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Presentation on theme: "The Spiral 2nd Tier 1st Tier CORAL TURQUOISE YELLOW GREEN ORANGE BLUE"— Presentation transcript:

RED PURPLE BEIGE 2nd Tier MOMENTOUS LEAP 1st Tier SPIRAL DYNAMICS The spiral is the nearly perfect image of the evolution of consciousness. As persons and societies move from lower to higher levels, they move in wider circles of more and more complex consciousness. Also these circles go around and meet changed life conditions, that require a higher (more complex) level of consciousness to deal effectively with these new life conditions. Also the spiral allows the display of the accumulation of lower level good aspects (memes) that continue to serve well even in the new, higher life conditions. The not so good aspects (memes) of lower levels that are transcended in the move to the next higher level are implied by drawing included levels smaller in the “tail” of the spiral than first appearances in the front of the spiral. Clearly some memes have been transcended. The spiral is often taken apart and depicted in other forms. This dissection is done to display another characteristic of the levels, When this is done it is helpful to remember the spiral image and its significant meanings. 11/19/ :12 AM

2 Transcend and Include The spiral displays the accumulation of lower level healthy aspects (those that continue to serve well); needing to be included in the new, higher life conditions. Those aspects of unhealthy lower levels (that do not continue serve) are transcended in the move to the next higher level. This can be seen in the icon which includes the smaller levels in the “tail” of the spiral. 11/19/ :12 AM

3 The Spiral is a Nearly Perfect Image
The circles go around to meet new life conditions, that will require a higher (more complex) level of consciousness to deal effectively with these new life conditions. Each turn of the Spiral is a nearly perfect reminder that there are things that we need to transcend and things we need to include. Looking at history is a way to see which is which. 11/19/ :12 AM

4 Why History is Important
History is important to us because it is the heritage that shaped the world we live in today. What we do today will be part of history in the future. It is mainly important because it helps us to understand the world, and how it became what we see today and who we are today. 11/19/ :12 AM

5 Our History Can Show Us Where We Have Been Along Our Journey
We are living now as humans in a process of becoming aware that we are spiritual beings. Our history reflects where we have been along our journey. Knowing how far we have come and what we have learned from our past experiences can make us grateful for where we have been; it can provide the further guidance for our journeys. It can help us to learn how to live in the “NOW”; a tool we can use to pave the way. This is especially true today in our collective history; lessons learned in a multitude of individual journeys are illuminating where we, collectively, are going. . 11/19/ :12 AM

6 WHY LOOK AT HISTORY? Not to know what has transacted in former times is to always be a child. If no use is made of the labors of the past, the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge. Marcus Tullius Cicero (1st Century C.E.) Only our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. Gustav Flaubert (19th century C.E.) Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (Santayana (20th century) By looking at the formation of structures in the past… we can focus our attention on that (old) leading edge of evolution and help a new leading edge of evolution to move forward. Ken Wilber (21st Century) 11/19/ :12 AM

“Human history is filled with turbulence, occasionally major chaos erupts to trigger order of magnitude, epochal* changes.” Spiral Dynamics looks at history and how human beings have coped with changing life conditions at each of these changes. * epoch: a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics 11/19/ :12 AM

8 Beige Instinctive Consciousness
WHEN? 250,000 years ago until 35,000 years ago in the age of Neanderthal mankind (215,000 years) Instinctive Sensual Naturalistic Survivalist Compulsive with little reflective thinking Depended on sharpened senses Lived in psychic connection with nature & man Concerned with sustenance and the young Evolution of Species and Anatomy Evolution of Consciousness Millions of years of hominid evolution Modern homo sapiens sapiens us BEIGE INSTINCTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS This illustration clarifies which level of anatomical evolution is the beige instinctive level. As the arrow indicates it is one level back of Cro-Magnon mankind. This is the time of Neanderthal or Archaic Homo Sapiens. This 215,000 year period out of the millions of years of hominid evolution and billions of years of the evolution of life on earth is a very short time, but is the long time it took to finish the unique physical and sensual skills of modern humans. It is the time of the development of human memory and psychic abilities. The human mind is thought by cognitive science to be 95% unconscious, which is just about all the mind hominids had before 250,000 years ago. So beige consciousness has very little reflective thinking and this accounts for why it took 215,000 years to get to the next stage. The limitation of speech (words and grammar and the ability to make enough different sounds) held this level of consciousness from making any rapid changes; 215,000 years is approximately 10, 000 generations. Nevertheless, It is certain that the evolution of the unconscious mind was continuous during this period in the arts of survival involving much more mental activity than the species of animals living at the same time. Human faculties were, after all, preparing for a quantum jump to another level 35,000 years ago. Evolution of life on Earth goes back billions of years 11/19/ :12 AM

9 Purple Magical Consciousness
WHEN? 35,000 years ago until 10,000 years ago in the age of Cro-Magnon mankind (25,000 years) Magical Ritualistic Imitative Fearful Lived with mystical beings and signs Was concerned with rites, rituals and taboos Learned well and observed life around them Things outside self threatened to do evil Tools, weapons, warm clothing, dwellings, migrating everywhere on earth over land bridges of the Ice Age, and killing all the large mammals. Tribes PURPLE MAGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS The 2 dates of 35,000 and 10,000 years ago that bound the Cro-Magnon age, the era of purple consciousness, are well established by the science of archeology. The more refined tools, weapons and dwellings date beginning 35,000 years ago and the evidence is that agricultures began 10,000 years ago. This was at the same time as the most recent Ice Age came to an end. These dates are quite firm. The most likely reason for the quantum jump is the faculty of speech which was the result of the evolution of the voice box and corresponding neural networks. Better speech meant better training of children in tool making, more specific directing of the hunt, clearer sharing of ideas and emotions, and greater accuracy in passing accumulated knowledge on from generation to generation. The stimulation it afforded consciousness developed new mental and technical skills and enhanced both imagination and intuition. It took one tenth the time it took beige to move on. One of the outstanding accomplishments of these people was to migrate throughout the earth over land bridges caused by sea levels lowered by the immense amount of water locked into mile high ice in the northern hemisphere. Another achievement is the cave paintings of the last 5000 years of the era. Over 200 caves have been discovered in Europe alone. More than a thousand carvings of the thick-bellied, broad-hip “Venus” have been found. 11/19/ :12 AM

10 The Move From PURPLE to RED The Melting of the Ice
We can observe the results of the melting of a previous Ice Age as we began to move from PURPLE into RED; every culture has a flood story. People, being misplaced, began to move out, little by little from being hunter-gatherers to farmers and herders as they observed new plants (and even trees) emerging as the result of scattering of seeds and domestication of animals. The floods had brought with it the kind of soil that favored agriculture. 11/19/ :12 AM

11 Every Culture Has a Flood Story
Black Sea Flood 5500 BCE Bosporus breached with force of 200 Niagaras 600 feet down (Bible Flood Story not written until 1,000 BCE) 11/19/ :12 AM

12 Red Egocentric Consciousness
WHEN? 10,000 years ago until 2,800 years ago in the age of post Ice Age mankind (7,200 years) Egocentric Strong Competitive Cruel Took responsibility and demanded rewards Lived in a “jungle” where the strongest won Performed intelligently but aggressively Little thought for those we hurt or killed. Civilization began in 3000 BCE War was constant during Red RED EGOCENTRIC CONSCIOUSNESS 10,000 years ago the mile high ice began to melt, causing horrendous floods on the earth as sea levels rose 600 feet to their present levels years ago the land separating the Mediterranean from the Black Sea breached with the force of 200 Niagaras inundating fishing villages and forming the present day Bosporus. This might be the source of the biblical flood story. As the temperature of the earth rose, plant and animal life flourished and mankind discovered how both could be domesticated. Cultivation of wheat and barley began and herds of sheep, goats, pigs, and cows were bred for their milk, wool, meat and hides. Life changed dramatically from hunting and gathering and nomadic styles, to a settling down into villages and a life style of maintaining crops and animal products. Red consciousness was greatly advanced over the earlier 2 levels. Mankind gained analytic and organizing skills and greatly increased its will-power and self-confidence. Hence this level of consciousness is called ‘egocentric’. It was an era of great accomplishment. However, these new life conditions led to personal ownership and thence to selfishness and pride, and to expanded rule of the few over the many. Strength became of prime importance which led to the violence of nearly constant war. The tremendous good of red consciousness was overwhelmed by competition and harsh cruelty.. 11/19/ :12 AM

13 Agriculture and the Domestication of Animals
Animals Crops Time Frame Sheep Wheat 8,000 BCE Goat Barley 8,000 BCE Pig Peas 8,000 BCE Horse Fruits 4,000 BCE Donkey & Water Buffalo 4,000 BCE Llama & Alpaca 3,500 BCE Bactrian & Arabian Camels 2,500 BCE 11/19/ :12 AM

14 The Assyrian Empire and the Move from RED to BLUE
The Assyrian Empire and the Move from RED to BLUE “The-Assyrian Empire, between 900 BCE until 600 BCE was the largest empire of the world up until that time. The Assyrians were the first to be armed with iron weapons, and used tactics that made them unbeatable. A complete ruthlessness came to characterize the Assyrians. A phrase often repeated by Assyrian kings in their inscriptions regarding military conquest is “I destroyed, devasted and burned with fire those cities, towns and regions which resisted Assyrian rule.” 11/19/ :12 AM

15 Blue Authoritative Consciousness
WHEN? 2,800 years ago until 400 years ago in the age of Religious & Ethical mankind (2,400 years) HEBREW PROPHETS Authoritarian Mythic Ordered Sufferer Concerned with discipline, tradition and rules Truth was from antiquity in story form Wanted order under control of ultimate truth Believed in suffering to be saved Myth Bible Blue is full of heros, gurus, stars & public figures. SACRIFICE BLUE AUTHORITATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The reaction to red egocentric consciousness was world wide as the graphic at the bottom shows; within 500 years all of the major religions took a quantum leap forward to advance new ways to live fruitfully and meaningfully. People developed new social, moral, and ethical skills; law and order were emphasized over red strengths and skills, and to induce new images of authoritative blue consciousness, much attention was given to myth-making concerned with heroes as examples of virtues, and with gods that had the power to punish disobedience to the law and order. The idea that the gods required humans to sacrifice to atone for sins persisted from purple consciousness as it does even today. Synecdoche as a figure of speech is so pervasive in blue consciousness that it is almost completely overlooked. It is the laziest way of speaking and the ally of column-space-conscious journalism. Why say the ‘Republican led United States State Department’ when it is so much quicker to say “Bush”. The problem caused by the constant use of synecdoche, is, as it is in all myth-making, that the really significant collective role of many minds is disguised to such a complete degree that people are seduced into believing the myth. Synecdoche is a founding meme of blue authoritative, mythical consciousness. And so is the persistent belief that suffering and sacrifice are necessary. Hebrew Prophets, Bible Writers Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tse, Zoroaster Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle 11/19/ :12 AM

16 The Move from BLUE to ORANGE Crises of the Middle Ages
A series of events in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries brought centuries of prosperity and growth to a halt (especially in Europe). Three major crises led to radical changes in all areas of society: demographic collapse, political instabilities and religious upheavals. (1)A series of famines and plagues, beginning with the Great Famine of and especially (2)the Black Death of 1348, reduced the population perhaps by half or more. (3) Revolts and civil wars within countries such as the Wars of the Roses were common. Science was exploring the universe to find answers. 11/19/ :12 AM

17 Orange Scientific Consciousness
WHEN? 400 years ago until 100 years ago in the age of modern, Industrial mankind (300 years) Scientific Achiever Strategist Opportunist The use of scientific methods Industrial economy Democracy, capitalism, strategic alliances Freedom, possibilities, and opportunities Age of machinery Age of instruments Openness to ideas; valuing ideas… acting on possibility; inventing ORANGE SCIENTIFIC CONSCIOUSNESS The impact of machinery on human consciousness was enough to totally change it. What human senses could not see and human (and animal) strength could not accomplish, machinery did. In the long run even what the human mind could not calculate computing machinery filled in and did. Of course, machinery is the invention of orange consciousness, and now today both the high-level guiding mind and the laboring machine are essential to effectively dealing with modern life conditions. Orange consciousness is best recognized by openness to new ideas. A person does not need a specialty in science to have orange consciousness, though science is a fruit of orange consciousness. Since a sense of growth contributes so much to mankind’s feeling of joy, it must be that the blue consciousness’ resistance to the concept of evolution comes from its meme of suffering. Blue consciousness is powerful in its stuckness. The scientific view of evolution is a hundred or a thousand times more exciting than either of the ancient, mythical, biblical versions of creation. Orange consciousness has accomplished more for the freedom and independence of mankind, and continues to do so, than any other level lower or higher because it believes in independence and freedom from oppression. INDEPENDENCE Of nature Of privilege Of religion Of tradition Of each other EVOLUTION Science and scientific method Learning and Dialog 11/19/ :12 AM

18 The Move from ORANGE to GREEN Civil Wars All Over the World
We are most aware of the civil war in this country; however, there were civil wars over the world. (In this country alone we killed over 620,000 if our own people.) A massive chaos resulted; we had to move out of what had begun as powerful positive changes with the scientific, industrial revolution, into a recognition of a need to care for people and the environment. Lincoln’s inaugural address affirmed a recognition of this need. 11/19/ :12 AM

19 Conflict in the Process of Evolution
In the process of evolution, when either side of a duality becomes privileged or over-extended pathology results. (pg290) Evolution as a whole thus exhibits the continuous ability to transcend the duality of conflict and the limitation of any given container by moving in the direction of an entirely new domain. (Pg298) Evolution proceeds through the interplay of opposing forces, and when either of these opposing forces is privileged or extended too far the result is pathology. (Pg303) Every conflict contains a transcendent synthesis that is waiting to be achieved…there is a deep spirituality that is at the heart of the process of universe development (Pg309) Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness 11/19/ :12 AM

20 Green Sensitive Consciousness
WHEN? 100 years ago until NOW in the age of Civil Rights & Ecological mankind (100 years) Sensitive Introspective Egalitarian Environmentalist Thinking with mind and heart; sharing and caring Believing in the power of mind action Seeking fairness for all ethnic backgrounds Active in improving the earth environment networks New Thought GREEN SENSITIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The green sensitive level of consciousness is where we have been in the 20th century. We have identified with the improvement in race relations, with concern for the planet’s resources, with the liberation of the female population, with new understanding of body / mind relationship, with health food stores, workout gyms, and weight-loss salons, with non-sacrificial religion and the power of mind action and positive thinking, with much improved elder care facilities and hospice care, the rapid spread of computers into all aspects of life, and on and on. Such amazing progress has been made in this past 100 years. Very many outstanding concepts have been developed under green consciousness, such as networking of both people and computers. Networking and the Internet are the epitome of green thinking. Green, in fact, is so right about people and the whole earth because of its sensitivities and inclusions; it is “so hard to be humble”. The momentous leap into 2nd tier is nevertheless an essential step forward; humans need much more integration. The conflicts between green concern and orange industry need to be resolved by 2nd tier consciousness. Cultural, ethnic and religious differences need to be more than just tolerated, they need full integration. Red and blue problems need better resolution. SILENT UNITY Distant Healing 11/19/ :12 AM

21 Things to Note What can look like regression along the Spiral are the issues we are facing now. Racial issues, Gender issues, environment issues seem to be threatened. We do have to accept that those issues had not completely disappeared. We, in this and other first world countries, collectively, became more complacent about life conditions in third world countries. 11/19/ :12 AM

RED PURPLE BEIGE 2nd Tier MOMENTOUS LEAP 1st Tier SPIRAL DYNAMICS The spiral is the nearly perfect image of the evolution of consciousness. As persons and societies move from lower to higher levels, they move in wider circles of more and more complex consciousness. Also these circles go around and meet changed life conditions, that require a higher (more complex) level of consciousness to deal effectively with these new life conditions. Also the spiral allows the display of the accumulation of lower level good aspects (memes) that continue to serve well even in the new, higher life conditions. The not so good aspects (memes) of lower levels that are transcended in the move to the next higher level are implied by drawing included levels smaller in the “tail” of the spiral than first appearances in the front of the spiral. Clearly some memes have been transcended. The spiral is often taken apart and depicted in other forms. This dissection is done to display another characteristic of the levels, When this is done it is helpful to remember the spiral image and its significant meanings. 11/19/ :12 AM

The First six levels are designated as “1st tier”- (Beige, Purple, Red, Blue, Orange and Green). The primary goal of the first level is “subsistence” (making a living). The next two levels (identified so far) are “2nd tier” (Yellow and Turquoise) The primary goal of the 2nd tier is “Being” – (making a life) 11/19/ :12 AM

As we are moving into YELLOW/TURQUOISE, our world today is going through massive chaos; history has shown us chaos preceded the emergence of each new level of order. Looking at each of the previous stages and levels has allows us to identify major events in life conditions that gave rise to chaos at each new level; a reminder of things that still need to be transcended and included. 11/19/ :12 AM

25 What is Moving us Today from GREEN into the 2nd Tier YELLOW/TURQUOISE
The chaos being experienced in all the world today is reminding us that there are still things that need to be healed. In the 1960s there was a belief and an expectation that we could achieve peace on earth. All we had to do was to “love one another, right now”; easier said than done, as long as there were those we couldn’t love, or others we could not accept. 11/19/ :12 AM

26 Yellow Integrative Consciousness YELLOW INTEGRATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS
WHEN? Now in our age of Global & Diversified mankind Integrative Systematic Diversified Changeable Integrates all activities with discernment Alert to emergent quality and complexity Supports diversity as good for evolution Ready for change and lives well in it Integral Institute of Ken Wilber and Many Others; Integral University HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS Physics Chemistry Biology Neurology Ecology Art Ethics Religion Politics Business Psychology Sociology Survivalist Mysticus integrative YELLOW INTEGRATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS In this first of the 2nd tier levels of consciousness a person enters into deep contemplation as a tool. It is time to reflect over and over on each of the subsistence levels examining what has been included and what transcended. It can be very fruitful to make adjustments to the decisions made during the inevitable, painful struggle of evolving up the levels. The contemplation of the purple level may lead a person into piano lessons, singing, painting, dancing, writing or other arts or crafts to enliven the purple that was too pushed aside at an earlier time. The contemplation of the red level may lead to active participation in politics or letters to the newspaper, or playing card games. A person can discover how to enjoy tough competition by transcending egocentric pride and thus avoiding that really serious pain at losing. The contemplation of the blue level may lead to comfort with a fundamentalist loved-one or friend, or to seek a position on the school board or planning commission… Yellow consciousness urges the open-minded focus on each level as an integrator of them into one whole self, entirely together with every aspect of self. Integratus “ scales drop from our eyes enabling us to see, for the first time,the legitimacy of all of the human systems awakened to date.” Humanisticus Exploiticus 11/19/ :12 AM Materialensis Absoluticus

27 Turquoise Holistic Consciousness
WHEN? Aren’t we very near to the age of Resonance & Healthy Era III mankind ? Holistic Balanced Collectivist Individualist One self, spirit, mind, body, and heart Balancing life; seeking to know everything Connecting, sharing and loving Fully expressing spiritual qualities NOEL N = neural network’s natural, non-local noosphere O = of our own and others’ organic oscillations E = extending electromagnetism and energy to each other L = leveraging living, loving, learning, leading and longevity TURQUOISE HOLISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS Scientific research is moving aggressively into demonstrating the field of consciousness that interconnects individual minds of all people. Remarkable data has accumulated that confirms real communication with such a consciousness field and also between individual minds. The terms extended-mind, morphic fields, non-locality, collective unconscious, and noosphere are being tested objectively by standard scientific methodology. The evidence is building that the term ‘oneness’ is much more than a metaphysical notion. The empirical evidence of non-local connection is growing. The thought behind NOEL is to separate all spiritual and mythological concepts from whatever can be demonstrated scientifically. It is not that the religious belief terms are empty of meaning, it is rather that it is not appropriate to mix them with scientific investigation. The search is on for the secular, underlying reality that has supported intuitive, mythological religion for millennia. And to find in this reality new methods to realize its usable energy and power. The time has come to discover greater leverage that higher consciousness can use; a leverage as effective in solving problems of life condition as the computer is in solving immense number problems. . Medicine Eras of I. Pharmaceutical and Surgical II. Mind / body inter relationship Larry Dossey: III. Remote healing by means of non-local intention and energy. 11/19/ :12 AM

28 Interactive Spiral 11/19/ :12 AM


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