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Student Presentations (Block 4)

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1 Student Presentations (Block 4)

2 Learning Intentions Describe capillary-tissue fluid exchange.
Describe the functions of the lymphatic system Explain the roles of antigens and antibodies

3 Checkpoint Fetal Circulation Fluid Regulation

4 Capillary Fluid Exchange

5 The Lymphatic System

6 V.O.D Do you have allergies?
What causes allergies? What is one theory about why allergies are becoming more common in the developed world?

7 How does the body protect us from pathogens?
Learning Intention: I can explain the basic functions of the immune system.

8 How viruses invade your body

9 Influenza Virus Someone at the school has a cold. They feel tired. They are constantly sneezing, have a runny nose, and a fever.

10 Influenza Virus The student’s body is trying to get ride of the virus and produces thick mucus in their lungs causing the student to cough and release the influenza virus into the environment.

11 Influenza Virus The virus spreads through the air and lands on neighboring host (you, another student). Your non-specific immune system protects you from the virus. Your skin!

12 Non-specific immune defense
Your skin is a physical barrier that keeps pathogens from entering the body. As well, sweat and natural body acids kills some pathogens on the surface of the skin.

13 Non-specific immune defense
The virus spread through the air and you breath in the virus into your lungs. Here your 2nd immune defense steps in. The mucus membrane on your lungs traps the virus. The special structure on your lungs called cilia sweep the mucus and the virus out of your lungs causing you to cough. Some the this mucus is spread to the outside environment, while some is swallowed and enters your stomach.

14 Non-specific immune defense
In your stomach, the digestive system can help stop you from getting sick. Strong acids in you stomach kill many types of pathogens.

15 Invading your body While in class you have an itchy eye and with your hand that has the Influence virus on the surface of the skin you rub your eye. The virus enters your body and travels in your blood stream.

16 Your immune system is ready to attack
The virus has passed the first line of defense and has entered the body. In effort to kill the virus your body strikes a fever and non-specific immune cells attack the virus in attempt to protect you.

17 Specific Immunity Your body ID’s the virus through specific structures (called antigens) located on the surface of the virus. Your immune system makes specific cells to attack the virus. These cells are called B cells and T cells.

18 Specific Immunity B cells make antibodies. Antibodies will bind to antigens on the surface of the virus, so the immune system knows to kill those cells.

19 Specific Immunity T cells help kill the pathogens by attacking cells that are infected with the virus. T cells also help remember the virus that made you sick.

20 All Systems Are A Go Your body’s immune system works hard to attack the virus. It takes a few days but your body is able to kill the virus and make specific antibodies and memory T cells that help protect you from the same virus in the future. You recover from the virus invasion, however during the three days that you were sick you spread the virus to another host. The virus lives on finding a new host to thrive in! Check for Understanding Students Discuss Before moving on to immune system overview

21 Vaccines: How do they work?

22 Exit Slip Write 1 challenging short or long answer question with the answer for the following topics, components of blood, fetal circulation, and the lymphatic system.

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