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In the Office Unit 2.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Office Unit 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Office Unit 2

2 Unit 2 Review Describe offices, office supplies, equipment
Talk about routines, a typical day Grammar Adverbs of frequency There is … There are … (singular/plural) Prepositions (in/on/at/under) – request/ask for information

3 Warm-up! paper clip paper clip It is ____________. a an
They are __________s. a an paper clip paper clip


5 Equipment, Furniture

6 Where is ----? Where are --?

7 /

8 There is There are preposition in/on/under

9 Memory game


11 PIN

12 Adverbs of Frequency 주파수 의 부사 일반적으로 전반적으로 드물게 좀처럼 ...않다

13 자주 특별한 날 특정 일

14 NOTE before the verb 동사 I ______ exercise.
She ______ reads the newspaper. end of sentence I exercise ______. She reads the newspaper ________.

15 Board game rules Speak English. Use complete sentences.
Give details Ask follow-up questions If you need help: Raise your hand, ask questions Don’t worry about making mistakes. Practice, practice, practice

16 Any questions or problems … ?
Unit 2 – online activities

17 HOMEWORK Complete Unit 3 Online Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 24th noon

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