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Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts

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1 Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts
United States Version 4.0 National CAD Standard Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts

2 Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts
United States Version 4.0 National CAD Standard Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a

3 National CAD Standard Presented by: Roland Aboujaoude
United States Version 4.0 National CAD Standard Université St-Esprit de KASLIK – Faculté des Beaux Arts Presented by: Roland Aboujaoude [ARCHITECT], [USEK] [Nov 2011] © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a 1-4: UNTITLED- SERIES OF SLIDES Insert a brief (15-30 sec) introduction during the previous slide animation. Time yourself.

4 RELEVANCY Who Should Care about the NCS? Architects
Engineers (all types) Facility Managers © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a Owners Specifiers Draftspeople  91: RELEVANCY (No script for this slide yet) Students Academic Faculty HOW STANDARDS HELP ** RELEVANCY

5 NCS is known as the “National Cad Standards” for architecture, engineering and construction; it is called also “the standard”. NCS intent during the design phase is to speed the transfer of information between owner, designer, consultants, contractors and subcontractors. During construction, NCS intent is to reduce time in finding and referencing information between owner, designer, consultants, products suppliers and manufacturers. WHAT IS THE NCS? Interrelated tools, guidelines and standards for drawings Specifies Graphic Organization © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a MasterFormat™, PageFormat™ and SectionFormat™ organize specs; NCS organizes drawings -9: WHAT IS THE NCS? The National CAD Standard™ is a group of related standards, guidelines, and tools to help you organize and present facility drawing information.  Used for: planning, design, and construction and operation of facilities.  Just as MasterFormat™ , SectionFormat™ and PageFormat™ help you organize text in specifications, the NCS helps you organize graphical information in drawings. NCS BACKGROUND & CONCEPTS ** NATIONAL CAD STANDARD™ CONCEPTS

6 National CAD Standard NCS Scope of work:
United States Version 4.0 National CAD Standard A Consensus Standard Incorporating Industry Publications NCS Scope of work: DataOrganization: (Organize cad files) it addresses issues such as layer name, discipline designators, line weights, pen assignments and the graphic organization of the construction drawing sheets. Data exchange: Helps to guarantee the future utility of today’s Cad data files. © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  12: COMPONENTS (This slide has no script)

7 National CAD Standard COMPONENTS United States Version 4.0
A Consensus Standard Incorporating Industry Publications COMPONENTS © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  12: COMPONENTS (This slide has no script)

8 National CAD Standard Chapter 1: Layers:
United States Version 3.1 National CAD Standard A Consensus Standard Incorporating Industry Publications Chapter 1: Layers:  Discipline - Major group - Minor Group – 2nd minor group - status (Page ) © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  12: COMPONENTS (This slide has no script)

Discipline Designators (mandatory) AA - AAAA - AAAA - X Major Group (mandatory) © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES AA - AAAA - AAAA - X One or Two Minor Groups (optional)  13: AIA LAYER GUIDELINES The CAD Layer Guidelines provide a uniform standard for naming CAD layers; as with all of the principles in the NCS, adopting the CAD Layer guidelines will increase inter-office efficiency, and streamline delivery. Each layer is named using four components-  Discipline Designators,  Major Group Designators,  Minor Group Designators, and  Status AA - AAAA - AAAA - X Status (optional) NCS: AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES ** AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES OVERVIEW

10 DISCIPLINE DESIGNATORS AI Architectural Interiors
LEVEL 1 (MANDATORY) LEVEL 2 (OPTIONAL) G General H Hazardous Materials V Survey / Mapping B Geotechnical W Civil Works C Civil L Landscape S Structural A Architectural I Interiors Q Equipment F Fire Protection P Plumbing D Process M Mechanical E Electrical T Telecommunications R Resource X Other Disciplines Z Contractor/Shop Drawings O Operations AI Architectural Interiors AS Architectural Site AD Architectural Demolition CG Civil Grading CP Civil Paving SF Structural Framing DP Process Piping EL Electrical Lighting One or Two Alpha Characters Mandatory Coordinated With Drawing Set Organization © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  14: DISCIPLINE DESIGNATORS Here we see a list of Level 1 and Level 2 Discipline Designators. The level two, or second alpha character, is optional. However, it is recommended that you consistently use either one or two characters on each project- consistently. These are mandatory. NCS: AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES ** DISCIPLINE DESIGNATORS

11 DESIGNATORS MAJOR GROUP Discipline: A - Architectural
ANNO - General Information AREA - Area BAGS - Baggage Handling Equipment CLNG - Ceiling Information COLS - Columns DETL - Detail Information DOOR - Doors ELEV - Elevations EQPM - Equipment FLOR - Floor Information GLAZ - Windows LITE - Lights PROP - Properties Information ROOF - Roof Information SECT - Sections STAT - Demolition (used only in creating Existing Demolition model files) WALL - Walls Identifies: Major Building Systems or Drawing Views, or, Annotations. Mandatory Coordinated With Drawing Set Organization User-defined Major Groups are NOT Permitted © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  15: MAJOR GROUP Identifies: Major Building Systems, or a Drawing View (if the layers are organized by view, rather than system), or by Annotations. This level is mandatory, and cannot be user-defined. NCS: AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES ** MAJOR GROUP DESIGNATORS

12 DESIGNATORS MINOR GROUP Differentiates a Major Group FULL Full Height
One or Two Sets of Four Characters Optional May be User-Defined: A-Z, 0-9, ~ FULL Full Height PART Partial IDEN Identification PATT Pattern © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  16: MINOR GROUP The optional Minor Group Designators differentiate a Major Group, and can be user-defined. Common Minor Groups are listed in the NCS. User-defined can be any alpha-numeric character or a tilda (~). FREE-AGENT RULE: Please note that the Layer Lists shown for each discipline are the "prescribed" layer lists.  However, as part of the NCS V2 ballot process, the Project Committee approved what we call "the free agent rule," which is documented on page CLG-8 of NCS V3.  The free agent rule essentially says that a Major Group abbreviation may be combined with any discipline designator to create a layer name, provided that the definition of the abbreviation remains unchanged, and the resulting layer name makes sense.  Similarly, any Minor Group abbreviation may be combined with any Major Group abbreviation to create a layer name, with the same caveats. Essentially, the V2 Project Committee recognized that it was impossible to anticipate all possible layer names that a user might need, and that we should encourage the use of approved four-character abbreviations and their definitions by other disciplines.  Otherwise, each discipline might craft its own Layer List with similar (but different) abbreviations and definitions. So even though a particular Major Group abbreviation such as "WALL" might not appear on the prescribed Layer List for a particular discipline such as "I" for Interiors, the layer name "I-WALL" is a valid NCS layer name. Note, however, that the free agent rule does not permit Major Group abbreviations to be used as Minor Group abbreviations and vice versa, except in those cases where they already exist in both categories on a prescribed Layer List. NCS V3.1 includes an appendix of all Major Group abbreviations (across all disciplines) in alphabetical order, to help facilitate implementation of the free agent rule and the use of approved four-character abbreviations and their definitions.  Ditto for the Minor Group abbreviations.  This will also allow Project Committee members who wish to submit new prescribed Layer Names or Layer Lists to check their proposed submissions against existing abbreviations and definitions to avoid duplicate use. NEW User-defined Minor Group field codes: Four character, alphanumeric and/or “~” Process Layers may be defined by individual systems or groups of systems Expanded Landscape Layer List New Major and Minor Groups added to Equipment, Mechanical, and Interior Layer lists Equipment Layer added to the Fire Protection Layer List Two character Discipline Designator Second optional Minor Group Expanded Drawing View Layer List Commentary on ISO layer format compliance Annotation Minor Groups Free agent rules that allow: Major Group abbreviation to be combined with any Discipline Designator Minor Group abbreviation to be combined with any Major Group Previous Version 2.0 CAD Layer Guidelines amendments added new discipline designators for: Survey/mapping & Geotechnical Civil Works Process Operations Survey/Mapping Civil Structural Mechanical Plumbing Telecommunications NCS: AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES ** MINOR GROUP DESIGNATORS

Differentiates Construction Phase or Type Optional N New work E Existing to remain D Existing to demolish F Future work T Temporary work M Items to be moved X Not in contract 1-9 Phase numbers © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  17: STATUS FIELD The Status Field indicates when the construction is going to take place, or the phase of the work. It is optional. NCS: AIA CAD LAYER GUIDELINES ** STATUS FIELD DESIGNATORS

DESIGNATORS AA – N NN SHEET TYPE 0 General (symbols legend, notes, etc.) 1 Plans (horizontal) 2 Elevations (vertical) 3 Sections (sectional,] wall & stair) 4 Large Scale Views 5 Details 6 Schedules and Diagrams *User-Defined Sheet Type Designators May NOT Fall in Another Category Always Include 2-digit Sequence Designator Do NOT use “00” 7 User Defined* 8 User Defined* 9 3D Representations (isometrics, perspectives, photographs) © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  25: SHEET TYPE AND SEQUENCE DESIGNATORS (15 min) The second component of the Sheet Identification Format is the Sheet Type Designator. The Sheet Type is identified by a single numerical character. All sheet types may not apply to all discipline designators. It is not necessary to use all the Sheet Types for a project, or within a discipline. The use of Sheet Type Designators does not preclude combining different types of drawings on the same sheet for simplicity. For instance, it is acceptable to: Place profile drawings on sanitary sewer or Road Sheets. OK to place same scale sections on the same sheet as large-scale plans of stairs and escalators. OK to place schedules on a plan sheet when the information is closely associated. IMPORTANT: When the type of drawings are mixed, clearly identify all of the drawings contained on the sheet in the Sheet Title Block. The third component of the sheet identification format is a two-digit Sheet Sequence Number. The first sheet of each series is numbered “01,” followed by “02-99.” “00” is not permitted. AA – N NN SEQUENCE 01-99 NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET TYPE ND SEQUENCE DESIGNATORS

15 SAMPLE DRAWING Sheet Sheet Title DESIGNATORS G - 001 Title Sheet
C Notes and Symbols S Foundation Plan A Floor Plan A Exterior Elevations A Wall Sections A Door and Frame Schedule P Plumbing Site Plan P Plumbing Riser Diagram M HVAC Plan E Power Plan E Lighting Plan E Electrical Details © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  26: SHEET NAME EXAMPLES Even if your project may not require more than one digit, it is recommended that you use two digits for efficient electronic file and facility management databases. On plan sheets, it may be desirable to replicate the floor name within each discipline. This makes sheets A-102, M-102, and E-102 the Second Floor Plan for each of the various disciplines. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET NAME EXAMPLES

CD-101 Site Demolition Plan CG-101 Grading Plan LI-101 Landscape Irrigation Plan SF-101 Roof Framing Plan SF-501 Framing Details AS-101 Architectural Site Plan AG-101 Signage Plan IN-601 Interior Finish Schedules ES-101 Electrical Site Plan EP-101 Electrical Power Plan EL-101 Electrical Lighting Plan TI-101 Intercom Plan Hyphen Must Follow Level-2 Discipline Designator (NEW) © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  27: SAMPLE DRAWING DESIGNATORS These slides illustrate examples of sheets with Level 1 designators in the order in which they would appear in the drawing set. The discipline designator, 1 or 2 alphabetical characters The sheet type designator, 1 numerical character The sheet sequence number, 2 numerical characters. NEW in Version 3.1: Hyphen Must Follow Level 2 Discipline Designator NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET NAME EXAMPLES

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  29: MODULE 2 The Sheet Organization Module sets up guidelines for consistent and systematic presentation of drawings, organized on sheets. It provides a consistent sheet format, A location system for drawings on a sheet, and Guidelines for management, notation, and title block information. SHEET ORGANIZATION NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET ORGANIZATION: MODULE 2

A x 279 (8.5 x 11) Project book; supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. B x 432 (11 x 17) Supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. C x 559 (17 x 22) Small projects in preferred plan scale. D x 864 (22 x 34) Projects in preferred plan scale; government projects. E x 1118 (34 x 44) Large projects in preferred plan scale; mapping & GIS. NOT SHOWN: A0-A4, A-F © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  30: COMMON SHEET SIZES I’m sure you all recognize some of these, and their common usages. MARK SIZE mm (in) TYPICAL USES A x 279 (8.5 x 11) Project book; supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. B x 432 (11 x 17) Supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. C x 559 (17 x 22) Small projects in preferred plan scale. D x 864 (22 x 34) Projects in preferred plan scale; government projects. E x 1118 (34 x 44) Large projects in preferred plan scale; mapping & GIS. A x 1188 (33.1 x 46.8)Same. A1 594 x 841 (23.4 x 33.1) Projects in preferred plan scale. Government projects. A2 420 x 594 (16.5 x 23.4) Small projects in preferredplan scale. A3 297 x 420 (11.7 x 16.5) Reduced drawings; supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. A4 210 x 297 (8.3 x 11.7) Project book; supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. A x 305 (9 x 12) Project book; supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. B x 457 (12x 18) Supplemental drawings; mock-up sheets. D x 914 (24 x 36) Projects in preferred plan scale; government projects. E x 1219 (36 x 48) Large projects in preferred plan scale; mapping and GIS. F x 1067 (30 x 42) Alternate size for projects in preferred plan scale. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** COMMON SHEET SIZES

19 SHEET LAYOUT Production Data Area Drawing Area Title Block Area
© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  31: SHEET LAYOUT Let’s talk about Sheet Layout for a moment This slide illustrates the 3 main areas of the drawing sheet:  The Production Data Area,  The Drawing Area and  The Title Block Area. The Drawing and Title Block Areas are required; the Production Data Area is optional. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET LAYOUT AREAS

20 DATA AREA PRODUCTION Production Information: Production block
File path Sheet file name Default settings Pen assignments Printer/ plotter commands Overlay drafting control data Reference file (s) Layers plotted Production hours Scanning scale block © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  32: PRODUCTION DATA AREA The Production Data Area contains information about the Sheet production, such as: Production block File path Sheet file name Default settings Pen assignments Printer/ plotter commands Overlay drafting control data Reference file (s) Layers plotted Production hours Scanning scale block It is optional NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PRODUCTION DATA AREA

21 DRAWING AREA DRAWING AREA Contains: Keynotes Key plans Schedules
Other graphic Information DRAWING AREA © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  33: DRAWING AREA The Drawing Area is that portion of the sheet containing drawings, keynotes, key plans, schedules, and other graphic and text data necessary to illustrate the work. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING AREA

22 DRAWING AREA 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 Divided into Modules
Columns are Numbers Rows are Letters 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D A B C D © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  34: DRAWING AREA The Drawing Area is subdivided into user defined modules arranged into rows and columns which are identified by letters and numbers 1 2 3 4 5 NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING AREA GRID

23 DRAWING AREA 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D A B C D MODULE ** 1 2 3 4 5
Modules Identified by Letter & Number A Drawing May Comprise Several Modules Use Module Coordinates for ID 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D A B C D © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a MODULE **  35: DRAWING AREA The grid coordinate system is used as an address system for locating drawings on the sheet. A1 is always in the lower left hand corner of the sheet. Each module is identified by a letter and a number. A drawing may comprise one or more drawing modules. 1 2 3 4 5 NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING AREA GRID MODULE

24 DRAWING AREA Drawing Number as Determined by Coordinate
GRID XXXX Drawing Number as Determined by Coordinate XXX XX XX XXXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXXX © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a XXX  36: DRAWING AREA Finding detail information has always been a challenge for the user -designer, supplier, contractor and owner- because of the lack of uniformity. For the builder and sub-contractors, the NCS system will make locating information faster. Module identification is established by the coordinates for the lower left hand corner of the module XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX C4 X:X NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING NUMBER

25 AREA TITLE BLOCK Contains: Designer Project Issue Block
Client/ Management Sheet Title Sheet ID Information © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  37: TITLE BLOCK AREA Another significant area of sheet information is located in the Title Block Area. It is always on the right side of the sheet and contains 6 blocks for project information consisting of: Designer identification block, Project identification block, Issue date block, Management block, Sheet title block, and Sheet identification block. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TITLE BLOCK AREA

26 AREA TITLE BLOCK Horizontal Text Format: Vertical Text Format
© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a Vertical Text Format  38: TITLE BLOCK AREA There are two standard formats for the title block- Horizontal and Vertical. The Horizontal Text Format is more commonly used, and is the preferred format. This format allows titles to be read easily on hard copy drawings whether the drawings are in use, or stored in rolls, or stored in flat files. In either the Horizontal or Vertical text formats, the sheet identification block is always oriented horizontally. DESIGNER IDENTIFICATION BLOCK PROJECT IDENTIFICATION BLOCK ISSUE BLOCK MANAGEMENT BLOCK SHEET TITLE BLOCK SHEET IDENTIFICATION BLOCK NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TITLE BLOCK TEXT ALIGNMENT

27 DESIGNER ID BLOCK Contains: Name Address Telephone & Fax
© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a address Consultants  39: DESIGNER ID BLOCK Contains this information. Professional Seals NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DESIGNER BLOCK COMPONENTS

28 PROJECT ID BLOCK Contains: Project name Project address
Building / facility name Construction phase sequence Project logo © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  40: PROJECT ID BLOCK Sits under the Designer Identification Block, and contains this information. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PROJECT ID BLOCK COMPONENTS

29 ISSUE BLOCK Contains: Phase Issue Dates Addendum issue dates
Clarification dates Revision issue dates © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  41: ISSUE BLOCK Contains all of the Dates of issue. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** ISSUE BLOCK COMPONENTS

30 BLOCK MANAGEMENT Contains: Drawing Preparer’s Project Number
CAD Drawing File Number Drawn by Checked by Copyright Always Horizontal, Regardless of Text Format. © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  42: MANAGEMENT BLOCK Contains drawn by, copyright, etc information. This block is ALWAYS horizontal. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** MANAGEMENT BLOCK COMPONENTS

Always Horizontal, Regardless of Text Format © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  43: SHEET TITLE & SHEET IDENTIFICATION BLOCKS Always Horizontal, regardless of title block orientation. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SHEET TITLE AND SHEET ID BLOCKS

ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE ROOM NAME ROOM # FLOOR BASE WALL CEILING NOTES ENTRY VCT RUBBER PAINT SAP © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a OFFICE CPT RUBBER PAINT SAP  44: MODULE 3: SCHEDULES (This slide has no script) SCHEDULES NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SCHEDULES: MODULE 3

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  49: MODULE 4: DRAFTING CONVENTIONS (This slide has no script) DRAFTING CONVENTIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAFTING CONVENTIONS: MODULE 04

Includes: Drawing Orientation and North Arrow Grid System Drawing Block Format Drafting Layout Scale Lines Dimensions © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  50: DRAFTING CONVENTIONS The objective of the module is to provide a standard format for graphic and textual information for creators, readers and users of drawings. DRAFTING CONVENTIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAFTING CONVENTIONS OVERVIEW

Subjects Covered: Material Indications Cross-Ref Symbols Drawing Types General Plans Elevations Sections Large Scale Views Details Schedules & Diagrams 3-D Representations Mock-Up Drawing Set © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  51: DRAFTING CONVENTIONS It covers subjects like: Drawing Orientation and North Arrow Grid System Drawing Block Format Drafting Layout Scale Lines Dimensions DRAFTING CONVENTIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAFTING CONVENTIONS OVERVIEW

Sides of Building Parallel with Sheet Edges Detail Orientation Same as Floor Plan © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  52: ORIENTATION & NORTH ARROW Here are some examples of recommended drafting conventions in Module 4: Sides of building should be parallel with sheet edges Detail orientation should be the same as the floor plan Plan north and actual north. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** ORIENTATION AND NORTH ARROW

37 LINE WIDTHS 1.00 Fine 0.18 1.40 Thin 0.25 2.00 Medium 0.35 Wide 0.50
Line Width in mm Fine 0.18 1.00 Thin 0.25 1.40 2.00 Medium 0.35 © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a Wide 0.50  53: LINE WIDTHS The module includes the recommended use of lines. If you have always questioned what a line on a drawing meant this module chapter will define lines for the user and reader of the drawings. These line descriptions and widths have been coordinated with the U. S. Coast Guard’s Plotting Guidelines. Fine Line: (0.18mm) Material indications, surface marks, hatch lines Thin Line: (0.25mm) 3 mm (1/8”) text, dimension lines, leaders, extension lines, dotted lines, dashed lines, break lines, hidden lines, setback lines, center line, grid lines Medium Line: (0.35mm) 4 mm (5/32”) to 10 mm (3/8”) text, object lines ,property lines, text, terminator marks, door and window elevations, schedule grid accent lines Wide Line: (0.50mm) 6 mm (7/32”) to 10 mm (3/8”) text, edges of interior and exterior elevations, profiling, cut lines, property line, section cutting plane line Extra-Wide Line: (0.70mm) 13 mm (1/2”) to 25 mm (1”) match lines, border, large titles, footprints, title block borders, sheet borders, schedule outlines 1.00mm: Major title underlining and separating portions of designs 1.40mm: Border sheet outlines and cover sheet line work 2.00mm: Border sheet outlines and cover sheet line work Extra Wide 0.70 NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** LINE WIDTHS

38 EXAMPLE 151 152A STORAGE STORAGE 152B 151 152 Each Door Has Unique ID
Door Number Same as Room No. Multiple Doors Labeled with A-Z (New NCS 4.0 Symbol) 151 152A STORAGE STORAGE 152B © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a 151 152  54: EXAMPLE In this example, doors have the same number as their room. Multiple doors are labeled A-Z. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DOOR SYMBOLS

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DOOR SYMBOLS

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DOOR SYMBOLS

41 EXAMPLE Example NCS Plan A-GRID-IDEN A-ANNO-TAG Detail Designator
A-GRID-DIMS A-ANNO-IDEN Door TAG WindowTAG © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a SECTION WALL SECTION Example NCS Plan

Vertical Grid at Top, Numbered Left-Right Horizontal Grid on Right, Alphabetized Bottom-Top © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  55: REFERENCE GRID A common graphic on drawings, this slide illustrates the formation of column grid lines and location of grid marks on a drawing for each project to be consistently laid out . For each user - think of the general contractor - to always understand where the building grid will start. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** REFERENCE GRID INDICATORS

43 MARKS TERMINATOR Consistent Orientation
© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  56: TERMINATOR MARKS Always make sure your terminator marks are oriented consistently. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TERMINATOR MARKS

44 DRAWING BLOCK FORMAT Reference Grid & Dimension Area
Graphic Notation Area Margin Title Area Drawing Module Lines XXXXX XX © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a XXXXX XXX  57: DRAWING BLOCK FORMAT (This slide has no script) SECTION ** X:X NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING BLOCK FORMAT

45 DRAWING BLOCK FORMAT Reference Grid & Dimension Area
Graphic Notation Area Margin Title Area Drawing Module Lines XXXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a XXXXX XXX  58: DRAWING BLOCK FORMAT (This slide has no script) SECTION ** X:X NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING BLOCK COMPONENTS

46 TITLE AREA Drawing Module Lines Drawing ID Drawing Number
Drawing Title Drawing Scale North Arrow Graphic Scale (Optional) © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  59: TITLE AREA (This slide has no script) SECTION ** X:X X X X X X NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** DRAWING BLOCK TITLE AREA

47 BENEFITS Simplifies & organizes
Standardizes placement of drawing components Standardizes placement of information for all drawings Consistent format for all drawings Works with all projects regardless of size GRID XXXX XXX XX XX XXXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXX © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a XXXXX XXX  60: BENEFITS (This slide has no script) SECTION ** X:X NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** BENEFITS OF NCS

Locate Frequently- Used Drawing Block Lowest, by Title Move Upward, to Left © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  61: BLOCK LOCATION Organize your drawings from bottom to top, right to left, starting around Module A1.  Like so  Like So FIRST DRAWING SECOND DRAWING FOURTH DRAWING THIRD DRAWING NOTE BLOCK NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** BLOCK LOCATION AND ORGANIZATION

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  62: MODULE 05: TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Objective: To provide a standard resource for construction terms and their abbreviations. It establishes standard spelling of terms and abbreviations. TERMS & ABBREVIATIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS: MODULE 05

Includes: Preferred Terms Standard Drawing Abbreviations When to Use Abbreviations Formats for Abbreviations © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  63: MODULE 5 Subjects covered include: Preferred terms Standardizing abbreviations on drawings Determining when to use abbreviations Establishing formats for abbreviations TERMS & ABBREVIATIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS OVERVIEW

Provides: Consistent Communication Consistent Terms Notes on Common Usage and Non-Preferred Terminology © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  64: MODULE 5 These are some of the benefits of referencing the Terms and Abbreviations Section. TERMS & ABBREVIATIONS NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS OVERVIEW

52 TERM QUIZ PREFERRED Gypsum Wall Board Gypsum Wallboard Gypsum Board
Sheet Rock Drywall Gypsum Panel © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  65: PREFERRED TERM QUIZ What is the “preferred term” for this product?  Gypsum Board NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED TERM QUIZ: NAME THIS PRODUCT

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  66: PREFERRED TERM QUIZ What is the “preferred term” for this product?  Sealant. How many got it right/ wrong? How many got it right, and the NCS got it wrong? Talk to me afterward- I’ll have you fill out an application for a Task Team. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED TERM QUIZ: NAME THIS PRODUCT

CONCRETE BLOCK CINDER BLOCK CONCRETE MASONRY © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  67: PREFERRED TERM QUIZ What is the “preferred term” for this product?  Concrete Masonry Unit. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED TERM QUIZ: NAME THIS PRODUCT

GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  68: PREFERRED TERM QUIZ What is the “preferred term” for this product?  Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED TERM QUIZ: NAME THIS PRODUCT

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  69: PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ What is the preferred abbreviation for “Hardware?”  HWD NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ: “HARDWARE”

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  70: PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ What is the preferred abbreviation for “Elevation?”  EL NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ: “ELEVATION”

ABBREVIATION QUIZ CP CONC PVMT CPMT PCCP CONPVMT CCCP © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  71: PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ What is the preferred abbreviation for “Concrete Pavement?” (Hint: It’s not the last one)  PCCP Concrete Pavement NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** PREFERRED ABBREVIATION QUIZ: “CONCRETE PAVEMENT”

59 If thr cn be any dbt / cnfsn abt abbrv mnng, DN’T USE.
GENERAL RULES Word Yes No Elevation EL El Gypsum Board GYP BD Gyp Bd Equals EQ Eq Invert Elevation INV EL INV. EL. Catch Basin CB C.B. Typical TYP TYP. If thr cn be any dbt / cnfsn abt abbrv mnng, DN’T USE. No Lower Case No Periods Don’t Abbreviate Words Less than 5 letters long Avoid Abbreviations Where Possible © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  72: ABBREVIATION GENERAL RULES In Accordance With CSI’s Project Resource Manual, it is Not the Objective of the Module to Encourage the Use of Abbreviations. Terms With Five Letters or Less Should Not Be Abbreviated, Except in Schedules. Commonly Used Terms (Such As “Equal” and “Tread” Have Been Included. If thr cn be any dbt / cnfsn abt abbrv mnng, DN’T USE. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** GENERAL ABBREVIATION RULES

60 MODULE 6 SYMBOLS 3 2 Includes: Symbol Classifications
Over 6,000 Graphic Symbol Representations How Symbols are Organized D2 A-512 3 © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a 2  73: MODULE 6: SYMBOLS Objective: Establish and organize symbol formats used in construction drawings Subjects covered include: Symbol classifications Over 1000 graphic representations for symbols How symbols are organized NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SYMBOLS: MODULE 06

61 ‘ ‘‘ +/- X # x & @ S SYMBOL TYPES Foot (feet) Inch (inches) Brick and
at Plus or Minus Multiply by, by Number, Pound Degree(s) Bench Mark Indicator SD Storm Drain EL 100 Existing Elevation Indicator 1-3 Hour Fire Resistive Construction Graphic Scales 3 Sheet Keynote 101 VESTIBULE Room Identifier D2 A-512 Detail Indicator 2 Reference Grid Indicator Earth Brick Finish Wood End Grain Construction Lumber S 3 Three-Way Switch CB Round Catch Basin Disconnect Switch ERV-1 Exhaust Roof Vent Fan Left Single Hinged Door Square Table w/ Armless Chairs General Sink Shower Stall Reference Symbols Line Symbols Identity Symbols © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a Template Symbols  74: SYMBOL TYPES There are 6 types of symbols in the National CAD Standard™ . The first is Reference Symbols.  Reference Symbols refer the reader to information in another area of the set of drawings. With the exception of the scale symbol itself, these symbols are scale-independent.  Line Symbols indicate continuous objects and are either single or double lines. These symbols are also scale-independent.  Identity Symbols indicate individual objects and are generally used in mechanical and electrical drawings. They often symbolize the object or work result without necessarily physically resembling the thing. Consequently, these symbols are scale-independent.  Template Symbols resemble the actual objects being symbolized. These symbols are scale-dependent.  Material Symbols graphically indicate certain materials and are used to help the reader differentiate one material from another. These symbols can be either scale-dependent or scale-independent.  Text Symbols graphically indicate a word or words and may be used in notations on drawings. Text symbols are those symbols that are commonly found on a computer keyboard or typewriter. For letter symbols, dimensionless numbers, mathematical symbols, and subscript symbols see 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. Material Symbols Text Symbols NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** TYPES OF SYMBOLS

62 SYMBOL ORGANIZATION NEW in 3.1: Symbols Now Organized by MF2004
Symbols Sub-Organized by Type © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  75: SYMBOL ORGANIZATION (45 min) Symbols are now organized by MasterFormat™ number and type in NCS 3.1. NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** SYMBOL ORGANIZATION

63 X X X GENERAL RULES Instead of:
“ROSEY RED BRICK BY ACME BRICK COMPANY” Use: “FACE BRICK” Use Brief, Generic Language X X Use Capitalized, Sans serif, Proportional, Non-stylized Fonts G GYPSUM BOARD G GYPSUM BOARD © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a X  90: HELPFUL HINTS Be Brief. Use standard, SanSerif Fonts, such as Arial. Times New Roman is a Serif Font. “Serifs” are the little nubby things on the ends of letters. Fonts like Book Antiqua, Courier New and Times New Roman have Serifs. When printed, Serif fonts often have a distinctive feel. However, they are not suited well for computer screens. “SanSerif” means “Without Serifs.” Fonts such as Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana are examples of non-stylized, Proportional, San Serif fonts. “Stylized” or “Non-Proportional” fonts include, Comic Sans MS, Monotype Corsiva, or any artsy or novel fonts. 14.97 14.97 NCS: CSI’S UNIFORM DRAWING SYSTEM (UDS) ** NOTES GENERAL RULES

64 PLOTTING GUIDELINES Allow Consistent B&W Printing from Color Files
Consistent Color Mapping Allow CAD Vendors to Develop Color Mapping © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  99: PLOTTING GUIDELINES In the future, the plotting guidelines will: Improve process by which plots are produced in accordance with the originator’s intentions Expand to include colors, line types, text, and standard sheet sizes regardless of CAD application used NCS: TRI-SERVICES PLOTTING GUIDELINES ** PLOTTING GUIDELINES GENERAL PRINCIPLES

© All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a  100: EXAMPLE (done) Here is what you’ll see in the Guidelines NCS: TRI-SERVICES PLOTTING GUIDELINES ** PLOTTING GUIDELINES EXAMPLE

66 © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a

67 © All rights reserved, including World rights & Electronic rights. U.S. copyright held by The Construction Specifications Institute. v07Mar05a

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