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Patterns of Vaccination among Adolescents: Single and Concomitant Administration of Recently Licensed Vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Patterns of Vaccination among Adolescents: Single and Concomitant Administration of Recently Licensed Vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patterns of Vaccination among Adolescents: Single and Concomitant Administration of Recently Licensed Vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Population Presented by Stephanie Irving, MHS for the Vaccine Safety Datalink team

2 Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD)
Collaboration between CDC and 8 managed care organizations Data from 8.8 million members captured annually (2.9% of US population) Group Health Cooperative Northwest Kaiser Permanente HealthPartners Harvard Pilgrim Marshfield Clinic No. CA Kaiser Permanente Quick overview of data source: VSD; all sites. Distributed Data Model (CDC: Hub access); vaccination info, events, characteristics linked by study IDs. Kaiser Permanente Colorado So. CA Kaiser Permanente CDC

3 Adolescent Vaccination
Pre-2005: Td booster doses and catch-up immunization only 2005: ACIP recommends 2 vaccines for adolescent use Meningococcal conjugate (MCV4) Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) 2006: ACIP recommends quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine for adolescent females (qHPV) Pre-2005 – aside from high risk groups

4 MCV4 Menactra™, Sanofi Pasteur
First ACIP recommendations: February 2005 June 2007: revised recommendations All unvaccinated persons aged years Increasing incidence of meningococcal disease in adolescence, 10-14% CFR, 11-19% rate of sequelae. 62% of U.S. meningococcal disease occurs in ≥11 years Vaccination of college freshmen living in dormitories can prevent 16–30 cases of meningococcal disease and one to three deaths each year. 2005: y/o, those high school entry, and increased risk; increased risk: dorm residents, military recruits, travelers to hyperendemic areas, microbiologists exposed to Neisseria meningitidis. Rates highest in kids <1 year, but rate still higher than general public. # College frosh: ~ K. Revised recs: up coverage, simplify decision to vaccinate.

5 Tdap Adacel™, Sanofi Pasteur; Boostrix™, GSK
Recommended by ACIP in June 2005 Switch from Td booster to Tdap: number of reported pertussis cases had been steadily increasing, especially among adolescents and adults 8,897 (34%) of the 25,827 reported U.S. cases in 2004 occurred among adolescents aged years (incidence: 30 per 100,000 population) High rates in adolescents during pertussis outbreaks MMWR March During , 11 states had an annual incidence of reported pertussis in adolescents of >50 per 100,000 population during at least 1 year

6 qHPV Gardasil™, Merck Recommended by ACIP in June 2006
Routine vaccination of year old females Catch up vaccination of girls aged years HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States; an estimated 6.2 million persons are newly infected every year Goal of adolescent vaccination: protect prior to initiation of sexual activity 3.7% of females sexually active before age 13 (2005 YBRS) March 2007 MMWR. YRBS = Youth Behavioral Risk Survey

7 U.S. Coverage Estimates Tdap: Significantly higher among year olds then among those aged years MCV4: No differences by age group qHPV: No differences by age group Survey captures adolescents aged years; first year HPV reported (initiation of series captured).

8 Concomitant Vaccination
Definition: Two or more vaccines administered to one person during the same office visit, but in separate syringes Evidence supports that concomitant administration of vaccines: Is safe and effective Decreases health care costs Increases the probability that a person will be fully vaccinated at appropriate ages Recommended by ACIP, CDC, Society for Adolescent Medicine for many vaccines Also known as “simultaneous” administration.

9 Study Objective Describe patterns of use, including individual and concomitant administration, of three recently licensed vaccines in persons aged 7-26 years Potential implications for vaccination policy, practice, and further research

10 Methods Vaccination information collected for persons aged 7-26 years with at least one vaccination between June 2006 and July 2008 Population divided into age groups: 7-10 years 11-12 years* (nested group: adolescent platform) 11-18 years* 19-26 years Any vaccine, not just the “big 3”; at participating sites (listed in acknowledgements). * Focus of current presentation.

11 Methods Data collected for all vaccine visits* in our population
Quantified total visits for each vaccine Determined proportion of visits where a single vaccine was administered Determined proportion of visits where multiple vaccines were administered (concomitant administration) Determined most common vaccine combinations Used chi-square analyses to examine differences in administration Combinations: commonality, proportion of visits accounted for by each combination. * Health care encounter in which any vaccine was administered.

12 Results Vaccine MCV4 252,097 72,421 (29) Tdap 261,671 117,416 (45)
No. Visits: 11-18 Yrs 11-12 Yrs MCV4 252,097 72,421 (29) Tdap 261,671 117,416 (45) qHPV-1 (1st dose) 143,805 31,370 (22) qHPV-2 (2nd dose) 90,475 16,739 (19) qHPV-3 (3rd dose) 51,914 8,052 (16) qHPV (any dose), MCV4 or Tdap 576,410 166,325 (29) “Or” row: not total due to concomitant administration of above rows; parentheses indicate % of visits by age group.

13 Results Vaccine MCV4 82 92 Tdap 78 77 qHPV-1 70 87 qHPV-2 20 24 qHPV-3
% Visits Concomitant: 11-18 Yrs 11-12 Yrs MCV4 82 92 Tdap 78 77 qHPV-1 70 87 qHPV-2 20 24 qHPV-3 21 23 qHPV, MCV4 or Tdap 55 66 HPV 2 and 3: lower as expected, affect on total (% single inflated)

14 As expected, concomitant administration increased with the addition of the HPV vaccine (as seen in period 2).

15 Total visits ≥2 vaccines: 337,753 Total visits ≥2 vaccines: 116,880
Vaccine Combinations 11-18 Yrs 11-12 Yrs Total visits ≥2 vaccines: 337,753 Total visits ≥2 vaccines: 116,880 Vaccine Combination % Total Concomitant Vaccination MCV4 + Tdap  12 13 MCV4 + Tdap + Varicella  6 11 Tdap + HepA  5 Tdap + Varicella 9 MCV4 + HPV-1 8 MCV4 + Tdap + HepA 4

16 % Administered Concomitantly
Analysis* by Gender 11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly Female Male p-value MCV4 89 79 <.00001 95 Tdap 85 78 83 As expected, higher percentages among female vaccinees. * chi-square

17 % Administered Concomitantly
Analysis by Season 11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly Summer* Non p-value HPV-1 76 74 <.00001 90 89 0.003 MCV4 80 87 91 93 Tdap 85 86 Inconsistent findings undermine significance of seasonality. *Note: explain rationale for summer definition. * Summer season defined as June 1 – August 31.



20 Differences in Administration by Provider Type
11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly FP* Peds Point Est. 95% CI HPV-1 66 80 2.05 1.96, 2.14 85 90 1.58 1.38, 1.81 MCV4 83 1.14 1.09, 1.19 92 0.99 0.88, 1.11 Tdap 78 1.32 1.27, 1.37 79 81 1.13 1.06, 1.21 * FP: referent group.

21 Major Findings <30% of “big 3” adolescent vaccination given during adolescent platform Overall rates of concomitant administration high among those aged 11-18, higher among persons aged years As expected, rates increased with introduction of qHPV vaccine Individual administration accounts for largest proportion of any one vaccine studied Pediatricians most likely to administer adolescent vaccines concomitantly 1) Big 3: qHPV, MCV4, Tdap, 2) “Overall” rate lowered by HPV doses 2 and 3, 3) Tables in extra slides section

22 Limitations Data collection Data quality
Unable to determine individual compliance with recommended schedules Data collected at visit level rather than individual level (pilot/exploratory) Data quality Visits were only matched if the individual had an outpatient visit on the same day as the vaccine visit. SOPHIA: ramifications of data quality issue? Didn’t collect info on inpt/ED encounters? Missed vaccine visits if administrative data were dated wrong? We did not collect information on inpatient encounters. ED and URG encounters I believe can be captured through the outpatient file, as there is a department code for them. It is possible that we missed vaccine visits based on if the wrong date was entered for the visit.

23 Conclusions Coverage improving and rates of concomitant administration high, but missed opportunities for adolescent vaccination exist Educational efforts could be directed at certain types of provider Individual level data is needed to make determinations regarding up-to-date status, compliance with recommended immunization schedules

24 Acknowledgements Participating sites Co-investigators
Group Health Cooperative Harvard Pilgrim Health Care HealthPartners Minneapolis Kaiser Permanente Colorado Marshfield Clinic Northern California Kaiser Permanente Northwest Kaiser Permanente Southern California Kaiser Permanente Co-investigators Sophia Greer, MPH Edward Belongia, MD James Baggs, PhD Eric Weintraub, MPH Gabrielle Fowler, MPH Funded through a subcontract with America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), under contract from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Acknowledge co-investigators, thank site which contributed data.

25 Extra Slides

26 Combination Tables: 11-18 yrs
HPV-1 Combinations count % MCV4+Tdap+Varicella+HPV1 7,005 5 MCV4+Tdap+HPV1 13,954 10 MCV4+HPV1 17,193 12 Tdap+HPV1 8,811 6 Varicella+HPV1 5,687 4 HPV1 43,195 30 MCV4 Combinations count % MCV4 45,977 18 MCV4+Tdap 39,717 16 MCV4+Tdap+Varicella 19,607 8 MCV4+Tdap+HepA 15,019 6 MCV4+Tdap+HPV1 13,954 MCV4+HPV1 17,193 7 Tdap Combinations  count % MCV4+Tdap 39,717 15 MCV4+Tdap+Varicella 19,607 7 MCV4+Tdap+HepA 15,019 6 Tdap 57,419 22 Tdap+Varicella 14,830 Tdap+HepA 18,276

27 Analysis by Provider Type
11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly FP IM Peds HPV-1 66 59 80 85 90 MCV4 83 69 92 91 Tdap 78 74 79 81 FP=Family Practice, IM=Internal Medicine, Peds=Pediatrics

28 Analysis by Provider Type: Family Practice
11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly FP Non-FP p-value HPV-1 66 75 <.00001 85 89 MCV4 83 84 92 0.883 Tdap 78 81 79 80 0.025 Clarify (SOPHIA): “non” = all other types where vaccines were given, how provider type identified. These proportion are among those visits in which a provider type was identified. Non is all other vaccine visits in which a provider type was identified. Does not include those visits in which a provider type was not identified. I believe the provider type was identified by the provider or somewhere in the medical record. (We may need to check this with the DD or Eric or James)

29 Analysis by Provider Type: Internal Medicine
11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly IM Non-IM p-value HPV-1 59 75 <.00001 85 89 0.018 MCV4 69 91 92 0.573 Tdap 74 81 79 80 0.382

30 Analysis by Provider Type: Pediatrics
11-18 yrs 11-12 yrs % Administered Concomitantly Peds Non-Peds p-value HPV-1 80 58 <.00001 90 85 MCV4 81 92 0.537 Tdap 83 74 76

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