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CRaTER Pre-Ship Review (I-PSR) Instrument Configuration Bob Goeke

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1 CRaTER Pre-Ship Review (I-PSR) Instrument Configuration Bob Goeke
January 3-4, 2008

2 Serial Number 1 -- Flight Spare
First to start into manufacturing Problems with FPGA lead forming caused delay in completion Removed 28VDC housekeeping sense lines to be identical to SN2 Unit does not have Dosimeter Fully Qualified, except EMC waivers; this unit did not see CE01, CE03 testing (ref. RFA-PER-1,3); turn-on transient Contamination Inspection at GSFC Shock and Acoustics deferred to Orbiter level Sub-assembly identification Electronics Ass’y: sn 001 Analog PCB Ass’y: sn 005 Digital PCB Ass’y: sn 001F Telescope Ass’y: sn 003 PCB Ass’y: sn 003 Detectors D1-D6: D006, E005, D007, E006, D008, E007 Operating Hours to 12/21/07: 188:46 on; 119:35 vacuum; 149:54 trouble-free (1000/200/350)

3 Serial Number 2 -- Flight Unit
Was qualified for Vibration & Thermal-Vac Failed EMI -- RE02 Reworked (removal of housekeeping sense lines on 28VDC bus); EMC retest ReQualified by 1 axis Vibration and 1 cycle Thermal-Vac Fully Qualified, except EMC waivers; turn-on transient Contamination Inspection at GSFC Shock and Acoustics deferred to Orbiter level Sub-assembly identification Electronics Ass’y: sn 002 Analog PCB Ass’y: sn 004 Digital PCB Ass’y: sn 002F Telescope Ass’y: sn 002 PCB Ass’y: sn 002 Detectors D1-D6: D003, E001, D004, E008, D005, E011 Operating Hours to 12/21/07: 372:29 on; 223:15 vacuum; 113:39 trouble-free (1000/200/350)


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