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Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division

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1 Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division
Energy Management Systems & Energy System Optimization Methodologies for Industrial Energy Efficiency James New Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division Department of Energy Nigeria Energy Forum 2018 17-18 April 2018 Lagos, Nigeria

2 Increase competitiveness
UNIDO EnMS Capacity Building & Implementation Programme Objectives Transfer international best-practices for EnMS/ISO implementation in industry to groups of national EE experts Promote and support EnMS and EE implementation in manufacturing enterprises to achieve energy and cost savings Catalyze and contribute to the transformation of national market for industrial energy efficiency services and products Reduce GHG emissions Increase competitiveness 2

3 Elements, Participants and Modalities
EnMS Capacity Building & Implementation (CBI) Programme Elements, Participants and Modalities EnMS Awareness Seminar (½ day) UNIDO International EnMS Trainers EnMS USER Training (2 day) National EE-EnMS Consultants EnMS EXPERT Training (9 day) Partner Enterprise Partner Enterprise Partner Enterprise

4 UNIDO EnMS Expert Training Programme
time 1-2 months 2 days 1.5-2 months 3 days 4-6 months 3 days 4-6 months 3 days 2-3 months EXAM ½ day Preparation USER Training PE team work to implement EnMS PLANNING Training PE team work to implement EnMS IMPLEM. Training PE team work to implement EnMS CHECKING Training PE team work to implement EnMS Results: Draft Energy Policy Draft Roles & Responsibility matrix Initial data collection Results: Energy Policy Roles & Responsibility matrix Significant Energy Uses Baseline Energy Performance Indicators Opportunities list & action plans Energy & cost savings Performance improvements Results: Staff trained on selected SEUs Operations & controls improved Procurement plan EE measures implemented Energy & cost savings Performance improvements Results: Energy performance checked, verified and reported Energy performance reviewed by top management Decisions for next period based on internal audit Energy & cost savings Performance improvements Results: Trainee qualified as Energy Management System Expert EnMS implemented in PE Energy & cost savings Performance improvements Legend PE team A Partner Enterprise (PE) team is formed by the PE’s staff participating in the EXPERT program plus 1-2 national consultants trainees. Ongoing and periodic communication through webinars, s and phone calls between international trainers and PE teams to review progress, discuss issues and provide guidance. Plant visits by national EE consultants trainees 4

5 Systems Optimization Programme
USER Trainings EXPERT Trainings 9 months (including User training) Classroom training On-site practice of systems measurements and assessments (in collaboration with partner enterprises) Provision of tools & measuring equipment Preparation of ystems energy assessment reports Final exam Certificate of qualification 2 days Classroom training Targeted to enterprises energy managers, engineers and relevant technicians Provision of tools for initial self- assessment Certificate of attendance 5

6 Systems Optimization EXPERT Programme
USER training UNIDO ESO Capacity Building Programme 6

7 THANK YOU! For more Information or join our new Nigerian EnMS/ESO/RECP Project, please contact: Mr. James NEW Industrial Development Officer Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division Department of Energy, UNIDO Mr. Olubanwo Oluyomi BANJO National Project Officer UNIDO Nigeria Regional Office UNIDO

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