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DRAWING LIMITS The drawing limits are there for a reason. When you start a new drawing, then decide how much space do I need for my drawing. Think of it.

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Presentation on theme: "DRAWING LIMITS The drawing limits are there for a reason. When you start a new drawing, then decide how much space do I need for my drawing. Think of it."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAWING LIMITS The drawing limits are there for a reason. When you start a new drawing, then decide how much space do I need for my drawing. Think of it as the size of your drawing area. Then you can define drawing limits correctly. Type LIMITS enter. Type 0, 0 as lower left corner then type or click the coordinate for upper right corner. Furthermore, the drawing limits defines the extent of ZOOM all.

2 PAPER SIZE 297X210 420X297 594X420 841X594 1189X841

3 COMMAND LIMITS type LIMITS at command bar. Choose your SIZE OF PAPER.
Choose to “ON” limits. p/s: now you can draw only in drawing limits.

4 LINETYPE All object are created using the current linetype which is displayed in the linetype control on the Object Properties toolbar. You can also set the current linetype with the linetype control.

5 To set the linetype for all new object:
From the HOMEPROPERTIES menu choose OTHER. Linetype manager will appear. If you need to load a new linetype, choose load select linetype and click ok. Close linetype manager. On toolbar properties. Select linetype and draw or you can draw 1st and choose linetype later.

6 COLOUR All object are created using the current colour which is displayed in the colour control on the Object Properties toolbar. You can also set the current colour with the colour control.

7 To set line colour: At the properties, select colour control.
Either a colour to draw all new object in that colour or click other to display the select colour dialog box do one in the following. Draw 1st and select colour later. Draw with current colour.

8 CIRCLE There are several ways to draw a circle. Among them are:
CCR(circle center radius) CCD(circle center diameter) CTTR(circle tan tan radius)

9 Draw circle with CCR Click circle
Specify center point for circle(any where) Specify radius of circle (40 enter)

10 Draw a circle with CCD Click circle
Specify center point for circle(any where). Specify radius of circle or (diameter): D enter Specify diameter of circle (80 enter).

11 Draw circle with CTTR Draw line 1 and line 2 Click circle
Specify center point for circle(TTR enter). Specify point on object for 1st tangen or circle: line 1. Specify point on object for 2nd tangen or circle: line 2. Specify radius of circle (40 enter).

12 DRAWING AN ARC There are several method to draw an arc. Among them are: 3 point Start, center, end Start, center, angle Start, center, length Start, end, angle Start, end, direction Start, end, radius Center, start, end Center, start, angle Center, start, length

13 Exercise 1 Prepare the steps to construct the diagram of figure below using absolute, polar and relative coordinate.

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