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Baltic Master Polska Company Baltic Master was established in 1993. The head office is located in Vilnius / Lithuania. The scope of activity: - the production.

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Presentation on theme: "Baltic Master Polska Company Baltic Master was established in 1993. The head office is located in Vilnius / Lithuania. The scope of activity: - the production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baltic Master Polska Company Baltic Master was established in 1993. The head office is located in Vilnius / Lithuania. The scope of activity: - the production of cooling systems (compressor racks, chillers)- from design, adjusting the proper elements, installation up to service and maintenance works. - the production of stainless steel neutral equipment for gastronomy, shops and food-processing industry - the production of wooden furniture for shops, gastronomy, etc. - the production of cold room doors together with panels for cold and freezing chambers - the production of big aquariums for shops and gastronomy - complex furnishing of supermarkets, shops, restaurants, coffe shops, meat industry, etc

2 Baltic Master Polska At present we have representative offices in : Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Russia and Poland. There are about 450 workers in Baltic Master, among them very well educated and qualified engineers, designers, refrigeration engineers, installation and assembly workers. Well developed and rich machinery park enables to realize both: standard and non-standard individual orders.

3 Baltic Master Polska We use the most recent technology, we select the optimal design solutions, we promote heat recovery from cooling installations. We put our attention to the quality of our products.

4 Baltic Master Polska CENTARAL COOLING SYSTEMS For 13 years we are engaged in the production of cenrtal cooling systems, that base on the components of such companies like: Bitzer, Copeland, MTH, J&E Hall, Danfoss, Gunther, Alfa Laval. We can produce compressor racks from 1kW up to 1MW. We design and select components according to the customer's needs. We execute individual orders – according to customer's specification.

5 Baltic Master Polska Equipment – furniture : for gastronomy, restaurants, bars, cafe shops

6 Baltic Master Polska We produce cold rooms and freezing chambers as well as the doors for them.

7 Baltic Master Polska We offer air conditioning systems.

8 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

9 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

10 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

11 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

12 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

13 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

14 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

15 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

16 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

17 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

18 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

19 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

20 Baltic Master Polska We offer complete equipment for supermarkets.

21 Baltic Master Polska We offer large – size aquariums.

22 Baltic Master Polska System of humidification Baltic Master is a representative of American company Miatech that produces special humidification systems for meat, fish, fruit, vegetable,etc. These systems, that are very popular in the United States, as well as in Europe, enable not only to encrease the sell of the goods because of their fresh outlook, but also reduce 2-3 times all the losses caused by drying and withering of the products as a result of reduction of humidity. These systems may be used in different interiors: -in cold rooms for fruit and vegetables, in store rooms for flowers, in vegetables departments in supermarkets, over some tables with fresh fish or meat, and everywhere where the specific level of humidity is required.

23 Baltic Master Polska System of humidification

24 Baltic Master Polska System of humidification What are the advanteges of using Miatech systems? - fresh outlook of the products – that increases the possibility of sale - Reduction of losses caused by lower weight (the loss of weight caused by lack of humidity amounts approximately from 2 to 7% during 24 hours) - Reduction of losses caused by spoiled / deteriorated products (up to 50 %) - Preservation of valuable vitamins and minerals thanks to proper level of humidity - High level of consumer service (taking care of the freshness of products means taking care of customers' health), - Curiosity the humidification system surrounds the products with a mist that attracts people's attention. This way it brings the customers closer to the products and invites to buying

25 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of shopping centres.

26 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of shopping centres.

27 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of shopping centres.

28 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of shopping centres.

29 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of shopping centres.

30 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of boutiques.

31 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of boutiques.

32 Baltic Master Polska Complex furnishing of boutiques.

33 Baltic Master Polska We have an open mind on all your ideas, proposals and suggestions. We execute modernizations of second-hand refrigerated equipment. We realize orders on a turn-key basis. Professionalism in action, flexibility in adjustment to the customers' needs, non-excessive price level and a good quality of our products- these are our assets.

34 Baltic Master Polska If you consider which company is the right one for furnishing your objects or its modernization – Baltic Master is the proper choice for that.

35 Baltic Master Polska We invite you to cooperation

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