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The Rise of Dictators.

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1 The Rise of Dictators

2 RUSSIA Russia was officially renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) in 1922. Joseph Stalin established a totalitarian state after the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. During the “Great Purge,” Stalin eliminated some 8-13 million people, including many of his generals and other high officers.

3 JAPAN Led by Emperor Hirohito and Admiral Hideki Tojo, Japanese nationalists believed Westerners should leave Asia altogether. 2. Japan believed it should dominate the “Pacific Rim” area, but it lacked natural resources like oil. Therefore, it began to look at other territories in its region.

4 ITALY Benito Mussolini “Il Duce” began the fascist party in 1922 promising to return Italy to its former Roman glory. 2. Mussolini’s followers were primarily young men known as the “Black Shirts.” 3. Once in power, Mussolini used censorship, propaganda, secret police, and the persecution of his opponents to maintain power.

5 SPAIN From 1936-1939 a civil war broke out in Spain.
Francisco Franco led the rebellion against the King of Spain. a. Franco was backed by Italy & Germany. b. The King of Spain was backed by the U.S.S.R. Franco won and established a fascist government that ruled from a. Spain remained neutral during the war.

6 GERMANY In 1919, Adolf Hitler “Der Fuhrer” joined the National Socialist Worker’s Party (NAZI). In 1923, while in jail, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) detailing his views and blaming traitors, cowards, Catholics, and Jews for the loss of WWI. Backed by his private army of “brown shirts” or “storm troopers,” Hitler was named President in 1933. 4. In 1938, to celebrate Hitler’s election victory, Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) was set off. – Jews were killed, stores looted, and synagogues burned.

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