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Economics and management of technology

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1 Economics and management of technology
Master degree in mechanical engineering Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

2 Basic information Teacher: Prof. Tiziana D’Alfonso Website: Click here
Contacts: Via Ariosto 25, Roma Office A120 Office hours: Tuesday, Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

3 Contents Part I Part II accounting methods investment decisions
microeconomic analysis of the firm (technology, production and costs) and of the markets (competitive markets, monopoly, monopolistic competition) Part II accounting methods investment decisions Prerequisites Fundamentals of optimization Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

4 Textbooks Varian, H. R., Intermediate microeconomics: a modern approach (8th Edition). WW Norton & Company. Available at: Cap: 1: The market 14: Consumer's surplus 15: Market demand 16: Equilibrium 18: Technology 19: Profit maximization 20: Cost minimization 21: Cost curves 22: Firm Supply 23: Industry Supply 24: Monopoly 25: Monopoly behaviour Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

5 Textbooks 2) Robert N Anthony, David Hawkins and Kenneth A. Merchant, Accounting: Texts And Cases (13th Edition). Mc Graw Hill. Cap: 2: Basic accounting concepts: the balance sheet 3:Basic accounting concepts: the income statement 5: Revenue and monetary assets 6: Cost of sales and inventories 7: Long-lived non monetary assets and their amortization 8: Sources of capital: debt 9: Sources of capital: equity 11: The statement of cash flows 13: Financial statements analysis Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

6 Textbooks 3) Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., Allen, F., Principles of corporate finance (12th Edition). Mc Graw Hill. Cap: 2: How to Calculate Present Values 5: Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria 6: Making Investment Decisions with the Net Present Value Rule Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

7 Evaluation The exam includes:
Written test (4/5 exercises and 1/2 open questions on arguments within the program) in 2,5 hours The written test is mandatory Minimum grade: 18/30; Maximum grade: 30/30 Registration on INFOSTUD is mandatory. The use of any material is forbidden (hardcopy or softcopy). Students may make use of calculators (not programmable). Exhibition of a valid ID is mandatory; Oral test on arguments within the program. The oral test is not mandatory and it must be held in a given date. The date will be communicated together with the publication of marks on written tests (usually, the oral test is 2-3 days after publication of such marks) It can be claimed if and only if the written test is sufficient (grade >=18/30). The mark attributed to the oral test can increase or decrease the mark attributed to the written test. The honor could be attributed only by mean of oral test (and if and only if the written test is sufficient). The mark attributed to the oral test can increase or decrease the mark attributed to the written test. Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

8 Registration of marks During written test you can leave the room after 1 hour. In this case, “Rifiuta” (declined) will be registered on INFOSTUD If your written test is not sufficient, “Bocciato” (Rejected) will be registered on INFOSTUD If your written test is sufficient but you do not want to accept the mark, “Rifiuta” will be registered on INFOSTUD together with the mark If your written test is sufficient and you decide to take the oral test, you are allowed to accept or not the mark. If you do not accept the mark, “Rifiuta” will be registered on INFOSTUD together with the mark Generally, marks can be registered up to 1 month. After that date, if no communication has arrived from the student: - marks greater than 18 will be registered on INFOSTUD as “RIFIUTA” (declined) Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

9 Written Tests - Dates The following dates are accessible to any student 8 June 2018 11 July 2018 18 September 2018 January 2019 (To be defined) February 2019 (To be defined) The following dates are accessible to part time students, out-of-course students, repeating students (in order to see your rights Click here) October or November 2018 (To be defined) March or April 2019 (To be defined) Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

10 Schedules Room 1, Via Eudossiana
Monday: Wednesday: Lessons will start normally after 15 minutes with respect to the detailed schedule Festivities 05/03/2018: due to political elections 30/03/2018 and 02/04/2018: due to Easter 25/04/2018: due to Italian Freedom day and any other date indicated on the website and by the teacher Economics and management of technology Master degree in mechanical engineering

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