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Empowering Indigenous Women in Latin America

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1 Empowering Indigenous Women in Latin America
John Coonrod, PhD The Hunger Project October 2012 Thank you for having me here today – I bring you greetings from the indigenous women of Latin America who I’m privileged to stand in solidarity with, and who are truly pioneering new pathways to a peaceful and sustainable future for their communities and – perhaps – for our entire planet.

2 Most of us in North America think of Latin America as highly developed, yet among the marginalized, rural indigenous populations, poverty remains quite severe. For example, in Peru the poverty rate in rural areas is 3 times greater than urban areas: 56% vs 18%

3 Many of the poorest households are women-headed, as fathers and sons have left the area to seek cash employment.

4 Vision A world where every woman, man and child leads a healthy, fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.

5 Mission To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.

6 THP has made its highest priority in Latin America the empowerment of indigenous women. Originally, we had hoped that the leader of our work in Peru – Tarcila Zea rivera (center, with pants) would be with us, so with great humility in her absence I will brief you on this work.

7 Mobilize for Self-Reliance


9 Unleash women’s leadership
Mobilize for Self-Reliance







16 Participatory Local Democracy Unleash women’s leadership
Mobilize for Self-Reliance


18 Participatory Local Democracy Unleash women’s leadership
Educa-tion Liveli-hoods Nutri-tion Health Water & Sanita-tion Participatory Local Democracy Unleash women’s leadership Mobilize for Self-Reliance





23 Gracias!

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