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A Comparison of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Abrahamic Religions

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1 A Comparison of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Abrahamic Religions

2 Date and Place founded:
Judaism – approximately 1800 B.C. in Palestine Some say the date is unknown Christianity – approximately 1 A.D. in Palestine Islam – 622 A.D. in Saudi Arabia “Eh! What gives? Where’s the originality!?”

3 Founders and Early Leaders
Judaism – Abraham and Moses Christianity – Jesus, Disciples (Moses and Abraham are also prophets) Islam – Muhammad (Moses, Abraham, and Jesus are also prophets) It is actually controversial to depict Mohammed through art – so instead, here’s a generic silhouette of a guy. “I hope we’re not over budget…”

4 Followers Called: Clergy Called: Judaism – Jews
Christianity – Christians Islam – Muslims Clergy Called: Judaism – rabbis Christianity – bishop, pastor, ministers, priest Islam - imams

5 House of Worship Judaism – synagogue or temple
Christianity – church, cathedral, chapel Islam – mosque Christian Church Synagogue

6 Holy City Judaism – Jerusalem Christianity – Jerusalem
Islam – Jerusalem, Mecca Mecca Jerusalem

7 Day of Worship Judaism – Saturday Christianity – Sunday Islam - Friday

8 Holy Days Judaism – Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
Christianity – Christmas, Easter Islam – Ramadan

9 Original Language Names of God Judaism – Hebrew
Christianity – Aramaic and Greek Islam – Arabic Names of God Judaism – Yahweh and Elohim Christianity – God, the Trinity Islam - Allah

10 Major Locations TODAY Judaism – Europe, Israel, North America
Christianity – Europe, North and South America Islam – Africa, Middle East, and Southeast Asia

11 Early Expansion Judaism – Little expansion mostly confined to Israel
Christianity – by the end of the 4th century Christianity spread across the entire Roman Empire Islam – Within 12 years, entire Arabian peninsula; after 100 years stretched from Spain to Southeast Asia

12 Current Worldwide Followers TODAY
Judaism – 14 million (ranks 12th) Christianity – 2.1 billion (ranks 1st) Islam – 1.3 billion (ranks 2nd) In the USA Judaism – 5.6 million Christianity – 159 million Islam – 1.1 million

13 Sacred Texts Judaism – Hebrew Bible (Torah)
Christianity – Old Testament and New Testament Islam – Qur’an (Koran) Hebrew Bible Qur’an

14 Ultimate Reality (Type of Theism and beliefs)
Judaism – One God, waiting for their Messiah Christianity – Trinity (God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), already found Messiah (Jesus). Islam – One God, Allah is their prophet and messiah I didn’t know what picture to put here, so instead, here’s a picture of a Jewish man with a goose.

15 Judaism – through prophets recorded in the Hebrew Bible
Divine Revelation How do we know about God? Judaism – through prophets recorded in the Hebrew Bible Christianity – through prophets and Jesus as recorded in the Old and New Testament Islam – through God’s final prophet Muhammad recorded in the Qur’an Christian prophets – no, they aren’t wearing funny hats. Those are halos. Hebrew Prophets

16 Identity of Jesus (How the religions view Jesus)
Judaism – False prophet Christianity – Son of God, the Messiah, Savior Islam – prophet of God How Jesus is often depicted. How Jesus might have actually looked.

17 Death of Jesus Judaism – death by Crucifixion
How the other religions believe Jesus died. Judaism – death by Crucifixion Christianity – death by Crucifixion Islam – Did not die, but ascended into heaven (a disciple took his place) “It could be worse.”

18 Resurrection of Jesus Judaism – Denied Christianity – Affirmed
Islam – Denied; since he did not die “Hey guys, what’d I miss?”

19 Means of Salvation Judaism – Belief in one God; good deeds
Christianity – correct belief, good deeds; by faith accept Christ as Savior (Protestants) Islam – Belief in one God; good deeds and follow Five Pillars of Faith

20 Afterlife Judaism – eternal heaven, or no afterlife
Christianity – eternal heaven Islam – eternal paradise (heaven) Judaism - eternal hell, or no afterlife Christianity – eternal hell Islam – eternal hell Fun fact: The depiction of Hell as fire and brimstone is not grounded in texts, and was made up centuries later by various preachers and priests.

21 Symbols Judaism – Star of David Christianity – cross
Islam – crescent with name of Allah in Arabic

22 View of Fellow Abrahamic Religions
Judaism – “Islam and Christianity are false interpretations and extensions of Judaism.” Christianity – “Judaism is a true religion, but with incomplete revelation. Islam is a false religion.” Islam – “Jews and Christians are respected as fellow believers, but with wrong beliefs and only partial revelation.”

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