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Imperialism Theme: U.S. Expansion and Imperialism; Global involvement

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1 Imperialism Theme: U.S. Expansion and Imperialism; Global involvement
China, Spanish American War, Philippines, Latin America

2 Aim: Was U.S. expansion justified? (late 19th-early 20th century)
Key Terms: Imperialism Acquisition of Alaska/Hawaii Expansion Seward’s Folly Senator Albert Beveridge “Open Door Policy” “Spheres of Influence” Annexation Essential Questions: To what extent was the late 19th century and early 20th century U.S. expansionism a continuation of past U.S. expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? What is a more accurate term that describes American foreign policy in the late 19th and early 20th century: expansionism or imperialism?

3 Senator Albert Beveridge
“God has made us the master organizers of the world…” What is the Senator saying in this quote? How does this relate to the concept of manifest destiny?

4 Albert Beveridge’s, “March of the Flag”
““We are Anglo-Saxons, and must obey our blood and occupy new markets, and, if necessary, new lands... The Opposition tells us that we ought not to govern a people without their consent. I answer, The rule...applies only to those who are capable of self­-government We govern the Indians without their consent, we govern our territories without their consent... Would not the people of the Philippines prefer the just, humane, civilizing government of this Republic to the savage, bloody rule of pillage and extortion from which we have rescued them?” What is America’s “destiny” and how does Beveridge justify expansion?

5 Key Terms: Imperialism: strong country takes over a weaker country for the purpose of acquiring raw materials, new markets, power, prestige. U.S. Imperialism: late 19th- early 20th century: -seek new markets, resources, world prestige, NAVAL PORTS around the world.  Major Acquisitions: -Alaska (purchase) -Hawaii (acquire/take over) -Puerto Rico , Guam (treaty) -Philippines (purchase)





10 Purchase of Alaska: ”Seward’s Folly” (1867)
For decades Alaska had been the subject of dispute between Russia & Great Britain. Russia took control over the land but decided to sell it to avoid protecting it from British takeover. 1867 = Secretary of State, William Seward purchased it from the Russians for $7,200,000. Americans believed the land was not useful became known as “Seward’s Folly”. 1896 Oil is found in Alaska.



13 Annexation of Hawaii Annex: To capture, seize, takeover
Interest in Hawaii began in America in 1820s: New England missionaries tried to spread their faith. 1890: Congress passed the McKinley Tariff which raised import rates on foreign sugar. Sugar planters, mostly white Americans, knew that if Hawaii were to be annexed by the U.S., the tariff problem would disappear. 1893: planters staged an uprising to overthrow the Queen. Marines stormed the islands. Queen Liliuokalani was forced to abdicate. 1898: President McKinley signed a joint resolution annexing Hawaii and the Philippines,


15 U.S. in Asia: Open Door Policy
Europe established quasi-colonial entities called Spheres of Influence after Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan enjoyed special privileges. Secretary of State John Hay feared that if these nations established trade practices that excluded other nations, American trade would suffer. Hay devised a strategy to preserve open trade. Became known as the Open Door Policy. United States and European powers agreed to preserve Chinese independence and government, but continued to use the country for monetary gain until World War II.


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