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Pinpoint Math.

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Presentation on theme: "Pinpoint Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pinpoint Math

2 Overview Intervention leveled program
Designed to “pinpoint” problems to fill any gaps in learning Not to be used as an alternative core program/curriculum

3 Organization Levels A – F (1st through 6th grade)
Each level has 6 Volumes – color coded by strand Each volume has Topics ( 2 – 6 per Volume)

4 Strands Place Value Addition and Subtraction Time and Money
Multiplication and Division Geometry Measurement Geometric Figures Data and Graphs

5 Instructional Model Pretest: Pretest for the first volume is given to all students, either online or by paper and pencil.

6 Student Action Plan Teacher prepares individual or group objective-based assignments based on test results.

7 Teaching a Topic Students complete the introduction page; teacher demonstrates, questions and/or presents an overview of the topic based on student introduction responses

8 Assignments Student booklet pages and online computer tutorials are assigned based on individual student needs.

9 Summary and Review Students complete Topic Summary, Mixed Review and Progress monitoring informal assessment pages and receive teacher feedback.

10 Posttest Student takes the volume posttest and repeats to the process for the next volume.

11 Model it Understand it Try it
Lesson Model Model it Understand it Try it

12 Model It Activate prior knowledge Develop academic language
Model the activate Write about it

13 Understand It Develop Academic Language Demonstrate the Examples Progress Monitoring

14 Try It Develop Academic Language Students complete page independently

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