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Native Americans (Indians).

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans (Indians)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans (Indians)

2 Who were they? They were nomads (people who move in search of food) from Asia.

3 When did they first arrive?
25,000 – 40,000 years ago

4 How did they get here? They walked across the Bering Strait which connected Asia and North America The bridge they used to cross has been wiped out by nature

5 First American Cultures
Each tribe had its own cultures Culture based on environment and geography Had to adapt food, clothing, and housing to environment Eskimos (live in igloos, wore fur coats and ate mainly fish)

6 Views on trade Friendly business ventures to acquire what you needed

7 European Exploration

8 Countries Spain England France Portugal

9 Motto Spain – Gold Glory, and God England – Gold and Glory
France - Gold Portugal – Gold and Glory

10 Settlements Spain – Central America, West Coast South America
England – East Coast United States France – Canada and Northern United States Portugal - Brazil

11 Explorers Spain – Columbus, Magellan, Cortez, Pizarro
England – Cabot, Sir Francis Drake France - Cartier Portugal - Diaz, Vasco Da Gama

12 Treatment of Natives Spain – Learned survival skills from natives, then tried to convert them to Christians and slaves England – Genocide (killed all), declared war on Natives

13 Treatment of Natives France – Trading Partners
Portugal – Assimilated into Native Society; mestizo – person of European, African, and Indian Blood

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