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Reform Add writers, artists, music, women’r rights, immigrants?

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1 Reform Add writers, artists, music, women’r rights, immigrants?

2 I. Transcendentalists A. writers who believed that a person should look for truth in oneself and nature did not believe in material wealth B. Henry David Thoreau wrote “Civil Disobedience” (peaceful protest) went to jail for not paying taxes to finance war (the War with Mexico)

3 II. Reforms led by women A. Temperance B. Labor unions C. Education
movement to ban (get rid of) alcohol B. Labor unions women in Lowell went on strike for better working conditions C. Education opportunities for women and African Americans

4 D. Suffrage (right to vote)
women fought for equal rights Susan B. Anthony - main organizer of movement Arrested in 1872 for voting illegally

5 E. Seneca Falls, NY - 1848 first convention in U.S. for women’s rights
organized by Elizabeth C. Stanton wrote Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions - “All men and women are created equal” Stanton’s father told her “If you had only been born a boy, you would have been a great lawyer” She didn’t want to be a boy, she was happy being a girl. She decided to learn everything the boys were learning. She asked her neighbor to teach her Greek. She was the top student at her shchool. But when graduation came and the boys went off to college, she couldn’t go cuz she was a girl. She was sent to a school to learn how to be a good wife. She married a man named Henry B. Stanton, who was a lreader in the antislavery movement. When they married the minister expected her to promis to obey her husband.

6 F. 19th Amendment Women finally received the right to vote in 1920



9 Forced Feeding Scene

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