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Legislative Issues Concerning Transit Procurement

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1 Legislative Issues Concerning Transit Procurement
Ed Mortimer Director, Government Relations URS Corporation July 22, 2013

2 Changes Made in MAP-21 On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). Law authorizes funding and policy for federal transit and highway programs until September 30, 2014. Law streamlines federal transit process as well as provides new and strengthened programs to encourage innovative project development and financing for transit projects. APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

3 Changes To New Starts Program
Process will be streamlined, reducing duplicate steps in the project development and approval process. Establishing a two-year time limit for completing project development. Reducing the number of factors USDOT must consider when approving or advancing a project. APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

4 APTA Transit Board Members Seminar
Source: Federal Transit Administration APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

5 New Pilot Program for Expedited Project Delivery
Under MAP-21, up to three new fixed guideway or core capacity projects that have completed the NEPA process and have significant local or private support shall be selected by USDOT to demonstrate whether innovative project development and delivery methods or innovative finance arrangements can expedite project delivery. APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

6 TIFIA Congress authorized $1.75 billion in budget authority for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program ($750 million in FY13 and $1 billion in FY14). USDOT estimate that each dollar of budget authority can leverage approximately $10 in lending capacity, therefore, it is expected that the Department will be able to offer an estimated $17 billion in TIFIA credit assistance based on the MAP-21 authorized funding level. Several transit projects, including Dulles Rail Phase II, LA MTA’s Westside Subway, Seattle’s East Link and Kansas City Streetcar have expressed intent to apply. APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

7 States with Approved PPP Legislation
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

8 Conclusion Federal transit procurement process has been simplified.
Federal government promoting more innovative project development and finance options. State governments are also taking action to provide agencies additional procurement and financing tools. APTA Transit Board Members Seminar

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