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Session 1: Opportunities to Maximize Reading and Math

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1 Session 1: Opportunities to Maximize Reading and Math
Part 2: Math Kay Stickels

2 Missing Counts 2 3 1 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 6 7 8 11 10 13

3 Making Sense of Math Through Context
Research (Carpenter, 2005) finding show the importance to write problems using context that are familiar and interesting to children. When was the last time someone gave you an equation to solve just for the sake of solving it? In fact, other than in math class, performing math computations out of context is quite unusual. Word problems give a context to mathematical symbols. There are four basic classes of addition and subtraction word problems. In the chart developed through Thomas Carpenter’s research each of the problems within each class involves the same context, but has a different unknown. By varying the unknown with each class, a total of eleven distinct types of problems can be constructed. These classifications of problem types is based on years of research on how children think about addition and subtraction.

4 Making Sense of Math Through Context
Snail has 5 new friends that are sticks and some more new friends that are rocks. Now she has 9 new friends. How many of her friends are rocks? Ask teachers to use manipulatives to model the problem. According the chart, what type of problem is this? (Join Problem – Change Unknown)

5 Making Sense of Math Through Context
Snail and Worm are playing tag. Worm has been “it” 8 times. Snail has been “it” 10 times. How many more times has Snail been “it” than Worm? Ask teachers to use manipulatives to model the problem. According to the chart, what type of problem is this? Compare – Difference Unknown

6 Problem Solving Snail and Worm are playing tag. Snail invites two more friends to play, and then each of those friends invite three more friends to play. How many are now playing tag? Read to students several times. Make sure students have manipulatives (cubes, counters, tiles, etc..) available. Explain that they must be able to explain their solution process.

7 Snail Tag Game Materials: Snail Tag Game Board Dominoes

8 Snail and Worm Measurement Task
Materials: Flower template Recording Sheet Color tiles Unifix cubes Paper clips Snail cutouts Worm cutouts

9 Splash Take a moment to read this book through the lens of mathematics. What concepts could you develop with the use of this book?

10 Positional Language and Counting

11 Story Board

12 3-2-1 Reflection List 3 important ideas you want to remember.
List 2 things you will explore further. List 1 thing you plan to implement this coming school year.

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