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Zortec Payroll Common Issues and New Options

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Presentation on theme: "Zortec Payroll Common Issues and New Options"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zortec Payroll Common Issues and New Options

2 Employee Lookup by SSN

3 Ability to do employee lookup by SSN

4 Select ‘Social Security #’ search/select option
Select ‘Social Security #’ search/select option. Enter Social Security # in lookup field:

5 Utility programs are available to change from SSN as employee key to employee number.

6 Miscellaneous items in payroll process

7 In order to turn off all direct deposits and issue checks for entire check run, type ‘N’ in Direct Deposit Codes field on payroll setup.

8 Payroll Process Setup:
‘Flat Fit Percent’ field allows for withholding flat percentage of federal income tax.

9 Payroll Process Setup:
‘Flat Fit Percent’ can be used in conjunction with ‘Skip Extra Withholding on Master’. Either flag can be used standalone.

10 Summary Entry of Times: Use F6 and F7 function keys to toggle between employee number and SSN.

11 When payroll is in process employee name cannot be changed.

12 Employee’s ‘Calc Status’ must be ‘Ok’ in order for employee to calculate in payroll process.

13 Employee must have same pay types on screen 3 and 4.

14 Employee Information screens

15 General Information Primary Payroll Required field.
Used with TCRS Great-West Import. Used when building Affordable Care Act employee file. Utility program available to set flag on Primary Payroll field. Available with UDRs; DDF field #450.

16 Tax Information screen
G-W Opt Out Used with TCRS Great-West Import. Available with UDRs; DDF field #850.

17 Tax Information screen
Member ID Used at TCRS and KY Start retirement agencies. Member ID assigned to employee by retirement agencies. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1340.

18 Tax Information screen
Ret/Job Date Date employee began job. Does not default from screen 1. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1350.

19 Tax Information screen
Job Stat Position Status field of TCRS reporting. Used to override Full/Part from screen 1, for TCRS reporting. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1360.

20 Tax Information screen
Valid options: 02-Probationary 03-Seasonal 04-Temporary Day Temporary 06-Limited Re-Emp Ret Teacher 07-Interim

21 Tax Information screen
Contract Months Contract Months field of TCRS file. Should be 9, 10, 11 or 12. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1365.

22 Tax Information screen
# Hours Per Day Scheduled Hours Per Day field of TCRS file. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1370.

23 Tax Information screen
Pay Reason Used to override payment reason from pay types in TCRS file. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1375.

24 Tax Information screen
Valid options: 02-Leave Without Pay 09-Furlough 11-Summer Months 16-Final Salary

25 Valid options: 01-Monthly
Tax Information screen Valid options: 01-Monthly Alt Pay Type Used to override ‘S’alary or ‘H’ourly in TCRS file. When used, Rate of Pay and Salary in TCRS file will be the same. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1380.

26 Tax Information screen
End Date End Employment Date field in TCRS Concord file. If employee changes positions that require reporting to TCRS, report the date. Does not default from Term Date on screen 1. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1390.

27 Tax Information screen
(End) Employment Reason End Employment Reason in TCRS Concord file. Represents general reason member terminated, changed contribution group or position status. Available with UDRs; DDF field #1385.

28 Tax Information screen
Valid options: 01-Retirement 02-Death 03-Termination 04-Change in Position Status 05-Transfer

29 Local Education Agencies
TCRS Changes for Local Education Agencies Effective July 1, 2018 Federally funded salaries will be reported under the Employer Code that begins with 91XXX for their agency. All other teacher salaries are reported under the Employer Code that begins with 99XXX.

30 Utility programs Set Primary Payroll Set retirement fields
Contract Months Hrs Per Day Service Credit Alt Pay Type Job Status G-W Opt Out

31 Setup and program options for Great-West

32 Deduction codes TCRS Hybrid Deduction Type
TCRS/Great-West 401k program 1-Before Tax Deduction 2-After Tax Deduction 3-Roth IRA Deduction 4-Age Catch-Up Deduction 5-Roth Catch-Up Deduction 6-401k Variable Bonus Deduction 7-Roth Variable Bonus Deduction 8-Variable Bonus Employee Catch-Up Deferral 9-Variable Longevity Deduction 10-Roth Variable Longevity Deduction 11-Variable Longevity Emp Catch-Up Deferral 12-Loan Payment Deduction 13-Employer Contribution

33 Deduction codes TCRS Hybrid Deduction Type TCRS/Great-West 457 program
Before Tax Deduction After Tax Deduction Roth IRA Deduction Age Catch-Up Deduction Roth Catch-Up Deduction k Variable Bonus Deduction Roth Variable Bonus Deduction Variable Bonus Employee Catch-Up Deferral Variable Longevity Deduction Roth Variable Longevity Deduction Variable Longevity Emp Catch-Up Deferral Loan Payment Deduction Employer Contribution

34 Option #6-Period End Process from Payroll main menu
Followed by option #10-Retirement Tape and Report from Period End Process menu

35 Option #7-Build Great-West PDI File to build the file that will be sent to Great-West.
Enter valid Check Date. Select appropriate plan file being built. File lands in user’s home directory. File for 457 plan will be in format ‘#####-01_pDDDDccmmdd.prn’ File for 401k plan will be in format ‘####-02_pDDDDccmmdd.prn’

36 Option #8-Print Great-West PDI File to print report from previous build process.
Enter valid Check Date for file previously built. Select appropriate plan file to be printed.

37 Option #9-Great-West Import File Maintenance.
File Type to Process: D-deferral L-loan Filename – PPENDEF. File must be in payroll data files directory. Records to Display: A-all E-errors

38 Option #10-Process Great-West Import File.
File Type to Process: D-deferral L-loan

39 HSA - Health Savings Account
We have implemented changes to LGC’s Zortec Payroll software to accommodate specific requirements for the Tennessee HealthSavings CDHP, a Consumer Driven Health Plan with Health Savings Account (CDHP/HSA). A HSA is a tax-exempt trust or custodial account set up with a qualified HSA trustee to pay or reimburse qualified medical expenses. Benefits Administration has contracted with PayFlex to manage employee HSAs.

40 Deduction Codes New deduction codes are needed for the Health Savings Account. Under #9-Office Manager, #15-Deduction Codes, create a new deduction code. The screen prints below can be used as a guide. Your deduction numbers may be different. There is a new parameter on the deduction code “HSA Y/N”. This should be answered Y…

41 Deduction Codes Employee Deduction Code set up:

42 Deduction Codes Employer Deduction Code set up (if needed):

43 NOTE: If you use general ledger links and create payroll packet, general ledger links must be created. Deduction ledger links are defined under Payroll, #10 General Ledger Links, #1 Define Link Parameters. If you are unsure or have questions about the setup of deduction links, contact LGC Customer Support. If you print vendor checks, be sure to answer Y to Print Vendor CK each Payroll and create a new vendor code.

44 W2 Deduction Parameters for PayFlex HSA
You will need to update the W2 Deduction Parameters for both the employee and employer contributions. The screen print below can be used as a guide. Your deduction code numbers may be different.

45 W2 Deduction Parameters for PayFlex HSA
Under #6-Period End menu, #52-W Processing, #1-Deduction W2 Parameters, select update mode and enter the deduction code created in the step above.

46 Employee deduction set up for PayFlex HSA The new deduction code(s) will need to be added to the Employee Master screen 5 for all employees that participate in the HSA plan. SAMPLE

47 HSA Extract After a payroll that includes HSA/PayFlex deductions has been processed and updated you will need to create a file to upload to PayFlex.

48 HSA Extract To create the file, enter a valid Check Date. Beg/End Employee # is optional. Enter Payrolls to Select is optional, but if nothing is entered all payrolls for the specified check date will be included.

49 HSA Extract Enter the HSA ID supplied by the State.
The deduction codes should default on the screen.

50 HSA Extract The file will land in the Payroll Files directory and will have the following naming pattern: PF.PFM.[employer number provided by the State]_Deposit_[current date in yymmdd format]_[current time in hhmmss format].txt. Example: PF.PFM _Deposit_ _ txt Once created, the file needs to be upload to PayFlex.

51 The deductions default in based on the HSA question on the deduction code. Employees must have a check date with a HSA deduction in the range specified to be included in the file. Be sure the totals on the Extract Report match the deduction report for the check date specified. Sample Report

52 Voided checks are not included in the file
Voided checks are not included in the file. Any corrections or changes to contributions must be made outside of the payroll system. The file must be upload the PayFlex using their guidelines. NOTE: You must submit a test file to the PayFlex before going live. Please contact LGC Support for assistance in creating a test file.

53 Miscellaneous Topics Medicare Gross exceeds $200,000
Employee rate additional .09% Employer rate does not change Online Check Stub files New Hire report Tennessee Alabama Employee address Screen 31 of employee information

54 Employee email addresses 15 possible email address lines. TCRS file.
(screen 31) Employee addresses possible address lines. TCRS file.

55 (screen 31)

56 (Payroll, #58-Additional Reports, #10-Email Report)
Selection criteria

57 Sample report

58 TCRS file has location for email address
Import address

59 Change Amount on Deductions Quarterly Unemployment Report/File
Mass Pay Rate Increase Quarterly Unemployment Report/File

60 This completes our presentation on Zortec Payroll Common Issues and New Options section of Resource If you have questions about any of these processes contact LGC Software Support Help Desk at

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