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Analysis of Statistical Units Delineated by OECD Member Countries

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1 Analysis of Statistical Units Delineated by OECD Member Countries
18th International Roundtable on Business Survey Frames Beijing, China October 17-22, 2004 Analysis of Statistical Units Delineated by OECD Member Countries Good morin Bongho Choi & Denis Ward

2 Enterprises Group I (Legal Units = Enterprises):
Austria, Czech Republic, Finland (developing a top-down model), France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovak Republic. Group II (Delineation by Profiling): Bottom-up Approach: Belgium, Spain, Sweden Top-down approach: Denmark (but close to Group I), Netherlands, UK Unknown: Canada, US, Australia, Japan, NZ, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Switzerland Group III (Under development): Mexico, Korea, Turkey

3 Issues on Enterprises Data comparison problem between “Legal Units = Enterprises” vs. “Delineation by Profiling” The former is generally greater than the latter. How to treat the franchise form of doing business ? Enterprise or Establishment? Un-incorporated enterprises are excluded in some countries (Japan and Korea) More harmonization is needed in Enterprises by Size Classes and Business Demography. Size categories (including the upper limit) are different.

4 Enterprise Groups Countries that delineate this unit:
Canada (2,500 Corporate Families), Australia (8,000), NZ (n.a.), Denmark (n.a.), Finland (920), France (28,962), Ireland (200), Italy (19), Netherlands (90,000), Portugal (n.a.), Spain (21,654), Sweden (26,000), UK (100,000) Do you think that the numbers are comparable between countries? Countries where statistics are not available: Mexico, US, Japan, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Turkey.

5 Issues on Enterprise Groups
Terminology : corporate families in Canada, conglomerates (large & complex enterprises) in the US. Relationship between enterprise groups and complex enterprises is not clear. Number of enterprise groups is not comparable between countries: the method of delineation and the concept are different. Is it necessary to split the enterprise groups into the categories like the splitting of enterprises? Guideline to compile statistics on multi-national enterprise groups?

6 Local Unit (or Establishment)
Most of OECD Member Countries are observed to delineate this unit : 29 out of 30. Issues on Local Unit (or Establishment) Relationship is not clear. Terminology and Concept is not yet fully harmonized. Non-European Countries (Establishment) European Countries (Local Unit) Austria (Local Unit = Kind-of-activity Unit) Denmark (Local Unit = Establishment)

7 KAU and Local KAU About half of OECD Member Countries delineate this unit ‘KAU’. Methods of delineation KAU as an operational part of the enterprise. By profiling the enterprise. By aggregating local units. By aggregating local KAUs. Through a combination of various methods. In the case of Local KAU, only three countries are doing delineation: Denmark, Finland, Sweden.

8 Issues on KAU and Local KAU
Not easy to understand the differences in methods. Concept is different between countries. Austria : KAU = Establishment. Finland : KAUs = secondary activities and/or branches, and local KAU = Establishments. Germany and Netherlands : KAUs = Enterprise Denmark and Germany : Local KAU = Local Unit Terminology Australia : Type of activity unit

9 Legal Unit 24 countries contain legal units in their BR/BF.
Basic source for legal units : VAT registers and other relevant administrative

10 Concluding Remarks There are many cases in borderlines between
Enterprises and Local units(Establishments) Enterprises groups and Complex enterprises KAUs and Enterprises Local KAUs and Local units(Establishments) Need for further studies on enterprises from the following perspective:  Ownership (autonomous, partner, linked) Diversity (single, vertically integrated, linked, un-related) Size (micro, small, medium, large) Legal form (sole proprietorships, etc.) Need for further studies on application of statistical units to short-term and structural business statistics.

11 Application of Statistical Units
For short-term Statistics (EU Council Regulation) KAU for production, turnover, number of persons employed, etc. Enterprise for retail trade and repair sector. For Structural Business Statistics (EU Council Regulation) Enterprise for yearly business statistics. Local unit (or Local KAU) for regional statistics. KAU for turnover, number of persons employed in industrial sector. In reality, it is not easy to follow the guidelines.

12 Status of Statistical Units delineated in Business Registers/Frames by OECD Member Countries
Enterprise group Enterprise Local unit (establishment) KAU Local KAU Legal unit Canada 1) × ×(location) Mexico USA 1) Australia × (TAU) Japan Korea New Zealand (geographical unit) Austria *3) Belgium * Czech Republic Denmark Finland France ×2)

13 × * Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg
Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK

14 Number of statistical units by OECD member countries, where data are available
Enterprise groups Enterprises Local unit (establishments) Legal units Canada (4th Q 2004) 2,500 1,016,300 employer businesses (100,000 complex enterprises) Mexico 3,200,000 USA (2000) 22,182,499 (181,223 multi-unit) 23,600,003 Australia 8,000 3,700,000 Japan 218,008 incorporated multi-unit enterprises 6,350,101 Korea (as the end of 2002) 186,252 incorporated enterprises (19,911 incorporated multi-unit) 3,131,963 3,963,454 (liable to VAT) New Zealand (Feb.2003) 294,954 (non-farming businesses) 323,839 Austria (2001) 213,983 (in C-K) 215,874 Belgium 686,857 (as of 2000) Czech Republic 2,100,000 Denmark 279,037 297,585 40% are dormant Finland 920 317,000 343,000 France 28,962 2,447,000 (in industry, commerce & services) 2,803,522 5,659,500 (35% are inactive)

15 (2.1 million are on the IDBR)
Germany 2,926,570 (Tax payers) Greece Hungary 938,000 Iceland Ireland (2004) 200 235,880 (5,191 multi-unit) 247,786 235,884 KAUs Italy 19 4,049,389 Luxembourg 30,000 ~ 45,000 160,000 Netherlands (2001) 90,000 714,600 1,000,000 1.5 million (30% are inactive) Norway 395,482 442,325 540,696 Poland 4,233,743 3,776,791 Portugal Slovak Republic 366,333 93,072 Spain 21,654 2,645,317 2,920,503 2,710,389 Sweden 26,000 845,623 922,659 800,000 Switzerland 288,171 (as of 1995) 372,796 Turkey UK 100,000 3,800,000 3.8 million (2.1 million are on the IDBR)

16 Enterprises by size groups of persons employed/employees by OECD Member Countries

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