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The Organized Labor Movement

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1 The Organized Labor Movement

2 Laissez-Faire Economics
As corporations grew in America, businesses were free to do what they wanted Laissez-Faire Economics- Little to no government regulation on business and the economy

3 Workers Endure Hardships
Difficult factory conditions Sweatshops- dark, hot, dirty, and dangerous working conditions 12 hours a day, 6 days a week Child Labor Children between 10 and 16 were earning a wage

4 Living in Company Towns
Workers were forced to live in isolated communities near their workplaces Also had company stores- sell goods to employees at high prices

5 Pullman Towns

6 Socialism Socialism- economic and political philosophy that favors public, not private, control of property and income

7 Labor Unions Lead to Strikes
Workers start protesting as a group against their companies through collective bargaining Collective bargaining- workers negotiating as a group to get better conditions


9 Labor Unions Workers came together and formed labor unions to fight for better working conditions Knights of Labor Led by Terence Powderly Demanded for an 8-hour work day Largest labor strike of the 19th Century American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Fought for higher wages and better hours Largest labor union of the 20th Century

10 Haymarket Strike (1886) Workers wanted an 8 hour workday
Led by Knights of Labor Peaceful protest turned violent when protestor threw a bomb a police Several people killed including police and protestors Led to the collapse of the Knights of Labor

11 Homestead Strike (1892) Steel workers at Carnegie Steel Company protested cut in wages Pinkerton troops sent in to end strike turned violent Severally damaged labor union power

12 Pullman Strike (1893) Workers protested wage cut in company town at Pullman Palace Car Company led by Eugene Debs and the American Railroad Union Federal troops sent in and ended strike

13 Effects of the Labor Union Movement
Created a trend for fighting for workers’ rights Socialism became popular among American working class Debs would create the American Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

14 Government Regulation
Interstate Commerce Commission- Federal regulations on railroads First ever federal regulation on business Sherman Antitrust Act- outlawed trusts Rarely enforced

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