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Among the Hidden Chapter 13-16

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1 Among the Hidden Chapter 13-16
Answer Key

2 What change does Luke experience when he thinks about his home?
At first Luke thinks of his home as his sanctuary, then comes to think of it as a prison that’s been holding him in. -3rd Period He has always thought his home was his sanctuary. Then later on he realizes his house is a prison. - 3rd Period #1

3 What did Luke compare himself to when he first went outside
What did Luke compare himself to when he first went outside? Why did he make that comparison? Luke’s like an animal in hibernation, because some animals stay in (cave, den) for a long period of time and he has been hidden and is finally coming out. -4th Period He compared himself to an animal in hibernation because animals in hibernation stay in hibernation for so long that she they finally come out the feeling is amazing. -1st Period #2

4 What did Luke learn when he first went to the Sport’s Family’s house
What did Luke learn when he first went to the Sport’s Family’s house? What did he do because of this? As soon as Luke got to the Sport’s Family’s house, he found out the door was locked. So, what he did was he busted through the screen so that he could reach his hand in, unlock the door, and hear it click. - 3rd Period Luke learned that the door was locked. Luke put his hand through the screen door and cut himself and unlocked it. -4th Period #3

5 Describe the room that Luke walked into when he first stepped foot in the Sport’s family’s house.
When Luke walked in the house he was in the living room. Luke saw that the room was new, the furniture was clean and polished, and the furniture was new and not old. He compared the house to his old, torn apart house and how all his furniture was old and worn. - 1st Period When he stepped in the house, everything was new and pristine. It looked like it had never been touched. -4th Period #4

6 Describe Jen’s relationship with her dad
Describe Jen’s relationship with her dad. How are Jen’s parents different than Luke’s? Jen and her dad have a loving relationship. They joke with each other, but also love each other. Jen’s parents are different from Luke’s parents because Jen’s parents let her watch TV, use the computer, and use the telephone. Luke’s parents won’t let him do anything but stay in his own little room. - 1st Period Jen’s relationship with her dad is good. They always joke around. Luke’s dad was always the one getting mad and his mom goes with the flow. Jen’s dad is ok with things and her mom is the one getting mad all the time. - 3rd Period #5

7 What is the penalty for harboring a third child?
5 Million dollars or execution (depending on the judge) - 3rd Period The penalty is 5 million dollars or execution. - 3rd Period #6

8 Luke learned a lot of new information from Jen about the government
Luke learned a lot of new information from Jen about the government. List at least two examples. Luke’s parent’s told him that the government could find him over the computer, the phone, and the TV. Jen proved that wrong because she watches TV, plays on the computer, and talks on the phone. - 2nd Period That you can not track someone through a phone That they can not tell from you looking at the TV you are a 3rd kid. - 1st Period #7

9 What were Jen’s suggestions for signals her and Luke could use
What were Jen’s suggestions for signals her and Luke could use? What was their final decision? They could use a flashlight or mirrors, but Luke didn’t have batteries for the flashlight and he didn’t have mirrors. Their final decision was Luke was going to flicker his back door’s light to signal he can come over. - 1st Period flashlight computer candle *Light in the backyard - 2nd Period #8

10 Jen’s mom was married 3 times and she likes lawyers.
How many times has Jen’s mom been married? What kinds of guys did she marry? Jen’s mom was married 3 times and she likes lawyers. - 4th Period 3, lawyer - 4th Period #9

11 What does Jen’s step dad do for a living?
He’s a lawyer higher up in the government. - 1st Period #10

12 Explain how Jen was born. How was her birth different from Jen’s?
Jen was born by paying doctors to be a girl. She was born on purpose, and Luke was born on accident. - 2nd Period They paid a lot of money to doctors so she could be born and did gender selection so she would be a girl. Luke was an accident - 2nd Period #11

13 What does Jen do that scares/surprises Luke? Why does she do it?
She cuts her self on purpose so her parents won’t get suspicious about the blood stains on the carpet (from Luke cutting his arm). - 3rd Period She cuts herself on the screen door and drips it on the carpet because Luke had cut himself and there was blood on the carpet. She did it because her parents wouldn’t believe her because she didn’t have a cut on her. - 1st Period #12

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