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Basic Principles of Platter Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Principles of Platter Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Principles of Platter Presentation

2 Elements Of A Buffet Platter B U F F
Balance Unity Flow Focal point

3 Balance Simple vs. Complex (include spatial balance) Visual Texture
Use a combination of both techniques. Visual Use a variety of color(natural & appetizing). Texture Smooth vs. Coarse, Solid vs. Soft Food Groups/Flavor Protein vs. Carbohydrates/ Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour

4 Unity Layout should be cohesive. Develop a sense of movement.
Quality of Line Strong lines vs. Weak lines Consistent size, sequence, shingling of slices. Be consistent with portions. Garnish must be in proportion; identical in size, placement, and direction. Always show the “best side”.

5 Flow Develop a sense of movement. Proper sequence/shingling of slices.

6 Focal Point Point/Area to which the eye is automatically drawn(i.e. gross piece). Depends on placement and relationship to food components.

7 More Important Factors To Consider

8 Plan In Advance Create designs/diagrams. Remember the total concept.
Flowers as garnish on a platter? Edible vs. Non-edible

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