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Economic changes in Wilhemine Germany C/B aim – to explain the economic changes in Wilhemine Germany and assess how far they changed politics and why.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic changes in Wilhemine Germany C/B aim – to explain the economic changes in Wilhemine Germany and assess how far they changed politics and why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic changes in Wilhemine Germany C/B aim – to explain the economic changes in Wilhemine Germany and assess how far they changed politics and why this was B/A aim – to fully explain the economic changes in Wilhemine Germany and explain and assess how far they changed politics In 1871 German industry had ‘taken-off’. What does this mean had happened? In the 1880s the German ‘Second Industrial Revolution’ was beginning. What does this mean? What impact would the ‘take-off’ and ‘second industrial revolution’ have on German society, the economy and Wilhemine politics?

2 Complete this table using pp. 8-13. skim and scan.
Economic change in Wilhemine Germany Impact on German politics Complete this table using pp skim and scan. Check homework

3 How far did economic changes affect Wilhemine Germany’s politics
How far did economic changes affect Wilhemine Germany’s politics? Why was this?

4 How did the political structure of Wilhemine Germany affect Germany?

5 What different answers could there be to this question?
Who actually ran Germany? C/B aim – to give strengths and weaknesses of the different interpretations and analyse which one is most accurate with reasons for this B/A aim – to give strengths and weaknesses of the different interpretations and analyse which one is most accurate with a full justification What different answers could there be to this question?

6 Use pp. 29-31 green book and the photocopies to add to your sheets.

7 Rohl – personal rule Summary Strengths Weaknesses
How accurate is this interpretation?

8 Wehler – elites Summary Strengths Weaknesses
How accurate is this interpretation?

9 Blackbourn and Eley – masses
Summary Strengths Weaknesses How accurate is this interpretation?

10 Who actually ran Germany?
Debate Engage directly with someone else’s comment.

11 Homework – due Monday 22nd September
Write a paragraph justifying which interpretations are accurate and not accurate to ‘Who actually ran Germany?’. Include facts in your answer. Read pp and answer the key questions in the margins.

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