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Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

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1 Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
Mind Stretcher Put the following in order from smallest to largest: organ, cell, organ system, tissue, organism Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism On click, answers to bell work will appear.

2 Directions Today Clear desk/put up divider for a quick “levels of organization” quiz Flip upside down when finished until timer beeps (7 min. limit)

3 Learning Target: Today we are learning about the different types of tissues because they make up our body.

4 Let’s review… What is a tissue?
A group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function On click, answers to bell work will appear. © 2014 Getting Nerdy, LLC

5 There are FOUR types of tissue found within the human body:
EPITHELIAL CONNECTIVE NERVOUS MUSCLE On click, answers to bell work will appear.

6 Epithelial Tissue: Function: Protects body, absorbs nutrients, filters blood & secretes Examples: Skin, digestive tract, lymph vessels Thyroid, pancreas, and salivary, sweat and mammary glands dirty gerdy smelly mellie gnllc

7 Connective Tissue: Function:
Provide structure & support, cushions organs, binds organs together, & stores nutrients Examples: Fat cells, attaches skin to muscle Tendons and ligaments Cartilage, bone, & blood

8 Nervous Tissue: Carry impulses throughout the body
Function: Carry impulses throughout the body Examples: Neurons (bundle of nerve cells) © 2014 Getting Nerdy, LLC

9 Muscle Tissue: Function: Made of muscle fibers that relax and contract
Types & Examples: Skeletal: moves body EX: Biceps, triceps Smooth: controls involuntary muscle contractions EX: Stomach, intestines, blood vessels, bladder Cardiac: pumps blood to all body cells EX: Heart

10 What Makes Muscles Grow? TedEd video clip

11 The Issue with Tissue Now that you’ve learned about the four main types of tissue, cut out your “Tissue Scienstructables” and glue them by their tabs to the center body on your paper. You should be able to lift each one when finished so you can review the different types of tissues. On click, answers to bell work will appear.

12 Match the tissue to its function-
Mind Stretcher Match the tissue to its function- *Epithelial, Connective, Nervous & Muscular A. Carry impulses throughout the body B. Provide structure & support, cushions organs, stores nutrients C. relax and contract D. Protects body, absorbs nutrients, filters blood & secretes Nervous Connective Muscular On click, answers to bell work will appear. Epithelial

13 4 Types of Tissue What do you see?
Muscle Epithelial Nerve Connective

14 Briefly state the function for each type of tissue below:
AC Ticket out the Door Briefly state the function for each type of tissue below: *Epithelial, Connective, Nervous & Muscular Nervous- Carry impulses Connective- Provide structure & support, cushions organs, stores nutrients Muscular- relax and contract Epithelial- Protects body, absorbs nutrients, filters blood & secretes On click, answers to bell work will appear.

15 Mindstretcher (FOR LATER IF NEEDED)
What are the four basic types of tissues in the human body? Briefly list what they do **Read the organizer first and then write your answer!  You may highlight/underline too! Muscle- move body parts Nerve- transmits messages Connective- provides support Epithelial- provides protective outer coating (skin)

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