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Warm-up Question What if every American Citizen were required to vote?

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1 Warm-up Question What if every American Citizen were required to vote?

2 Executive Branch

3 The Executive Branch Executive Branch – “Executes the laws”; or sees that they are carried out President – National Executive @ least 35 years old Be a natural-born citizen of the United States Have been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years.

4 P The President Compensation
$400,000/ year with a $50,000 expense account

5 Journal #11 Should the president of the United States (POTUS) be limited to two-terms? Should they be allowed unlimited terms? Should they be limited, but to a different amount? Why or why not?

6 P The President Originally served unlimited four year terms
George Washington sets 2 term precedent nd Amendment – limits to two Electoral College – the people elect a group of electors from each state who vote for the president 6 weeks after the general election.

7 Electoral College

8 Electoral College 270 Votes Needed to Win 538 Electors
“All-or-Nothing” (except ME and NE) If 270 not gained, House of Representatives chooses with each state getting one vote.

9 Presidential Powers Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces
Grant Pardons Make treaties with advice and consent of 2/3 of the senate Appoint Supreme Court Justices, Ambassadors, and others whose appointments are not accounted for Call congress to session under extraordinary circumstances (can also adjourn if congress cannot agree)

10 Presidential Powers Give a State of the Union Address

11 Journal #12 As Commander in Chief, POTUS is the leader of the entire U.S. Military. With this in mind; should POTUS be required to have a military background?

12 Executive Orders Rule or directive issued by the president that has the force of law. Usually to clarify how laws are to be carried out Basically an interpretation of laws Can be overturned by new legislation or the Supreme Court

13 Double Expectations Gap
Living up to their campaign promises Living up to the ideas of their role according to the American People Two Roles Head of State Head of Government

14 The President’s Cabinet
“Secretaries” are heads of Executive Departments.


16 Break Outs In your groups, give a brief summary of what your department is responsible for.

17 Chief of Staff In charge of White House Operations
Press-secretary – Handles contact between White House and Media

18 Vice President “Advisor-in-Chief” Tie breaking vote in the senate

19 “First Lady” “Behind every good man there is a good woman.”

20 Approval Ratings Personal – How the public perceives the president’s character Job – How good a job the president is doing

21 Judicial Branch “The Least Dangerous Branch”
Why? Interpret laws and judge whether laws have been broken

22 Supreme Courts Discretionary Jurisdiction – Chooses its cases Writ of Certiorari – Decision to hear a case Creates, Upholds, or Overturns Laws Final Decision

23 Opinions Facts of the Case coupled with the Court’s Decision
Holding – Final Decision Dissenting – Minority view against Holding Concurring – Judges agree with holding but for different reasons

24 The Most Dangerous Branch?
Marbury v. Madison 1803 Judicial Review Can rule congressional laws “unconstitutional” Pg. 84

25 Journal # 13 The Judicial Branch has the role of interpreting laws. Those interpretations basically become laws themselves. Does this fall under the idea of Checks and Balances? OR, do these 9 individuals have too much power when it comes to deciphering what is or is not legal?

26 Compensation Associate Justices – $244,400/yr
Chief Justice – $255,500/yr

27 Criminal vs. Civil Law Criminal Laws – Prohibit actions that break the public peace. “Breaking the Law” Civil Laws – Regulate interactions between individuals Liability – Duty to act in a certain way and not doing so causes harm Compensatory Damages – “Pay back” for things lost Punitive – Meant to punish

28 5 Functions of the Law in the U.S.
1. To provide security for people and property 2. To provide predictability 3. To provide ways of resolving conflicts between members of society To reflect society’s values 5. To distribute benefits that society has to offer

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