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Chapter 4: Tissues & Integumentary system

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Tissues & Integumentary system"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Tissues & Integumentary system

2 Four basic tissue types
epithelial connective muscular nervous

3 Epithelial tissue characteristics

4 Epithelial tissue characteristics

5 Glandular epithelia glands composed of one or more cells

6 Exocrine glands goblet cell

7 Endocrine glands

8 How to classify epithelial tissues
# of cell layers simple stratified

9 How to classify epithelial tissues
shape of cell shape of nucleus generally reflects cell shape

10 How to classify epithelial tissues
put # of cell layers & shape together to identify type study p. 81 of your text

11 Epithelial cell attachments
basement membrane

12 Cellular junctions between cells

13 Connective tissue characteristics
most abundant tissue in body

14 Connective tissue composed of. . .
extracellular matrix and cells

15 Ground substance

16 Protein fibers Collagen fibers Elastic fibers Reticular fibers

17 Cells of connective tissue

18 Types of connective tissues
Fibrous connective tissue loose dense elastic reticular Special connective tissue cartilage bone tissue blood adipose classification based on composition of matrix and types of cells structure & function! study p. 83, Table 4.1

19 The other 2 tissue types Muscle tissue Nervous tissue

20 Types of muscle tissue Skeletal muscle

21 Types of muscle tissue Smooth muscle

22 Types of muscle tissue Cardiac muscle

23 Nervous tissue: made of 2 types of cells
neurons glial cells

24 Integumentary System: our skin!

25 Functions of skin

26 Layers of skin epidermis dermis the skin and. . . hypodermis

27 epidermis dermis hypodermis

28 Epidermis 2 main cell types keratinocytes; most numerous melanocytes

29 Dermis Composed of connective tissue

30 Appendages of skin

31 Skin pathologies: burns
What happens Degrees

32 Skin pathologies: burns
Degrees second degree burn

33 Skin pathologies: burns
Degrees third degree burn

34 Skin pathologies: burns
Dangers immediate loss of body fluids & salts infection HUGE demand for calories for tissue repair

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