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Erich Maria Remarque By, Ms. Houselog.

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Presentation on theme: "Erich Maria Remarque By, Ms. Houselog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erich Maria Remarque By, Ms. Houselog

2 The Soldier Life… Erich served as a German soldier at 18.
He was sent to the Western Front. In July 1917 he was wounded while retrieving an injured soldier during an attack.

3 After The War… Erich remained unsettled by his experiences from the war. The young people, including Erich, had a pessimistic and uncertain outlook on life and society after the war.

4 All Quiet on the Western Front
An international best-seller published in 1929. The book is revered for its “eyewitness authenticity”.

5 The Backlash… In 1933 the novel was one of the first books burned by the Nazis. The Nazis also revoked his German citizenship in 1938.

6 The End of Erich’s Life…
He was living in both the United States and Switzerland. His well-known friends were Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, and Ernest Hemingway. He died of a heart attack in 1970.

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