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“Who Do You Think You Are?”

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Presentation on theme: "“Who Do You Think You Are?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Who Do You Think You Are?”

2 “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Perhaps this question is on the minds of some who hear Christians proclaim there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. Let’s strive to herald the principles of truth, while balancing a humble spirit / necessary boldness of speech.

3 “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Without God’s Grace, I Am Really Nothing Moses: Ex. 3-4 Isaiah: Isa. 6:5 Jeremiah: Jer. 1:4-6 The Apostle Peter: Lk. 5:8 The Apostle Paul: 1 Tim. 1:13; Phil. 3:6

4 “Who Do You Think You Are?”
With God’s Grace, I Can Be Something! Moses: Ex. 4:14-17 Isaiah: Isa. 1-66 Jeremiah: Jer. 1:9b-10 The Apostle Peter: Mt. 16:19; Acts 2, 10 The Apostle Paul: 1 Cor. 15:10

5 “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Only By the Grace of God, I Am What I Am! Moses: Ex. 4:24-28; Cf. Col. 2:11-13 Isaiah: Isa. 6:5-7; Cf. Acts 2:38; Tit. 3:5 Jeremiah: Jer. 1:7-9; Cf. 1Pet. 4:11 The Apostle Peter: Acts 2:38, 10:48 The Apostle Paul: 1Cor. 2:1-5; Acts 22:16

6 “Who Do You Think You Are?”
(By The Grace Of God, I Am What I Am)

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