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Atmosphere Ambient & Indoor Air Pollution Ambient & Indoor Air

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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere Ambient & Indoor Air Pollution Ambient & Indoor Air"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere Ambient & Indoor Air Pollution Ambient & Indoor Air Pollution II Global Climate Change Geologic Processes 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Layers of the atmosphere, closest from the earth first.
$100 Layers of the atmosphere, closest from the earth first.


4 This is the composition of our atmosphere
$200 This is the composition of our atmosphere

5 78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas, 1% other gases

6 $300 This describes how temperature and ozone concentration changes as elevation increases in the Earth’s atmosphere.


8 a) This is a boundary where warm moist air replaces colder, drier air
$400 A Front is the boundary between air masses that differ in temperature, moisture, and density. a) This is a boundary where warm moist air replaces colder, drier air b) This is a boundary where colder, drier air displaces warmer, moister air

9 a) Warm Front b) Cold Front

10 a layer of cool air occurs beneath a layer of warmer air
$500 a layer of cool air occurs beneath a layer of warmer air

11 Thermal inversion

12 $100 The apparent deflection of north-south air currents to a partly east-west direction, caused by the faster spin of regions near the equator than of regions near the poles as a result of Earth’s rotation.

13 Coriolis Effect Coriolis Effect

14 3 natural sources of ambient (outdoor) air pollution
$200 3 natural sources of ambient (outdoor) air pollution

15 dust storms, volcanoes, fires

16 3 of the 6 criterion air pollutants
$300 3 of the 6 criterion air pollutants

17 Any three of the following six: 1. carbon monoxide 2
Any three of the following six: 1. carbon monoxide 2. sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3. nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) 4. Tropospheric Ozone (O3) 5. Particulate Matter 6. Lead Know these!

18 These are all six of the criterion air pollutants .
$400 These are all six of the criterion air pollutants .

19 Any three of the following six: 1. carbon monoxide 2
Any three of the following six: 1. carbon monoxide 2. sulfur dioxide (SO2) 3. nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) 4. Tropospheric Ozone (O3) 5. Particulate Matter 6. Lead

20 $500 “Good” ozone (protects us from UV rays)
“Bad” ozone (main ingredient of smog, causes respiratory problems)

21 a) Stratospheric ozone b) Tropospheric ozone

22 $100 These are two possible sources of VOCs (major source of indoor air pollution).

23 VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) sources:
Building Materials Home and Personal Care Products Carpets and adhesives Composite wood products Air fresheners Air cleaners that produce ozone Paints Sealing caulks Cleaning and disinfecting chemicals Solvents (paint remover) Cosmetics Upholstery fabrics Fuel oil, gasoline Varnishes Moth balls Vinyl Floors

24 These are the two types of smog.
$200 These are the two types of smog.

25 Gray (industrial) smog Brown (photochemical smog)

26 Chemicals responsible for ozone depletion.
$300 Chemicals responsible for ozone depletion.

27 Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs)

28 $400 Two primary pollutants responsible for acidic deposition (acid rain)

29 Sulfur dioxides (SO2) and Nitric oxides (NO, NO2)

30 There are at least three impacts of acid deposition (acid rain)
$500 There are at least three impacts of acid deposition (acid rain)

31 Any three of the following: -Nutrients are leached from topsoil -Soil chemistry is changed -Metal ions (aluminum, zinc, etc.) are converted into soluble forms that pollute water -Widespread tree mortality -Affects surface water and kills fish -Damages agricultural crops -Erodes stone buildings, corrodes cars, erases writing on tombstones

32 (Hint: their acronym is IPCC)
$100 This intergovernmental agency published their Fourth Assessment Report and made it clear that: Climate is changing, we are the cause, and this change is already exerting impacts that will become increasingly severe. (Hint: their acronym is IPCC)

33 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

34 At least three impacts of global climate change (warming)
$200 At least three impacts of global climate change (warming)


36 This is the difference between climate and weather.
$300 This is the difference between climate and weather.

37 Climate = an area’s long-term atmospheric conditions Temperature, moisture content, wind, precipitation, etc. Weather = conditions at localized sites over hours or days

38 Atmospheric gases that absorb infrared radiation
$400 Atmospheric gases that absorb infrared radiation At least three examples of answer “a”

39 a. Greenhouse gases b. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, hydrochloroflourocarbons (HCFCs), water vapor, nitrous oxides, ozone (risen to do photochemical smog), CFCs

40 $500 a systematic shift in atmospheric pressure, sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation in the tropical Pacific

41 El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO)

42 Three types of rock in the rock cycle
$100 Three types of rock in the rock cycle

43 Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic

44 Two different types of igneous rock.
$200 Two different types of igneous rock.

45 Intrusive rock = magma that cools slowly well below Earth’s surface (i
Intrusive rock = magma that cools slowly well below Earth’s surface (i.e., granite) Extrusive rock = magma ejected from a volcano (i.e., basalt)

46 One example of each of the three types of rock.
$300 One example of each of the three types of rock.

47 Sedimentary- limestone, sandstone, shale, coal Metamorphic- marble, slate, quartz Igneous- granite, obisidian, pumice, basalt

48 $400 a) Process that underlies earthquakes and volcanoes and that determines the geography of the Earth’s surface b) At least twice in Earth’s history, all landmasses were joined in this one supercontinent

49 a) Plate tectonics b) Pangaea

50 $500 These are the three types of plate boundaries and how they are different.

51 Convergent, Divergent, Transform Fault

52 Final Jeopardy This is a major indoor air pollutant that causes 20,000 deaths a year in the U.S…. a radioactive gas resulting from natural decay of rock; soil; or water, which can seep into buildings Can seep into basements

53 Radon

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