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By Dominique Baker & Moyna John

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1 By Dominique Baker & Moyna John
Microscopy By Dominique Baker & Moyna John

2 Definition of an Electron Microscope
Electron Microscopes are scientific instruments that use a beam of highly energetic electrons to examine objects on a very fine scale.

3 Types of Electron Microscopes
Transmission Electron Microscope: A beam of electrons is passed through the specimen. Electrons that pass through are used to expose film. Areas of the specimen that scatter electrons appear dark. False coloring enhances the image.

4 How Do It Work?

5 How Does It Work Pt. 2 As the light passes through the film, it interacts with the film & specific areas Light pass through unobstructed, other areas absorb light and doesn’t let it pass through The light that does go through is hits the lenses found on the other side The resulting image is projected onto a screen

6 Types of Electron Microscope
Scanning Electron Microscope: An electron beam is scanned across the surface of the specimen, and electrons are knocked off the surface. Thus, the surface topography of the specimen determines the contrast and the content of the image. False coloring enhances the image.

7 How Does It Work?

8 How Does It Work Pt. 2 A beam of electrons is produced at the top of the microscope by an electron gun. The electron beam follows a vertical path through the microscope, which is held within a vacuum. The beam travels through electromagnetic fields and lenses

9 How Does It Work Pt. 3 Which focus the beam down toward the sample.
Once the beam hits the sample, electrons. Detectors collect these X-rays, back scattered electrons, and secondary electrons Convert them into a signal that is sent to a screen similar to a television screen. This produces the final image.

10 Examples of Transmission Images
Organelles of a grain of tobacco Polio Virus

11 Examples of Scanning Images
Gills of a fish Normal Circulating Human Blood

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