two-stage process: Online application form After logging into the administration site you will be asked to answer a series of questions about your Eco-Schools work and upload a small number of supporting documents. Assessment visit We will arrange for a Keep Britain Tidy volunteer assessor to visit your school to meet your Eco-committee and assess the work you have done to meet the Green Flag criteria. Once you are ready, please login to start your application form.

12 3rd 2nd 1st 9th The Nine Topics Biodiversity Energy Transport Waste
Single Image Profile Energy 3rd Litter Healthy Living Transport 2nd 1st Waste School Grounds 1-3 most popular topics worked on by our Eco-Schools 9th Water least popular, any ideas why? The nine Eco-Schools topics are distinct and are broad enough to allow your pupils to run projects that they are passionate about. Whatever project your Eco-committee comes up with, it should sit neatly under one of our nine topics. To gain your first Eco-Schools Green Flag you will need to demonstrate that you are doing three different pieces of project work, covering three different Eco-Schools topics. For renewals, we ask that you focus on a further two topics, and for each renewal after that swap another two – meaning you will always need to be covering five topics and will have done work on all nine by your fourth flag. Once you have read about our 9 topics head to Eco-Schools England Pinterest Topic Boards for lots more inspiration 9th Water Global Citizenship

13 Linking to the curriculum
You will already be doing a lot! Talk to colleagues Use eco-schools as a theme for literacy, Maths, science, music… National campaigns – Switch Off Fortnight (Energy) Waste Week (Waste) Home Recycling Challenge (Waste) Big Schools Bird Watch (Biodiversity) Modeshift Stars (Transport) Outdoor Classroom Day (Healthy Living, School Grounds) Great British Spring Clean (Litter) Woodland Trust Free Trees (Biodiversity)

14 The International Eco-Schools Twinning Programme
Global Citizenship The International Eco-Schools Twinning Programme Single Image Profile Only open to Eco-Schools holding a Green Flag Project work based on the 17SDG Schools will need to complete the online application for should they wish to take part in this new initiative- this can be found via our Global Citizenship topic page

15 Activity 2 Choosing any of the nine topics, please come up with a project that can be intergrated into a school, including how it would be comunincated to the rest of the school/ community, incorpated in the cirriclum how it would be child led. Feedback

16 Where to turn for help Safer TravelTeam SCC Other local Eco-Schools
Eco-schools direct Ambassador Eco-Schools

17 Key points to remember It’s a whole school programme
Eco-Schools is led by children Eco-Schools helps bring the curriculum to life The Green Flag is internationally recognised as a symbol of excellence Eco-Schools are on the journey to sustainability Over 65% of all schools in England are already involved

18 THANK YOU Any questions? Edward Cowley Single Image Profile
If unable to answer questions please direct to the Eco-Schools website or ask them to contact us

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