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California Payroll Association Wage and Hour Developments

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1 California Payroll Association Wage and Hour Developments
Thursday, September 11, 2014

2 Brian Dixon Co-Chair, Wage and Hour Practice Group
Presented by: Brian Dixon Co-Chair, Wage and Hour Practice Group Littler Mendelson, P.C.

3 Wage and Hour Developments
White-Collar Exemptions Commission-Sales Exemption Commission Pay Timing Meal and Rest Periods Heat Recovery Periods Piece-Rate and Commission Pay Plans Independent contractors Arbitration and PAGA claims

4 White Collar Employees
Overtime exemptions Does employer qualify for the exemption Does employee do work of exempt quality Does employee do sufficient quantity of exempt work Does employee received the required compensation

5 White Collar Employees
Heyen v. Safeway Inc., California Court of Appeal Fact finder must determine objective purpose of employee’s actions Concurrent duties test rejected, employee’s actions can only be exempt or non-exempt Realistic expectations test confirmed Fact finder is to Look at what employee did Whether what employee did was consistent with realistic expectations Whether employer communicated about failure to meet expectations Primary duty is determined week by week

6 Expense Reimbursements
Cochran v. Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., California Court of Appeal Employer must reimburse employees for reasonable percentage of cost of cellular phone service – even if employee already had unlimited phone service and incurred no additional cost in answering phone

7 Expense Reimbursements
Cochran v. Schwan’s Home Service, Inc., California Court of Appeal Must employer pay reasonable percentage for use of Employee’s home internet service? Employee’s home land line? Employee’s reading glasses? Employee’s watch?

8 Inside Sales Exemption
Employer must be traditional retail or service establishment Employer must be covered by Wage Order 4 or 7 Employee must spend more than one half his or her time in sales Employee must earn more at least time and one half the minimum wage for each hour worked More than one half of employee’s compensation must be commissions

9 Inside Sales Exemption
Peabody v. Time Warner, Inc. California Supreme Court Commissions paid monthly cannot be credited toward the minimum compensation requirements for an earlier bi-weekly pay period.

10 Commission Pay Timing Peabody v. Time Warner, Inc. California Supreme Court “In other words, all earned wages, including commissions, must be paid no less frequently than semimonthly.”

11 Meal and Rest Periods Post-Brinker
The Brinker standard Employer must “provide” meal breaks, proof problems compel strict compliance Clarified the timing and duration Reinforces the importance of lawful policies Premium pay for missed meals and rest periods Must be timely Must be correctly identified on pay stub

12 Meal and Rest Period Problems
Auto-deduction for meals without effective exception reporting policy Granting employees too much latitude to waive meal periods Production pay schemes Interrupted meals Leaving the premises

13 Practical Solutions Time card certifications
Monitoring missed meals and rest periods through timekeeping system Regular audits of records and practices Training managers and employees Forced scheduling Hotline for reporting non-compliance

14 California Expands Break and Premium Pay Requirements to Heat Recovery Periods
What’s HOT in California - Required written guidelines and training to avoid heat illness in outside employees Always provide water Make shade available when over 850 Provide 5-minute, paid heat recovery periods whenever needed Pay one-hour of premium each day any heat recovery period is not provided

15 Piece-Rate Pay Plans Under Attack
Employer must pay the minimum wage for: Each separate hour worked, even where an employee is earning above the minimum wage when averaged over all hours worked Any small amount of work that does not directly result in piece rate or commission compensation Rest periods

16 Who Is … And Is Not, An Employer
Ayala v. Antelope Valley Newspapers, California Supreme Court The alleged employer’s right to control, not the exercise of control, is most important FedEx Ground Cases, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Scrutinize the entire relationship even where contractor has some control Patterson v. Domino’s Pizza, LLC, California Supreme Court Franchisor is not joint employer of franchisee’s employees even though every franchise relationship entails some control by franchisor

17 Independent Contractors – Risks of Failed Relationship
Overtime and minimum wages Civil and statutory penalties for misclassification, failure to pay wages, pay timely, check stubs Employment taxes Denial of other employee rights Wrongful termination I-9 compliance

18 Independent Contractors – Risks of Failed Relationship
Less commonly perceived risks of failed independent contractor relationships: Arbitration of disputes Intellectual property Claims for benefits and discrimination issues in plans

19 Un-Civil Procedure Iskanian v. CLS Transportation of Los Angeles, California Supreme Court Class action waivers in arbitration agreements are enforceable PAGA waivers in arbitration agreements are not enforceable Fardig v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., Quevedo v. Macy’s, Inc., Parvataneni v. E*Trade Financial Corporation, United States District Courts PAGA waivers in arbitration agreements are enforceable

20 Un-Civil Procedure Private Attorney’s General Act
No class action certification required for Plaintiff to proceed Plaintiff can pursue claims on behalf of any aggrieved employee One-year(?) statute of limitations Potential penalties cannot be summed to remove PAGA case to federal court

Employee’s time card is missing one hour of time, employee’s paycheck is short, employee quits – Penalty for inaccurate time card – LC 1199 Penalty for untimely payment – LC 210 Penalty for late payment of final wages – LC 201 Penalty for inaccurate pay stub – LC 226

22 MORE BAD THINGS Penalty for failure to comply with the Wage Order – LC 558 Unpaid wages as part of penalty – LC 558 Waiting time penalty – LC 203 Penalty for not paying minimum wage – LC Liquidated damages for not paying the minimum wage – LC Attorney’s fees, interest, costs


24 THANK YOU! R. Brian Dixon Littler Mendelson, P.C  

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