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Ag & Resource Economics

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1 Ag & Resource Economics
Creating a Budget Written by Annette Dunlap, MBA Extension Associate Ag & Resource Economics NC State University

2 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Program Outline An Overview of Budgeting Fixed Expenses Variable Expenses Break-even Analysis Estimating Revenue Budget Assumptions Next steps resources The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

3 An Overview of Budgeting
Budgeting is an important piece of the planning process Budgets give you a numeric picture of your revenues and your expenses Budgets enable you to make more informed business decisions about your business The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

4 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Fixed Expenses Expenses that stay the same, no matter how much activity you have Examples: Rent/mortgage payments on land Equipment payments Insurance premiums Salaried employees The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

5 “Variable” Fixed Expenses
Expenses that you will incur, but the amounts vary based on your activities and the time of year Examples: Hourly wages Utilities Fuel The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

6 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Variable Expenses Expenses that differ with the amount of business you conduct or the amount of activity you have Examples: Cost of seed or livestock Cost of fertility method Choice of feed Cost of marketing and selling The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

7 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Break-Even Analysis The point at which revenues equal costs Break-even can be computed as break-even based on units and break-even based on sales The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

8 Break-even Equations Break-even based on units: Annual Fixed Cost
[1-(Average per unit VC/Average per unit SP)] Break-even based on sales: Average Annual Fixed Cost (Average per unit SP – Average per unit VC) VC = variable cost; SP = sales price The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

9 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Estimating Revenue Revenue is often estimated based on the best available data. One possible measure of revenue is: MP = n x q x p Where MP = total market potential; n = the potential number of buyers in the market; p = the average quantity purchased by the buyers; and p = the average price per unit The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

10 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Budget Assumptions Budgets are snapshots in time – subject to change as we get more information Reconfigure your budgets as you move forward in your business cycle The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

11 The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit
Resources For another discussion on the use of enterprise budgets, visit: enterprise_budget_analysis.pdf For a further discussion of break-even analysis, visit: To gain access to various generic enterprise budgets, visit: North Carolina-based budgets are available at: For additional guidelines on budgeting, including a budget for aquaculture, visit: To access enterprise budgets for other regions of the country, visit: The Value-Added & Alternative Agriculture Start-up Toolkit

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