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Prefixes Suffixes root words

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes Suffixes root words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes Suffixes root words

2 Etymology the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time.

3 Week 1 Macro: large, long Micro: small Mono: (Mon):One, Single, Alone
Poly: many Eu: good, well, advantageous Phil: loving, fond of Mis: hate, bad, wrong Dys: bad, ill, difficult Phobia: fear, dislike, aversion

4 Week 2 A (an, ab): not, without, away Se: apart; away
In (il, im, ir): not Dis: apart, away Con (col, com, cor): together, with Logy: study, science, account Bio-: life Tomy (Tom): cutting, operation or incision Hetero: different Homo: same, like

5 Week 3 Archy: rule Geo: ground, earth
Path, patho, pathy: feeling, suffering OR disease Morph: form Bi: two Peri: around, about, near, enclosing Circum: around Per: through; thorough Pod (ped): foot Semi: half

6 Week 4 Endo: within Exo: out of, outside Extra: beyond
Ultra: beyond/exceedingly e, ex: former, out Re: again, back Retro: backward Sub: under Super: above Hyper: over, above, beyond the ordinary Hypo: under, beneath, less than ordinary

7 Week 5 Trans: across Inter: between Intra-: within In: in, into, on
Ad: toward Ante: before Pre: before Post: after Pro: forward, support, for Contra: against De: from, down

8 Week 6 Rupt: break, burst Cide: killing, killer
String: strict, bind, draw tight Vor: eat greedily Viv: live, alive Tort (tors): twist Vict (vinc): conquer, show conclusively Fract (frag): break Omni: all, every, everywhere Flect (flex): bend

9 Week 7 Ten (tin, tent): hold, keep Mon (monit): warn
Mand (mandate): order, command, commit Cred (credit): believe Fid: faith, trust Grat: pleasant, thank, favor Mor (mort): death Corp: body Duct (duc): lead; conduct, draw Secut (sequ): follow Cur (curr, curs): run

10 Week 8 Grad (gress): step, walk, go Tact: touch Prehend: seize, grasp
Ject: throw Vert (vers): turn Mis (miss, mit, mitt): send Locut (loqu): speak, talk

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