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Chapter 2 Semiconductor Diodes

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1 Chapter 2 Semiconductor Diodes
Analogue Electronics Chapter 2 Semiconductor Diodes

2 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Content 1.1 Semiconductor structure 1.2 P-type and N-type semiconductor 1.3 The p-n junction 1.4 Diode characteristics 1.5 Diode Models 1.6 Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) 1.7 Diode circuits (Diode applications )

3 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Semiconductor structure The predominant semiconductor material is silicon. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements on earth, and is always found in compound form in nature (sand is mainly SiO2). It is purified by chemical means so that the concentration of troublesome impurities is about 1 in a billion. The valence of silicon is 4, like carbon. 1 silicon atom = 1 nucleus + 4 electrons

4 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Semiconductor structure It is the valence electrons that participate in chemical bonding when the atoms form compounds. Silicon crystallizes in a diamond-like structure – each atom has four neighbours. Pure silicon will possess the same structure as diamond, but it is nowhere near as hard as diamond. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the silicon-silicon bond is much weaker than the carbon-carbon bond. Secondly, carbon is a significantly smaller-than-average atom, and there are more bonds per unit of volume in a diamond than in any other substance.

5 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Semiconductor structure To simplify things, we can describe the Si crystal in a two-dimensional form. To simplify things, we can describe the Si crystal in a two-dimensional form. At very low temperatures, pure silicon behaves as an insulator, since a shared electron is bound to its locality and there is no source of extra energy to free itself from its bonds and make itself available for conduction. The extra energy can be obtained from thermal vibrations of the crystal lattice atoms.

6 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Why can semiconductors conduct electricity? When a valence electron is freed, two charge carriers are created. The first is the electron itself. The second one, called a hole, is the charge located in the area vacated by the electron, left with a net positive charge (obviously caused by a silicon nucleus). Any one of the other valence electrons moving nearby can step into the vacated site. This shifts the net positive charge – the hole – to a new location. Both the free electron and the hole can therefore move around in the semiconductor crystal. The conductivity of pure silicon is therefore proportional to the free carrier concentration, and is very small.

7 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
p-type Semiconductor To make devices like diodes and transistors, it is necessary to increase the electron and hole population. This is done by intentionally adding specific impurities in controlled amounts – a process known as doping. If Si is doped with an element with only 3 valence electrons, then at the location of that impurity one of the covalent bonds is missing. One of the other valence electrons can cross over and complete the missing bond. When this happens a hole is created at the position vacated by that valence electron. The impurity atom, having accepted an additional electron, is called an acceptor and now has a net negative charge. A semiconductor doped with acceptors is rich in holes, i.e. positive charge carriers, and therefore called p-type. In this case the holes are called the majority carriers, the electrons are called the minority carriers.

8 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
n-type Semiconductor If Si is doped with an element with 5 valence electrons, then four of the valence electrons will take part in the covalent bonding with the neighbouring Si atoms while the fifth one will be only weakly attached to the impurity atom location. The thermal energy of a semiconductor at room temperature is more than enough to free this electron, making it available for conduction. The impurity atom, having donated an additional electron, is called a donor. The semiconductor in this case is called n-type, because it is rich in negative charge carriers. The electrons are the majority carriers and the holes are the minority carriers for this type of semiconductor.

9 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction What happens when P-type meets N-type?

10 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction What happens when P-type meets N-type? Imagine that we have a gas cylinder full of oxygen. We open the valve to release the oxygen into the room. What happens? The oxygen and the air in the room mix – a process known as diffusion. Nature wants things to spread out in an even fashion. This is what happens with the free, gas-like particles in the p-n junction.

11 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction What happens when P-type meets N-type? Holes diffuse from the P-type into the N-type, electrons diffuse from the N-type into the P-type, creating a diffusion current. • Once the holes [electrons] cross into the N-type [P-type] region, they recombine with the electrons [holes]. • This recombination “strips” the n-type [P-type] of its electrons near the boundary, creating an electric field due to the positive and negative bound charges. • The region “stripped” of carriers is called the space-charge region, or depletion region. • V0 is the contact potential that exists due to the electric field. Typically, at room temp, V0 is 0.5~0.8V.

12 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction What happens when P-type meets N-type? There are two mechanisms by which mobile carriers move in semiconductors – resulting in current flow – Diffusion • Majority carriers move (diffuse) from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration – Drift • Minority carrier movement is induced by the electric field.

13 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction Forward bias: apply a positive voltage to the P-type, negative to N-type. Add more majority carriers to both sides shrink the depletion region lower V0 diffusion current increases. Decrease the built-in potential, lower the barrier height. • Increase the number of carriers able to diffuse across the barrier • Diffusion current increases • Drift current remains the same. The drift current is essentially constant, as it is dependent on temperature. • Current flows from p to n

14 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The p-n Junction Reverse bias: apply a negative voltage to the P-type, positive to N-type. Increase the built-in potential, increase the barrier height. • Decrease the number of carriers able to diffuse across the barrier. • Diffusion current decreases. • Drift current remains the same • Almost no current flows. Reverse leakage current, IS, is the drift current, flowing from N to P.

15 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
A p-n junction forms what is called a diode. Its circuit symbol is:

16 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diodes v-i Characteristic The diode’s terminal electrical characteristics can be obtained using the following circuit: With the battery as shown, we can vary R and measure V and I to obtain the forward-bias characteristic. We could also use a curve tracer to obtain the characteristic. We can reverse the polarity of E to obtain the reverse-bias characteristic. The total characteristic looks like:

17 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diodes v-i Characteristic Typical PN junction diode volt-ampere characteristic is shown on the left. – In forward bias, the PN junction has a “turn on” voltage based on the “built-in” potential of the PN junction. turn on voltage is typically in the range of 0.5V to 0.8V – In reverse bias, the PN junction conducts essentially no current until a critical breakdown voltage is reached. The breakdown voltage can range from 1V to 100V. Breakdown mechanisms include avalanche and zener tunneling.

18 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Models The curve describing the diode’s terminal characteristics is non-linear. How can we use this curve to do circuit analysis? We only know how to analyze linear circuits. There is therefore a need for a linear circuit model of the diode. When we model something, we transform it into something else – usually something simpler – which is more amenable to analysis and design using mathematical equations. Modelling mostly involves assumptions and simplifications, and the only requirement of a model is for it to “work” reasonably well. By “work” we mean that it agrees with experimental results to some degree of accuracy.

19 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Ideal Diode Model As a first approximation, we can model the diode as an ideal switch: The characteristic in this case is approximated by two straight lines – the vertical representing the “on” state of the diode, and the horizontal representing the “off” state. To determine which of these states the diode is in, we have to determine the conditions imposed upon the diode by an external circuit. This model of the diode is used sometimes where a quick “feel” for a diode circuit is needed. The above model can be represented symbolically as:

20 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Ideal Diode Model - example (i) Find the current, I, in the circuit shown below, using the ideal diode model. (ii) If the battery is reversed, what does the current become?

21 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Constant Voltage Drop Model A better model is to approximate the forward bias region with a vertical line that passes through some voltage called efd : This “constant voltage drop” model is better because it more closely approximates the characteristic in the forward bias region. The “voltage drop” is a model for the barrier voltage in the p-n junction. The model of the diode in this case is:

22 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Constant Voltage Drop Model - example (i) Find the current, I, in the circuit shown below, using the constant voltage drop model of the diode (assume efd = 0.7 V). (ii) If the battery is reversed, what does the current become?

23 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Piece-Wise Linear Model An even better approximation to the diode characteristic is called a “piece- wise” linear model. It is made up of pieces, where each piece is a straight line: For each section, we use a different diode model (one for the forward bias region and one for the reverse bias region) Typical values for the resistances are rfd = 5 Ω and rrd = 109 Ω

24 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Piece-Wise Linear Model - example (i) Find the current, I, in the circuit shown below, using the piece-wise linear model of the diode (assume efd = 0.7 V, rfd = 5 Ω and rrd =∞). (ii) If the battery is reversed, what does the current become?

25 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Small Signal Model Suppose we know the diode voltage and current exactly. Would we still have a need for a linear diode model? Yes. Suppose the diode has a DC voltage and current. We may want to examine the behaviour of a circuit when we apply a signal (a small AC voltage) to it. In this case we are interested in small excursions of the voltage and current about some “DC operating point” of the diode. The best model in this instance is the following (the forward bias region is used as an example, but the method applies anywhere):

26 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
The Small Signal Model We approximate the curved characteristic by the tangent that passes through the operating point. It is only valid for small variations in voltage or current. This is called the small signal approximation. A straight line is a good approximation to a curve if we don’t venture too far. The model we get in this case is exactly the same as the piece-wise model except the values of efd and rfd are different for each DC operating point. Finally, to complete all our models, we can add a capacitance in parallel to model the forward and reverse capacitance described previously. We will not in general include the capacitance because it only becomes important at very high frequencies.

27 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) Any linear resistive circuit can be reduced to an equivalent circuit containing one source and one resistor. When the source is a voltage, the reduction is obtained using Thévenin's theorem. Consider the following circuit:

28 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) The equivalent circuit (as far as the diode is concerned) can be found using Thévenin's theorem. (Look into the circuit from the diode terminals. What do you see?) The Thévenin equivalent circuit for the diode is: Verify that the Thévenin voltage and Thévenin resistance in this case are given by:

29 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) When graphed, we call it the load line. It was derived from KVL, and so it is always valid. The load line gives a relationship between iD and vD that is totally determined by the external circuit. The diode’s characteristic gives a relationship between iD and vD that is determined purely by the geometry and physics of the diode. Since both the load line and the characteristic are to be satisfied, the only place this is possible is the point at which they meet. This point is called the Q point.

30 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) If the source voltage is increased the Thévenin voltage changes to V′ and the operating point to ′ Q (the DC load line is shifted up).

31 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Graphical Analysis (Load-line analysis) - example operating point Q Load line ID=7(mA), VD=0.8(V)

32 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Limiter When vi > Von , D on vo  vi; vi < Von, D off  vo = 0。

33 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Logical circuit (AND Gates) List all the possible output voltages Vo if V1 and V2 equal to 0 V or 5 V. Define the logic output is 0 when Vo reaches 5 V and the logic output is 1 when Vo is clamped at 0 V. Assume the diodes are ideal model. V1(V) V2(V) Vo(V) Logic output

34 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Logical circuit (AND Gates) List all the possible output voltages Vo if V1 and V2 equal to 0 V or 5 V. Define the logic output is 0 when Vo reaches 5 V and the logic output is 1 when Vo is clamped at 0 V. Assume the diodes are ideal model. V1(V) V2(V) Vo(V) Logic output 5 1

35 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Logical circuit (AND Gates) List all the possible output voltages Vo if V1 and V2 equal to 0 V or 5 V. Define the logic output is 0 when Vo reaches 5 V and the logic output is 1 when Vo is clamped at 0.7 V. Assume the diodes are constant voltage drop model with efd = 0.7 V. V1(V) V2(V) Vo(V) Logic output

36 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Logical circuit (AND Gates) List all the possible output voltages Vo if V1 and V2 equal to 0 V or 5 V. Define the logic output is 0 when Vo reaches 5 V and the logic output is 1 when Vo is clamped at 0.7 V. Assume the diodes are constant voltage drop model with efd = 0.7 V. V1(V) V2(V) Vo(V) Logic output 0.7 5 1

37 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Logical circuit (OR Gates) Design a circuit using ideal diodes with OR gates?

38 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - The Clipping Circuit Assume both diodes are off. KVL then gives: If the output voltage is less than E1, then diode D1 cannot be reversed bias, so it will conduct. This limits or clamps the output voltage to E1: Input voltage is sinusoidal. Draw the output voltage waveform If the output voltage is more than E2 then diode D2 cannot be reversed bias, and it turns on, limiting the output voltage to E2:

39 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Multivoltage Determine V and I in the following circuits, when: a) The diodes are assumed to be ideal. b) The diodes are modelled with a constant voltage drop model with efd = 0.7 V.

40 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits – Two-diode circuit analysis The ideal diode model is chosen. Determine the operation status of the diodes and find the voltage and current. Assumption1:. Since the 15-V source appears to force positive current through D1 and D2, and the -10-V source is forcing positive current through D2, assume both diodes are on. Since the voltage at node D is zero due to the short circuit of ideal diode D1, The Q-points are (-0.5 mA, 0 V) and (2.0 mA, 0 V) But, ID1 < 0 is not allowed by the diode, so try again.

41 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Two-diode circuit analysis Since the current in D1 is zero, ID2 = I1, Assumption2: Since current in D2 is always valid, the second guess is D1 off and D2 on. Q-Points are D1 : (0 mA, V):off D2 : (1.67 mA, 0 V) :on Now, the results are consistent with the assumptions.

42 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Multivoltage Determine V and I in the following circuits, when: a) The diodes are assumed to be ideal. b) The diodes are modelled with a constant voltage drop model with efd = 0.7 V.

43 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Half-Wave Rectifier What would the waveform look like if not an ideal diode?

44 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Full-Wave Rectifier To utilize both halves of the input sinusoid use a center-tapped transformer…

45 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Bridge Rectifier Looks like a Wheatstone bridge. Does not require a enter tapped transformer. Requires 2 additional diodes and voltage drop is double.

46 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Peak Rectifier To smooth out the peaks and obtain a DC voltage, add a capacitor across the output.

47 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Zener Diode Some diodes are designed to operate in the breakdown region. It is usually a sharper transition than the forward bias characteristic, and the breakdown voltage is higher than the forward conduction voltage. A Zener diode is a diode that exhibits Zener breakdown when it is reverse biased. Zener breakdown occurs when the electric field in the depletion layer is strong enough to generate hole-electron pairs, which are accelerated by the field. This increases the reverse bias current. It gives rise to a sharper transition and steeper curve than forward biased conduction Zener symbol (VBR) Rz piecewise linear model Vz

48 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Zener Diode for voltage regulation

49 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - Zener Diode for voltage regulation For proper regulation, Zener current must be positive. The Zener diode keeps the voltage across load resistor RL constant. For Zener breakdown operation, IZ > 0. How to ensure IZ > 0, in other words, to keep the load voltage constant? What is the minimum value for RL?

50 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - The peak detector

51 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - The peak detector

52 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - The Clamp Circuit

53 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Diode Circuits - The Clamp Circuit

54 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Example 2.14 – Determine vo for the network below for the input indicated (Assume the diode is ideal) Note that the frequency is 1000 Hz, resulting in a period of 1 ms and an interval of 0.5 ms between levels. The analysis will begin with the period t1 to t2 of the input signal since the diode is in its short-circuit state. The output is the voltage across the resistor R with direction connection of 5-V battery. Therefore, vo = 5 V. The circuit will become: Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the input loop results in The capacitor will therefore charge up to 25 V at the time constant determined by τ = RC. In this case, τ = C = 1 μs. So the capacitor can be assumed to be charging very quickly compared to 0.5 ms.

55 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Example 2.14 – Determine vo for the network below for the input indicated (Assume the diode is ideal) For the period t2 to t3, the input voltage and the capacitor voltage have the same polarity, forcing the diode to be “off”. The network will appear as Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law around the input loop results in The input voltage source will therefore discharge the capacitor at the time constant determined by τ = RC. In this case, τ = RC = 0.01s = 10 ms, much larger than 0.5 ms.Therefore, it can assume that the capacitor hold its voltage during the discharge period.

56 Ch2 - Semiconductor Diodes
Example 2.14 – Determine vo for the network below for the input indicated (Assume the diode is ideal)

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