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Serbia in the Rankings Professor Ellen Hazelkorn

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1 Serbia in the Rankings Professor Ellen Hazelkorn
Director, Higher Education Policy Research Unit (HEPRU), Education Consultant, BH Associates, (Ireland). Global University Rankings and Their Impact, Belgrade 7 November 2017

2 THE BRICs and Emerging Economies
Serbia in the Rankings Main rankings: University of Belgrade features in most of the major rankings (ARWU, QS, World University Rankings, Leiden, but not THE). Specialist rankings: University of Novi Sad also features in Leiden and QS Eastern Europe and Central Asia (QS EECA) ranking. U-Multirank: 4 universities included. 2018 2017 2016 2015 ARWU University of Belgrade n/a QS World 701+ QS EECA 54 66 - University of Novi Sad THE BRICs and Emerging Economies 196 150

3 University of Belgrade
Shanghai ARWU Type of Ranking: Entirely research focused, does not consider teaching/learning. Methodology focuses research via, e.g. prize winning staff and alumni, papers published in Nature and Science, etc. University of Belgrade the only Serbian HEI that features in the Shanghai ARWU ranking. 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 University of Belgrade

4 Shanghai ARWU: Methodology

5 Shanghai ARWU: U Belgrade

6 University of Belgrade
QS Rankings Type of Ranking: Mixed between reputation surveys (academic and employer), SSR, Bibliometrics (using Elsevier’s Scopus). University of Belgrade only Serbian HEI in this ranking, in the same bracket for the last few years. Academic Reputation Employer Reputation Faculty Student Ratio Citations Per Faculty Int’l Faculty Int’l Students 40% 10% 20% 5% 2018 2017 2016 2015 QS World University of Belgrade 701+

7 University of Belgrade
QS EECA Reputation has the same weighting (50%) but greater focus on employers. International factors at 5 rather than 10%. Web impact included unlike in the main QS WUR ranking (using Webometrics) Academic Reputation Employer Reputation Faculty Student Ratio Papers Per Faculty Web Impact Staff with a PhD Citations Per Paper Int’l Faculty Int’l Student 30% 20% 15% 10% 5% 2.5% 2018 2017 2016 2015 QS EECA University of Belgrade 54 66 - University of Novi Sad

8 International Outlook
THE Rankings Type of Ranking: Mixed, using bibliometrics (Elsevier’s Scopus), survey, other data. No Serbian HEI features in the THE World University Ranking. University of Belgrade is in the THE BRICs and Emerging Economies University Ranking (at 196 in 2017). Methodology (more detail next slide) Citations Industry Income International Outlook Research Teaching 20% 10% 30%

9 THE BRICs and Emerging Economies Ranking

10 THE BRICs and Emerging Economies Ranking
Three “types” of country included: Advanced emerging: Brazil, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey Secondary emerging: Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, UAE Frontier: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Botswana, Bulgaria, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Palestine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Vietnam Has a greater focus on Teaching than the main rankings, and less reliance on reputation surveys.

11 Leiden Type of ranking: Bibliometric, using Thomson Reuters Web of Science database. Publications must: (i) be written in English, (ii) have one or more authors, (iii) hasn’t been retracted, (iv) has appeared in a “Core Journal”. A “core journal” has an international scope, with sufficient citations of other core journals (this makes citation analysis possible). Bibliometrics is a lagging indicator, and it takes several years to see improvement (which is why Leiden uses 3-year periods). Both Belgrade and Novi Sad have been improving in recent years University of Belgrade 155 166 185 University of Novi Sad 721 732 761

12 U-Multirank Type of ranking: user-defined, institutional characteristics. The Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Educons have submitted data and are featured. Can compare for subject area, university as a whole, level of study, research focus, international outlook, regional focus, size of institution. Allows for quick, visual comparison (as below), or ratings across a variety of areas (research, teaching and learning, international outlook, etc.)

13 U-Multirank Can look at 3 HEIs at a time in the “Compare” option
Belgrade Novi Sad Kragujevac

14 U-Multirank Belgrade Novi Sad Kragujevac Belgrade Novi Sad Kragujevac

15 U-Multirank “For students” option allows for more comparisons to be made:

16 Comparison Countries ARWU QS WUR QS EECA THE WUR THE BRICs & EE Leiden
Number of Universities: Serbia 17; Bulgaria 41; Belarus 23. [Source:,,] GDP per capita (2016): Serbia 5, USD; Bulgaria 7, USD; Belarus 5, USD. [Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Database] Population (2017): Serbia 8,790,574; Bulgaria 7,084,571; Belarus 9,468,338. [Source United Nations World Population Prospects 2017 revision] Number of universities in main relevant rankings: ARWU QS WUR QS EECA THE WUR THE BRICs & EE Leiden U-Multirank Belarus 2 1 5 Bulgaria 3 11 Serbia 4

17 Implications DATA: More/all Serbian universities should endeavour to supply data to U-Multirank. RESEARCH: Consider supports for academics to publish through English for inclusion in the “core journals” featured in databases such as Scopus, Web of Science. BIBLIOMETRICS: Engage with Elsevier and Thomson Reuters to ensure that relevant Serbian journals are indexed in these databases. INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK: Internationalisation is a feature of the major rankings, and an improvement in the ratios of international to local staff and students can be improved through targeted recruitment. REPUTATION: University of Belgrade does well in ARWU, but less so in QS WUR and doesn’t appear in THE WUR at all. Both THE and QS rely on reputation surveys, so this count against Serbian HEIs.

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