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Prepared By : Genoveva (

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1 Prepared By : Genoveva (email :
“Product(ion)” Plan Prepared By : Genoveva (

2 Classified of Product(ion)
Tangible / Goods : is any physical product that can be touched like a computer, a car, a pen Intagible / Services : is a non-physical product like an insurance policy, tour packages, car repair services.

3 Classified of Product(ion)
Consumer Product Convinience product Daily product, exp. Soap,toothpaste, deterjent. Shopping product Less frequently purchased and the customer to compare the suitability, quality, price, and style of the product carefully. For example: furniture, clothing, car. Specially product Unique characteristics / brand identification in which a significant group of buyers is willing to do a special purchase effort. Exp. doctor and lawyer services. Unsought product consumers usually do not think to buy it. Exp. life insurance, funeral services.

4 Industrial Product These are items consumed by businesses in their production or manufacturing process Exp. Integrated circuit, Ball bearing

5 Product Diversification
The product diversification strategy is different from product development in that it involves creating a new customer base, which by definition expands the market potential of the original product. Example : Unilever Company → Shampoo : Sunsilk, brisk, Pantene → Toothpaste : Pepsodent → Deodorant : rexona → Butter : Blue Band → Deterjent : Rinso, Surf → Soap : Lux, Dove

6 Product Life Cycle

Post It : → Small → Flashy colors → Very helpful

The uniqueness of the restaurant : ◊ Low calorie foods served ◊ Organic vegetables ◊ Suitable for the diet ◊ Safe sugar for diabetics

9 Joger (factories words)
Joger produce : Unique products, examp. Clock that run backwards * T-shirt with unique words.

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