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AP Gov—1/8/2016 Intro to the Presidency—evolution and overview

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1 AP Gov—1/8/2016 Intro to the Presidency—evolution and overview
TGIF! Intro to the Presidency—evolution and overview Homework: Current Events Begin Edwards Ch. 12, pgs

2 Intro to the presidency

3 Evolution of the presidency
Deliberations at the Constitutional Convention Alternatives to a unitary executive Concerns of Founders Election of the President Term of office Fear of an unlimited # of terms was quieted when Washington chose not to run for a third term

4 Evolution of the presidency
The first Presidents: Washington-Monroe, Andrew Jackson, , expansion of presidential power The reemergence of Congress, Emergence of the Presidency, FDR- present

5 Overview of the presidency

6 qualifications “Natural born citizen” At least 35 years old
Residency for at least 14 years “Unwritten requirements” What does it mean to be a “natural born citizen”? Trump questions Cruz’s eligibility

7 Term of office Four years Maximum of two terms

8 compensation Set by Congress
Salary raised in 2001, first time since 1969 Opportunity to make serious $$$$ after leaving office

9 succession Line of succession
VP, Speaker of the House, Senate Pro Tem, Sec. of State, Sec. of Treasury, Sec. of Defense, and so on… If the President is disabled, 25th Amendment applies

10 Growth of presidential power
Original conception of Founders—Congress, NOT the President, was to be the dominant power Non-constitutional sources of presidential power Unity of the office Presidential character & personality Growing complexity of society Development of US as a superpower 3 “Rules of Thumb” to maximize power & effectiveness Move it or lose it Avoid details Cabinets don’t get much done, people do.

11 Next week Roles of the President The President and Congress
President & war powers “Inside Obama’s Presidency”

12 AP gov—1/11/2016 Good morning. Please have your notebooks out
Current Events Roles of the Presidency Continue “Inside Obama’s Presidency” Homework: Edwards pgs

13 Roles of the presidency

14 Chief legislator Powers: Checks Propose legislation Veto legislation
Call special sessions of Congress State of the Union Address Checks Congress need not pass suggested legislation Override veto

15 B. Chief executive Powers: Checks:
Enforces laws, treaties, and court decisions Appoints officials to office and can fire them Issues executive orders Checks: Congress passes laws and has the “power of the purse” Senate can reject appointments/treaties Impeachment SCOTUS can strike down executive orders

16 C. Commander in chief Powers: Checks: Head of the armed forces
Congress appropriates funds Congress declares war War Powers Act of 1973 (more on this later)

17 D. Chief diplomat Powers: Checks: Sets overall foreign policy
Appoints and receives ambassadors Negotiates treaties and exec. agreements Recognizes foreign gov’ts Checks: Funding Senate can reject ambassadors and treaties

18 E. Chief of state Ceremonial head of the nation
Most nations separate Chief Executive and Chief of State, but presidency combines both

19 F. Chief jurist Powers: Checks: Appoints federal judges
Issues pardons and amnesty Checks: Senate can reject appointments “Place holds” on nominations Filibuster nominations

20 G. non-constitutional roles
Head of Political Party Chief Economist

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