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The Market System and the Circular Flow

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Presentation on theme: "The Market System and the Circular Flow"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Market System and the Circular Flow
02 The Market System and the Circular Flow Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin

2 Characteristics of market systems:
The Market System Known as capitalism Characteristics of market systems: Private property Freedom of enterprise and choice Self-Interest Competition Markets and prices Australia, Switzerland, and the U.K. LO1 2-2

3 Index of Economic Freedom, Selected Nations
Global Perspective Index of Economic Freedom, Selected Nations LO2 2-3

4 Technology and Capital Goods
Advanced technology and capital goods are encouraged Specialization _____________________ Geographic ___________ LO2 2-4

5 Active, but Limited Government
Government may be needed to ______________________ market failures Government can increase ______________________ of a market system LO2 2-5

6 The Five Fundamental Questions
What goods and services will be produced? How will the goods and services be produced? Who will get the goods and services? How will the system accommodate change? How will the system promote progress? LO3 2-6

7 Goods and services that create a ___________________
What Will Be Produced? Goods and services that create a ___________________ “Dollar Votes” (Below) “Voting with your Dollars” Method for consumers to ___________________ which goods will be produced Determines which products and industries survive or fail LO3 2-7

8 How Will the Goods Be Produced?
_______________ the cost per unit by using the most efficient techniques Technology Prices of the necessary resources LO3 2-8

9 Ability to ___________________ depends on income
Who Will Get the Output? Consumers with the __________________ and willingness to pay will get the product Ability to ___________________ depends on income LO3 2-9

10 How Will the System Change?
Changes in consumer ____________ Changes in ______________ Changes in resource ______________________ LO4 2-10

11 How Will the System Promote Progress?
Technological advance Creative ______________(Joseph Schumpeter) ________________ accumulation-most technological advances require additional capital goods. (Page 37) LO4 2-11

12 1776 ________________ by Adam Smith
The “Invisible Hand” 1776 ________________ by Adam Smith Unity of private and social interest-enhanced products increases society’s ____________ Virtues of the market system (P 38) Efficiency Incentives Freedom LO4 2-12

13 Demise of Command Systems
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and China System was a _________________ The coordination problem(Pg 38) Set _________ targets for all goods The incentive problem (Pg 38) No ______________ for surplus or shortage LO4 2-13

14 The Circular Flow System
RESOURCE MARKET Households sell Businesses buy Costs Rent, Wages, Interest, Profits Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneur Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneur BUSINESSES buy resources sell products HOUSEHOLDS sell resources buy products Goods and Services Goods and Services PRODUCT MARKET Businesses sell Households buy Expenditures Consumption Revenues LO5 2-14

15 Three main categories of businesses Sole proprietorship Partnership
Corporation LO5 2-15

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