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Some you can see, some you can feel, some you can hear!

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Presentation on theme: "Some you can see, some you can feel, some you can hear!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves – The movement of many forms of energy within solids, fluids, or even nothing.
Some you can see, some you can feel, some you can hear! Waves are Everywhere!! RADIO WAVES SOUND WAVES LIGHT WAVES SEISMIC WAVES WATER WAVES STADIUM WAVES

2 There are 3 main types of waves. They are different in their movement:
Take a look…. This is a Longitudinal or Compression Wave. Particles move in and out. Sound waves and Seismic “P” waves move this way. DIRECTION OF ENERGY FLOW This is a Surface Wave. Particles move in circles. Waves on the top of the ocean move this way as well as Seismic Surface waves on land. DIRECTION OF ENERGY FLOW This is a Transverse Wave. Particles move up and down. Light, as well a Seismic “S” waves move this way. DIRECTION OF ENERGY FLOW

3 Parts & Measurements of a Typical Wave:
The Crest is the high point on a wave while a Trough is the lowest point (the opposite of the crest). If you draw a line down the center of a wave, the area above the line or below the line is a measure of Amplitude. The distance between 2 of the same points on a wave determines the Wavelength.

4 The Frequency of a wave refers to how many cycles pass a given point in a certain amount of time.
Let’s say we count how many crests pass by in 1 minute and get a count of 60. We would say the frequency of that wave would be 1 Hz (Hertz) or 1 vibration per second. The sound wave a middle “C” key on a Piano produces is 256Hz (256 cycles per second)

5 Frequency can be thought of as the speed of a wave.
The reason why you hear the music you want to hear when you tune-in to, say, 95.1 FM on the radio dial, is because that station broadcasts their signal on a radio wave having a frequency of 95.1 mHz (95,100,000 cycles per second!)

6 Which types of waves are these?

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