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Dr. Stuart Reichler Bio 325.

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1 Dr. Stuart Reichler Bio 325

2 Date Subject Aug 29, 31 Introduction, Philosophy of Science, and Strong Inference Sept 3 Labor Day (no class) Sept 5, 7 DNA and Gene Structure 10, 12, 14 Signal Transduction 17, 19, 21, 24 Transcription and Translation (Homework #1 due 9/17) Sept 26 Exam 1 (from 7:00pm to 8:30pm) (9/26 last day to drop w/o permission) Sept 28, Oct 1 Gene Expression in Bacteria and Viruses Oct 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Gene Expression in Eukaryotes and Development 15, 17 Genome Organization 19, 22, 24, 26 Biotechnology (10/24 last day to Q drop) Oct 29 Exam 2 (from 7:00pm to 8:30pm) 31 Mitosis and the Cell Cycle Nov 2, 5, 7 Mutations and Cancer 9, 12 Meiosis and Developing Genetic Diversity 14, 16, 19 Inheritance Nov 21-23 Thanksgiving (no class) 26, 28 30, Dec 3 Evolution Dec 5 Exam 3 (from 7:00pm to 8:30pm) Dec 15 9am-noon Final Exam

3 Q: Why does DNA have a very regular 3-dimensional shape while RNA has a varied 3-D shape?

4 Q: Why does DNA have a very regular 3-dimensional shape while RNA has a varied 3-D shape?
A: RNA is single-stranded so areas with complementary bases form loops and bend the RNA. DNA is double stranded, and the regularity of its structure only allows one 3-D structure, a double helix.

5 Q: Describe two problems that would prevent a human gene from being properly expressed in bacteria.

6 Q: Describe two problems that would prevent a human gene from being properly expressed in bacteria.
A: Eukaryotic promoters do not work in bacteria, eukaryotic promoters need transcription factors. Eukaryotic genes typically have introns, and bacteria cannot splice out introns.

7 Studying Biology: Start with a question. How do we get answers?
For example: How? Why? When? Where? Etc? How do we get answers? Strong Inference presents one method (article on webpage)

8 What causes Mad Cow Disease (aka BSE)?

9 Brain tissue from cow with BSE
Brain tissue from cow with BSE. Scrapie in sheep, CJD or Kuru in humans looks similar.

10 How could you test for the infectious agent?

11 Dr. Stanley Prusiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997 for the discovery of prions… infectious proteins.

12 Prion Propogation normally folded proteins
Interaction between prion and normal protein causes normal protein to misfold… Prion Propogation Prion (abnormally folded protein) … which leads to increasing numbers of prions

13 Studying Biology: Start with a question. How do we get answers?
For example: How? Why? When? Where? Etc? How do we get answers? Strong Inference presents one method (article on webpage)

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