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Piety, Passion & Politics 15th century art in Northern Europe

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1 Piety, Passion & Politics 15th century art in Northern Europe
Chapter 20 Piety, Passion & Politics 15th century art in Northern Europe

2 Terms Vanishing point- point on the horizon line where all points converge Patron-someone who commissions a painting Guild- an organization that represents tradesmen/craftsmen Engraving-printmaking method where you etch on a metal plate


4 66. Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece)
66. Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece). Workshop of Robert Campin Oil of wood.

5 Detail of Merode Altarpiece

6 Jan Van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (closed), Belgium, 1432

7 Jan Van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece (open), Belgium, 1432

8 Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, oil on wood

9 Jan van Eyck, Man with a Red Turban , oil on wood, possibly a self-portrait, 1433

10 Rogier Van der Weyden, Deposition, Belgium, 1435

11 Rogier Van der Weyden,Last Judgement Altarpiece, France, 1444-1448

12 Dirk Bouts, Last Supper, Belgium, 1464-1468

13 One, Two & Three Point Perspective

14 Limbourg Brothers, January (left) October (right), Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc de Berry, 1413-1416

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