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Writing for FRQs in APHG

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1 Writing for FRQs in APHG

2 Technical Writing Strong sentences with direct statements. The verbs in the question signals how much to write. No introduction, conclusion or thematic connection is needed.

3 Before You Write Read the complete question.
Circle the command verbs in the question. Count the number of examples or explanations required. Plan responses for each section of the question. (A, B, C) Outline or bullet point your planned response.

4 The Command Verbs Define: State the meaning of the word or phrase, including an example. Requires 2 complete sentences. Identify: Select a person, idea or factor and name it. Include additional relevant, factual information. Requires 2 complete sentences. Explain: Give a cause or a reason. Explanations usually include the words because or for example. Answer how or why does something occur. Include the significance. Requires 3 to 4 complete sentences.

5 Less Common Command Verbs
Describe: Identify plus talk about it. Create a mental picture using at least 2 details or examples. Requires complete sentences. Analyze: Examine or evaluate. Requires complete sentences. Evaluate or Judge: Determine the value or wisdom of a belief or idea. Requires complete sentences.

6 Less Common Command Verbs
Compare and Contrast: Point out similarities and differences using examples. Requires 4 complete sentences. Cause and Effect: Explain what would lead to another event or circumstance. Requires 4 complete sentences.

7 As You Are Writing Keep sentences simple.
Use appropriate course terminology. Write clearly and neatly. Parrot the question. Use organization cue words. (First, Second, Finally … ) Answer the question’s parts in the order they are asked. Back up ideas with examples.

8 Fill in the Blank Template - UNIT 1
Regions are swaths of landscape identified by physical or cultural traits. Regions may be small or large. There are three different types of regions: formal, functional, and perceptual. Explain/Discuss each of the three types of regions. A formal region is one that _________________. An example of a formal region is _________________ because it ________________. A functional region is one that is ______________. An example of a functional region is _____________________ because it _________________. A perceptual region is one that __________________. An example of a perceptual regions is ___________________ because it __________.

9 Benefits of Fill in the Blank Template
High degree of structure for literal thinkers. Requires specific content information. Models parroting the question in the answer template.

10 Direct Directions - UNITS 2 & 3
The Demographic Transition Model is a useful tool for human geographers; however, it is not always applicable. Explain at least three ways in which the Demographic Transition Model fails to accurately predict population growth or decline. ** To answer this question you need to write complete sentences for each explanation. You should answer in 3 chunked paragraphs. Skip a line between each. Your response should be sentences long in total.

11 Direct Directions - UNITS 2 & 3
Describe push and pull factors influencing European immigration to the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. Include three push and three pull factors that led to high rates of immigration during this period. ** To answer this question you will have two chunked paragraphs. The first chunk will describe three push factors which influenced immigration. It should be sentences long. The second chunk will describe three pull factors which influenced immigration. It should be sentences long. Remember to write short and clear complete sentences.

12 Direct Directions - UNITS 2 & 3
In 1798 Thomas Robert Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population in which he argued that population growth will inevitably outpace food production, resulting in widespread famine. A. Identify and explain two reasons why some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory can be used to predict future population issues. B. Identify and explain two reasons why some geographers today believe Malthus’ theory cannot be used to predict future population issues. **To answer part A you will need to write 2 sentences for the identify and sentences for the explain. Skip a line. Repeat for the second reason. Your A answer should be complete sentences long. Skip a line.To answer part B you will need to write 2 sentences for the identify and sentences for the explain. Skip a line. Repeat for the second reason. Your B answer should be complete sentences long.

13 Purposes of Writing FRQs
Express information clearly. Review content and make connections between units. Students gain experience using College Board rubrics. Students learn to manage their time for the task. Prepare students to be successful on the AP exam.

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