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Геооргий А. Гаджиев Эксперт по информационной инфраструктуре

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1 Геооргий А. Гаджиев Эксперт по информационной инфраструктуре Microsoft Corporation

2 Если что вдруг и не только
Контакты Георгий Адилович Гаджиев Senior Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation: Transition from Previous Slide Thank you. For next steps, I suggest you… Goal of this slide Suggest follow-up actions Talking Points Custom – for your audience.

3 Содержание Переход к Облачным Вычислениям
Решение Microsoft: Частное и Публичное облако на Ваших условиях Обзор продукта: Автоматизация процессов с System Center – Operations Manager Ресурсы Note: Our target audience for this conversation is the CIO: the operations leader and the applications leader.

4 Переход к Облачным Вычислениям
Эволюция через виртуализацию, к облакам и дальше Физический Виртуализованный Goal: Frame the enterprise cloud computing conversation by highlighting the evolution from traditional to cloud computing models. Define industry taxonomy around private and public clouds. A couple of data points from internal Microsoft research: 41 percent of our customers are using services across datacenters on premises and in public clouds. 80 percent of our customers over the next three to five years will use hybrid models. Talking points Transition from previous slide Let’s start with the definitive evolution that's happening within IT. Customers are telling us that they are increasingly considering cloud computing models (versus just deploying physical and virtual environments). <click> If you’re referring to Infrastructure as a Service (private cloud), you're thinking about your datacenter as a set of pooled resources (including compute, network and storage), not in terms of individual hosts or VMs. If you’re referring to public cloud, you're talking about building applications that will then be delivered as a service. The platform provides all the required building blocks for your app. Think Windows Azure. Between private and public cloud, we believe that the concept of delivering IT as a Service will transform how customers consume IT and will deliver a completely new cost structure at a much higher level of business responsiveness. We believe hybrid environments will become the norm over the next few years. A common toolset with integrated physical, virtual, Private, and Public cloud management will help you optimize your return on investment. Частное Публичное

5 Соглашение об обслуживании
Облачные Вычисления меняют диалог между бизнесом и ИТ Будущее в управлении Облаками и ЦОДами Соглашение об обслуживании Усиление и Гибкость Портал Самообслуживания Прозрачность Стоимости Приложений Простота Группирование Ресурсов Делегирование и Контроль Гибкая и Эластичная Экономическая Эффективность Предоставляйте ИТ как Услугу на ваших условиях с общими, гибкими инструментами управления в гибридных облачных средах Goal of this slide. Frame the cloud computing opportunity for the enterprise and Microsoft’s cloud and data center management vision to address that opportunity. Spotlight the players in the IT as a Service conversation within the enterprise (call out the app leader and the ops leader in the room). Talk about their motivations and how they’re typically non-compatible. Key points to land IT as a Service is the mental model around which the app leader and the ops leader come together as consumer and provider respectively. Talk about how the System Center 2012 cloud and data center management vision uniquely addresses IT as a Service in the context of private and public cloud computing. Talking Points (progressive builds) So what does this cloud transformation mean to the enterprise)? Cloud computing is emerging as a major disruptive force in shaping the nature of business and IT conversations. Cloud computing enables what we call IT as a Service which represents IT delivered to the business in a manner that’s agile and cost-effective while meeting the quality of service (QoS) parameters that the business expects. A cloud service demonstrates attributes like self-service, metering by use, elasticity, and scalability. <click> Now, any service offering by definition has a service consumer and a service provider. Simplistically speaking, the service consumer represents business interests while the service provider represents IT. These constituencies are incented around different KPIs. <click> For example, a business or application owner (the service consumer) would care about time to market, costs, and ease of use… <click> …whereas a data center administrator (or service provider) optimizes for security, compliance, process controls, and availability. To align these interests, we need a mechanism to deliver the agility that the business needs while ensuring the operational efficiencies that IT cares about most. <click> Enter IT as a Service. IT as a Service provides the framework for the service level based agreement between IT and the business stakeholders. <click> Through System Center 2012, Microsoft’s cloud and data center management vision is to deliver: Common management experiences across private and public clouds. IT as a Service on your terms with flexible management across your hybrid environments. How does System Center 2012 do that? ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЬ Владелец Приложения ПРОВАЙДЕР Администратор ЦОД

6 System Center 2012: Управление Облаком и ЦОДом
ПРОДУКТИВНАЯ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА ПРЕДСКАЗУЕМЫЕ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ ВАШЕ ОБЛАКО Предоставляйте гибкую и экономичную инфраструктуру опираясь на свои текущие навыки Приложения двигают бизнес Предоставляйте предсказуемые уровни обслуживагия приложений с глубоким уровнем прозрачности Частные и Публичные облака с общим, единым инструментарием для управления Goal of this slide Represent core messages that differentiate us from VMware Talking Points So at it’s heart, System Center 2012 delivers three core promises for datacenter and cloud management. System Center 2012 cloud and data center management solutions empower you with a common management toolset for your private and public cloud applications and services. System Center helps you confidently deliver IT as a Service for your business. System Center 2012 helps your organization consume and deliver IT as a Service by enabling productive infrastructure, predictable applications, and cloud on your terms. System Center 2012 helps you to deliver flexible and cost-effective private-cloud infrastructure to your business units in a self-service model, while carrying forward your existing data center investments. Recognizing that applications are where core business value resides, System Center 2012 offers deep application insight, which, combined with a service-centric approach, helps you deliver predictable application-service levels. Finally, System Center 2012 empowers you to deliver and consume private and public cloud computing on your terms with common management experiences across your hybrid environments. System Center 2012 helps you deliver flexible and cost-effective infrastructure with what you already know and own. System Center 2012 helps you integrate heterogeneous data center investments, including multi-hypervisor environments. You can pool and abstract your data center resources and deliver self-service infrastructure to your business units in a flexible, yet controlled, manner. Productive Infrastructure Heterogeneous support To help you carry forward your existing data center investments and skillsets, System Center 2012 offers integrated management for your heterogeneous data center environments. For example, it offers multi-hypervisor management for Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere/ESX, and Citrix XenServer with Virtual Machine Manager; cross-platform monitoring of Linux/Unix/Sun Solaris guests with Operations Manager; cross-platform configuration management for Linux and Unix servers with Configuration Manager; and integrated automation across management toolsets from vendors like HP, CA, BMC, EMC, and even VMware with Orchestrator. System Center 2012 helps you simplify and standardize your data center with a flexible process automation platform. By automating repetitive tasks, you can lower your costs and improve service reliability. With Orchestrator, you can integrate and extend your existing toolsets and build flexible workflows (or runbooks) that can span across multiple organizational silos and systems. These workflows are then executed in an orchestrated manner through the automation engine built into Orchestrator. Service Manager offers industry-standard service management capabilities (based on ITIL/MOF) which automates core organizational process workflows like incident management, problem management, change management, and release management. Process automation With the provisioning capability of Virtual Machine Manager, you can pool and abstract your data center resources (such as compute, network, and storage) into a private cloud infrastructure fabric, which can then be maintained by Virtual Machine Manager and Operations Manager. You can allocate and delegate this pooled fabric to your business unit IT organizations in a flexible, yet controlled, manner using Virtual Machine Manager. Application owners can consume capacity (and request additional capacity) in a self-service mode using the service catalog offered by Service Manager. Requests for capacity would be fulfilled using the process automation and provisioning capabilities offered by Orchestrator and Virtual Machine Manager respectively. Self-service infrastructure Apps power your business. System Center 2012 helps you deliver predictable application service levels with deep application insight, and holistically manage your application services, which is where your core business value resides. Predictable Applications Operations Manager offers deep application and transaction monitoring insight for .NET applications (and J2EE application server health) to maximize application availability and performance. Operations Manager also integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio through a connector to unlock development-to-operations collaboration, thereby helping you remediate application issues faster, which results in the delivery of predictable SLAs. Easy-to-use reporting and dashboarding allows you to track and communicate your SLAs more effectively. Deep application monitoring and diagnosis Microsoft Server Application Virtualization (SAV), a feature of Virtual Machine Manager, optimizes your modern and existing applications for private cloud deployments with sequenced state separation between the application and underlying infrastructure. SAV dramatically simplifies application servicing (such as upgrades and maintenance) with image-based configuration and management techniques that reduce administrative effort and expense. By decoupling your applications from the infrastructure, SAV helps unlock application portability as appropriate to your business needs. Comprehensive application manageability Configuration Manager supports SAV, thereby extending the benefits of SAV to applications and workloads that may be deployed in physical/traditional environments. Through SAV support, Configuration Manager enables easier physical-to-virtual application mobility and in-place application servicing. In a cloud computing model, a service is a deployed instance of an application along with its associated configuration and virtual infrastructure. System Center 2012 offers a service-centric approach to help you manage your application components in the context of the holistic service that it represents to the business. From provisioning services (visualization, design, composition, deployment, and configuration) to operating them (monitoring, remediation, and upgrades), we help you manage the full lifecycle. For example, Virtual Machine Manager and App Controller enable service-centric provisioning and updates while Operations Manager enables monitoring at the service level. Service-centric approach Private and public cloud computing on your terms managed with a common toolset. System Center 2012 empowers you to deliver and consume private and public cloud computing on your terms, with common management experiences across your hybrid environments. Your Cloud Construct and manage clouds across multiple data centers, multiple infrastructures (such as Microsoft and VMware), and service providers (Windows Azure). Provide delegated authority and tools to enable self-service flexibility across your environments. You retain control across your private and public cloud environments, which is important for enterprise security and compliance requirements while ensuring your IT pros have a key role even as your organization adopts cloud-computing models. Flexibility with delegation and control System Center 2012 empowers your application and service owners with a common self-service experience across private-cloud and public-cloud computing models. With App Controller, you can experience full visibility and control of your private and public cloud applications and services, so you can confidently adopt Windows Azure as your enterprise Platform as a Service (PaaS) choice. Applications self-service across clouds System Center has historically been known for physical and virtual management in the data center. You can also use your familiar on-premises Operations Manager to monitor your Windows Azure applications (using the Monitoring Pack for Windows Azure Applications)—thus extending your common management experience to the cloud. App Controller provides you a single pane of glass with self-service flexibility and control for your application owners to manage their applications and services across private and public clouds, including Windows Azure. Hybrid environments will be the corporate standard for many years; a common management toolset with integrated physical, virtual, IaaS, and PaaS management will help you increase efficiency and optimize ROI. Physical, virtual, and cloud management Поддержка гетерогенных сред Автоматизация процессов Порталы самообслуживания Гибкость в сочетании с делегированием и контролем Самообслуживание во всех доступных облаках Управление физическими, виртуализованными и облачными средами Глубокий уровень мониторинга и диагностики приложений Высокий уровень упровляемости Сервис-ориентированный подход

7 Мониторинг продуктивной инфраструктуры и Предсказуемые приложения
ПРОДУКТИВНАЯ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА ПРЕДСКАЗУЕМЫЕ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ ВАШЕ ОБЛАКО Гибкая и экономически эффективная система мониторинга Глубокий мониторинг производительности приложений Широкие возможности мониторинга вашего облака или ЦОДа Transition from previous slide Delivering reliable and predictable IT as a Service can be daunting when businesses depend on physical, virtual, and cloud resources to run a diverse mix of operating systems (Windows and non-Windows) that support any number of critical business applications. The challenges in this complexity lie in getting an integrated, consistent, and reliable view of what’s happening with these various components so IT can respond proactively. Talking Points The Operations Manager component of System Center 2012 provides this needed monitoring capability to help you manage your data center and cloud environments by: Delivering flexible and cost-effective enterprise-class monitoring and diagnostics while reducing the total cost of ownership by leveraging commodity hardware, configurations, and heterogeneous environments. Helping to ensure the availability of business-critical applications and services through deep application performance monitoring and diagnostics. Providing a 360° view of your IT resources, whether they’re running in data centers, or in private or public clouds. Поддержка гетерогенных сред Мониторинг сетевых устройств Упрощенной управление инфраструктурой Доскональный мониторинг Установите уровень и управляйте SLA Диагностика ошибок Интегрированное управление физическими, виртуализованными и облачными средами Общая консоль для облаков и ЦОДов Богатые возможности отчетности

8 Гибкий и экономически эффективный мониторинг
Ops Mgr DB Ops Mgr DW Одношаговая настройка отказоустойчивой конфигурации X Мониторинг гетерогенных сред Talking points [Click] Transition from previous slide Based on lots of feedback from our customers, we knew we had to make monitoring capabilities as flexible and cost-effective as possible—and we’ve done that with Operations Manager. We make it easy to quickly configure and monitor your existing data center and cloud resources to deliver your private cloud today. Simplified management infrastructure. In previous versions of Operations Manager, it was necessary to set up a Root Management Server, which required clustering for high-availability, typically high-end hardware as well. Today, Operations Manager enables you to lower costs in hardware and maintenance by simplifying setup and leveraging common hardware and configurations. [Click] The use of management servers and server pools enables a highly available infrastructure without expensive hardware or complicated configurations. And with one-step setup for high availability, you get support for automatic failover. [Click] In-depth monitoring, diagnostics, and reporting for heterogeneous environments. Most customers tell us that they run a variety of operating systems—Windows, Linux, and UNIX servers and their workloads. Operations Manager provides rich monitoring, alerts, and diagnostics for all of these in a single console. This helps you track your existing data center investments and quickly troubleshoot and fix any problems that arise with alerts and expert diagnostic information. [Click] Integrated network device monitoring and alerts. Along with server, client, service, and application monitoring, Operations Manager also includes integrated network monitoring. This gives administrators and architects a single and complete view of all the manageable network devices that are so essential to running an efficient and productive IT infrastructure. As with all alerts in Operations Manager, you can choose how to get network device alerts, whether through , instant message, short message service, or pager.

9 Предсказуемая производительность и доступность для критических приложений
View of application user’s performance Сервера Данных Приложений Веб-сервера Пользователи Бизнес- Приложения Talking points Transition from previous slide In addition to establishing flexible and cost-effective monitoring for the infrastructure, it’s important to ensure that business applications run reliably. We need to provide end-to-end visibility into the pieces of these distributed applications with alerts and diagnostic information to help ensure their high availability. With its seamless integration of AVIcode technology, Operations Manager delivers deep .NET and JEE application server performance monitoring and diagnostics to help ensure the availability of business-critical applications and services wherever they are located. End-to-end views of application topology. Many essential business applications today are built from distributed components that operate both within and outside corporate firewalls. [Click] Monitoring of the application user’s experience to provide alerts if their usage experience degrades so you can quickly diagnose and fix the problem. Built-in intelligence to monitor applications so you can discover dependencies automatically and get an end–to-end picture of all components. A graphical view of application topology that displays the various dependencies among the distributed components. Monitoring of applications running on Windows Azure, which gives you insight into the performance of business-critical applications in the public cloud as well as in your physical data center. Custom line-of-business application monitoring without the need for extensive management pack authoring. Precise identification of application errors. It’s not unusual for businesses to spend quite a bit of time trying to reproduce application errors to establish the cause before they can fix them. [Click] Operations Manager helps minimize the time to resolve application errors by providing detailed diagnostic information... [Click] …including code errors, enabling application developers to fix these specific issues. Establishment of application service-level delivery (SLAs). When you deliver a private cloud to your business, it’s important to establish and meet certain levels of application availability. Operations Manager 2012 helps you set enterprise-wide standards for managing custom and disparate applications, and then monitor and measure that service-level delivery.

10 Широкие возможности мониторинга вашего облака или ЦОДа
Физическая SaaS PaaS Виртуализованная IaaS Консоль Operations Manager Консоль SharePoint Веб-Консоль Talking points [Click] Transition from previous slide As more businesses begin to embrace the cloud, complexities will arise from the need to manage hybrid IT environments of physical, virtual, and cloud resources. This mix makes it even more imperative that customers be able to view and manage these resources in an integrated way. Integrated physical, virtual, and cloud management. Operations Manager not only provides a view of your business applications, but a 360° view of the environment in which those applications run, whether it’s based on physical, virtual, or cloud resources. Furthermore, the System Center Monitoring Pack for Windows Azure applications enables an integrated view into applications running in your public cloud environment. Additionally, PRO-enabled management packs provide an automated or advised response to incidents within virtualized environments—for example, live migration of workloads among servers in response to a hardware issue on the virtualization host. [Click] Common console across data center and clouds. Instead of using disparate consoles with different views of monitoring information, Operations Manager provides a simple, consistent view of your entire IT environment, shortening your time to value. In other words, you get a consistent view across the Operations Manager console, web console, and SharePoint, with the information you need to keep IT services running across data center and cloud resources. In addition, you can use dashboard templates to create custom views tailored to your specific needs. Rich reporting. Reporting begins with baseline monitoring of the health and performance of such core operating system functionalities as processor, logical and physical disks, memory, and network interfaces. You can generate detailed reports on performance, availability, and other metrics for historical and troubleshooting analysis of monitored resources. Reporting covers server and client operating systems, applications, services, and network hardware devices. For example, you can choose to show the server that’s most used to help you better balance loads. You can also surface rich reporting information through dashboards that enable you to consume and act upon the information in the way that best suits your business needs.

11 Download and Evaluate Microsoft System Center: System Center Marketplace:

12 2012. For informational purposes only

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