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The Southern Colonies.

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1 The Southern Colonies

2 MARYLAND Lord Baltimore wanted to establish a safe place for Catholics
Promised religious freedom to attract others Passed the Toleration Act to protect Catholics

3 MARYLAND Son Cecilius begins and names the colony
They argued about border with the Penns- hired Mason & Dixon to map the boundary. Economy based on Tobacco Took hard work & lots of soil Imported indentured servants & enslaved Africans to work

4 VIRGINIA 1st successful colony for the British- Jamestown
Colonists continue to settle and begin to move inland Gov. Berkely makes agreement with the Natives Nathaniel Bacon rebels and attacks showed that settlers will not be limited to the coast

5 THE CAROLINAS Began as one in 1663
Charleston became a refuge for French Protestants seeking religious freedom Needed laborers to grow rice & indigo English encouraged use of African slaves They also used Native Americans

6 THE CAROLINAS The Carolina’s owners refused to send help when Spanish threatened Charleston Colonists overthrew owners 1719 & it became a Royal colony & was divided into North & South Carolina in 1729

7 GEORGIA Founded by James Oglethorpe for debtors
Colonists fight Spanish because they are on the border A lot of diversity- Germans, Scottish, Swiss, & English Starts as propriety colony, but becomes a royal colony


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