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Disease Transmission Deer mouse (spreads hantavirus)

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Presentation on theme: "Disease Transmission Deer mouse (spreads hantavirus)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disease Transmission Deer mouse (spreads hantavirus)

2 Epidemiology Study of disease origin (where it started), cause (what organism), and transmission (how it spreads). Incubation period: the period of time that elapses from the infection of the host to the appearance of symptoms. Virulence: ability of a pathogen to cause disease

3 Epidemiology (cont.) Quarantine: enforced isolation of individuals that may have been exposed to a contagious or infectious disease. Carrier: infected individual who is capable of spreading disease but shows no sign of disease.

4 Airborne Transmission
Aerosolized droplets that enter the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. Ex: Influenza

5 Direct Contact Spread by direct physical contact with an infected individual, usually passed through blood or body fluids. Ex: Ringworm, Mono

6 Fecal – Oral Transmission
Pathogens in fecal particles from one host are ingested by another host. Ex: Hepatitis A (causes hepatitis outbreaks at restaurants)

7 Indirect Contact Germs are able to survive on surfaces. When the surface is touched, the germs are transmitted to the body. Ex: virus that causes the common cold

8 Vector – Borne Transmission
Disease is passed by animals such as ticks, mosquitoes, and rodents. Usually passed through biting or contact with feces. Ex: Malaria, Lyme Disease


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