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Juan Peron.

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1 Juan Peron

2 A little bit about Argentina
In 1940, Argentina’s population was around 15 million. In 1950 it was 17 million. The land area of Argentina is 1,073,500 sq. mi

3 G.O.U. (Grupo de Oficiales Unidos, Group of United Officers)
A logia, secret society of officers, established on March 10, 1942, with the goal of establishing a new government. In June of 1943, they ousted President Castillo. Peron played a very important role, but opted to stay in the background.

4 Peron on leadership “I knew that revolutions begin with these little episodes that burn themselves out, foolish political things. In the first stages, you have to stay out of the line of fire.” “Sometimes I was in disagreement with 95% of their decisions, but it is necessary to fight from within. Revolutions always need a crowned head who reigns but doesn’t rule. The government is always in the back room of the revolution”


6 National Labor Department
In October 1943, Peron became head of the NLD. He used this position to gain the favor of the urban lower classes. “There have been lots of political revolutions here but no social ones. And the problem with Argentina isn’t political, it’s social” Peron

7 Descamisados The shirtless workers who stormed the Plaza de Mayo on 17 October 1945 to protest the arrest of Peron. He was soon freed.


9 CGT (Confederacion General del Trabajo)
Labor union used and consolidated by Peron. After his election, he ordered all trade unions to become members of the official CGT. Those who opposed the measure were persecuted and imprisoned.

10 FEP (Eva Peron Foundation)
Organized and led by Eva Peron, this programme (not a charity according to Eva) served to implement the Peronist social policies including the welfare of children and the elderly,healthcare, housing, recreation….


12 PPF (Partido Peronista Femenino)
In 1947, women were granted the right to vote.The PPF was the female branch of the Peronist Party.


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