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Doctrine of Sin The Nature of Sin.

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1 Doctrine of Sin The Nature of Sin

2 Nature of Sin Terms used for “sin” in the Bible. Old Testament:
Hatat – missing the mark, falling short Awon – iniquity, perversion, wickedness Pasach – transgression, revolt, rebellion

3 Nature of Sin What is Sin? Genesis 3
Westminster Shorter Catechism: “Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.” “Any want of conformity unto”: Lack or failure to do what the law requires. We do not by nature want to do what God’s law commands.

4 Nature of Sin What is sin? Romans 3:23 Hamartia
Root word is a picture of Archery. Missing the mark. Sin falls short of God’s glory

5 What Genesis 3 teaches us about sin?
1.) Sin redefines the basis of knowledge, it gives a different answer to the question “what is truth?” 2.) Sin redefines the basis of moral standards, it gives a different answer to the question “what is right?” 3.) Sin redefines the basis for identity, it gives a different answer to the question “Who Am I?”

6 Nature of Sin Genesis 3 Adam and Eve’s fall and Cosmic upheaval
Two ideas: Alienation & Estrangement Biblical Understanding of Salvation: Reconciliation Reconciliation can only happen where there is estrangement or alienation

7 4 Areas of Estrangement 1. Between Man & Nature Romans 8:22-23
2. Between Man & God We are by nature in a state of enmity with God Eph. 2:3; John 3:36 Much of Scripture is devoted to God initiated steps to reconcile the estranged parties Illustration: Estranged Spouses

8 4 Areas of Estrangement 3. Man from Man Violence between nations
Broken relationships Gen. 3 4. Man from himself Self-esteem

9 Nature of Sin Sins of Commission
When we do something we are not allowed to do. Sins of Omission When we fail to do something we are responsible to do. James 4:17

10 Nature of Evil Privatio Lack of Something
We get our English word, privation from it In our fallen condition, we are deprived or lack holiness & righteousness We are born in a corrupt Condition

11 Negatio English word = negation Evil is the negation of good Biblical terms: Ungodliness, unrighteousness

12 A Theology of Sin: 7 Statements
1. Inherited Guilt: We are counted guilty because of Adam’s sin. (Rom. 5:12, 18– 19) 2. Inherited Corruption: We have a sinful nature because of Adam’s sin. (Ps. 51:5; 58:3) 3. Total Depravity: In our natural state we lack spiritual good before God. (Gen. 6: 5 -6; Ps. 14:2 – 3; Isaiah 64:6; Eph. 2:1-3)

13 A Theology of Sin: 7 Statements
4. Total Inability: In our actions we are unable to do spiritual good before God. (Rom. 8:7 – 8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 2 Corinthians 4:4) 5. All are sinful before God. Scripture testifies to the universal sinfulness of mankind. (Rom. 3:23; 1 Kings 8:46) 6. A single sin makes us guilty before God. (James 2:10 – 11) 7. We deserve God’s eternal wrath because of our sin. (Eph. 2:3; John 3:36)

14 John Murray: “To be complacent towards that which is the contradiction of this own holiness would be a denial of himself. So that is the correlate of his holiness. And this is just saying that the justice of God demands that sin receive its retribution. The question is not at all: How can God, being what he is, send men to hell? The question is, How can God, being what he is, save them from hell?”

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